The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton - Book Analysis

The Outsiders

'The Outsiders' is an excellent, coming-of-age novel that features the story of teenage rebellion. It was written when the author was only 17 years old, and it is one of the first iconic, outspoken, original books from Penguin.

About the Book

Protagonist: Ponyboy Curtis
Publication Date: 1967
Genre: Coming of Age, Teen and Young Adult

The Outsiders Quotes 💬

Discover the 14 most memorable quotes inside S. E. Hinton’s incredible novel, ‘The Outsiders.’ These range about being the same and yearning to belong.

The Outsiders Review ⭐

‘The Outsiders’ is a great book that resonates with any teenager and youth around the world because it touches on their feelings and emotions.

The Outsiders Summary 📖

‘The Outsiders’ is an excellent book by S. E. Hinton, though The Outsiders’ many social and moral lessons are pretty old. Yet, its freshness remains and continues to motivate many writers.

The Outsiders Themes and Analysis 📖

Throughout ‘The Outsiders,’ Hinton engages with very important themes, showcases some interesting symbols, and uses great examples of figurative language.

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