The Meaning Behind The Song: Then She Kissed Me by KISS - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Then She Kissed Me by KISS


The Meaning Behind The Song: Then She Kissed Me by KISS

Title Artist Writer/Composer Album Release Date Genre Producer
Then She Kissed Me KISS Phil Spector, Ellie Greenwich & Jeff Barry Love Gun (1977) June 30, 1977 Rock Paul Stanley, Peter Criss, Gene Simmons, Ace Frehley & Eddie Kramer

“Then She Kissed Me” is a tongue-in-cheek cover by the rock band KISS of the classic Phil Spector record “Then He Kissed Me” originally performed by The Crystals. Released on their album “Love Gun” in 1977, this cover adds a new dimension to the original song with KISS’s signature sound.

The lyrics of “Then She Kissed Me” tell a story of budding romance and the progression of a relationship. The song begins with the protagonist meeting a girl who asks him to dance. Intrigued by her, he takes a chance and agrees. As they dance, he feels a connection and ends up walking her home. The stars shining bright create a magical ambiance, and then she kisses him. The second verse highlights the protagonist’s growing love for this girl, expressing a desire to let her know that she means more than a friend. On confessing his love, she reciprocates, and they share another passionate kiss.

The bridge of the song emphasizes the impact of the girl’s kiss, describing it as unlike any other. The lyrics speak of a kiss that is so enchanting, the protagonist hopes to experience it forevermore. It’s a moment that captures the raw intensity and excitement of young love.

In the third verse, the relationship deepens further. The protagonist realizes that this girl is the one for him and showers her with all his love. They reach a significant milestone when she takes him home to meet her parents. Overwhelmed with happiness, he proposes marriage, and she happily accepts. The song ends with the line “And then she kissed me,” emphasizing the power of that initial kiss and how it has led to a lasting and cherished partnership.

Listening to “Then She Kissed Me” by KISS brings back memories of my teenage years. The song’s infectious energy and catchy melodies made it a favorite amongst my group of friends. I can vividly recall dancing to this song at school dances and feeling that surge of excitement when a girl I liked asked me to dance. The lyrics resonated with the hopes and dreams of young love, and I found myself relating to the protagonist’s journey.

The beauty of KISS’s cover lies in its ability to capture the essence of the original and infuse it with their own style. The band brings their unique rock sound to the song, adding a level of intensity and power that resonates with their fans. The guitar solo in the middle of the song showcases the band’s instrumental prowess, solidifying their reputation as one of the greatest rock bands of all time.

“Then She Kissed Me” is not just a cover but a tribute to the original while adding KISS’s own flair. It pays homage to an iconic song from the past, introducing it to a new generation of fans who can appreciate both versions. Through their interpretation, KISS breathes new life into “Then She Kissed Me,” showcasing their ability to reinvent classics and make them their own.

In conclusion, “Then She Kissed Me” is a classic song that tells a timeless story of love and the power of a single kiss. KISS’s cover amplifies the emotions, adding their own rock-infused energy to the original. Listening to this song takes me back to a time filled with excitement, hope, and the thrill of teenage romance. Its catchy melodies and relatable lyrics make it a beloved addition to KISS’s discography and a standout in their live performances.

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