Woman pleads no contest over Leonardo DiCaprio attack - BBC News

Woman pleads no contest over Leonardo DiCaprio attack

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American actor Leonardo Dicaprio at the 60th International film festival in Cannes, southern France, on 19 May 2007
Image caption,

DiCaprio required stitches to his face and neck after the attack

A woman accused of attacking Leonardo DiCaprio with a broken bottle at a Hollywood party in 2005 has pleaded no contest at a court in Los Angeles.

Aretha Wilson, who fled to Canada and was extradited, was charged with one count of assault with a deadly weapon.

She had faced up to seven years in prison had she been found guilty.

She originally pleaded not guilty in August and the full trial was due to start on Friday. The 40-year-old has not yet been sentenced.

Full details are not yet clear, but the Associated Press news agency reported that Wilson was expected to receive a two-year jail term on 22 November as part of a plea deal.

Wilson was accused of sneaking into a party hosted by Paris Hilton's former boyfriend, Rick Salomon, and attacking Mr DiCaprio with a bottle.

Mr DiCaprio required a dozen stitches to his face and neck after the party.

'Not trivial'

Police said Wilson had mistaken Mr DiCaprio for a former boyfriend.

Earlier, the judge, who saw photographs of the star's injuries, said that he did not consider them "trivial or moderate".

The photographs, showing cuts to the actor's ear and neck, have not been made public.

Wilson fled to Canada after the incident and had to be extradited to the US last month to face charges.

She has remained in jail since pleading not guilty, after failing to secure bail of $150,000 (£96,600).

She had previously been ordered not to contact or come within 500 yards of Mr DiCaprio.