ain't that the truth

(redirected from Ain't that the truth!)

ain't that the truth

expression Used to emphasize that one believes what someone else just said to be true. ("Ain't" is a colloquial contraction of "is not.") A: "As I get older, I start to value more and more the simplicity of reading a good book at home instead of going out to parties." B: "Ain't that the truth!" A: "If you never travel, you'll always have a narrow worldview." B: "Ain't that the truth. It wasn't until I started visiting other countries that I began to understand the values and perspectives of other cultures." A: "Having grandkids really keeps you young." B: "Ain't that the truth."
See also: that, truth
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.
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