What To Pack In Your Car Essentials Kit - The Dana Edition

I always like to be prepared and having a car essentials kit that always stays in my car’s glove compartment comes in handy when I forget certain things in my daily purse or when I need something specifically related to my car. I will start off by saying that my car essentials kit is not as aesthetic as those really satisfying ASMR Instagram reels I keep seeing (which I really love!) but they are more practical essentials that will come in handy, won’t really melt in the summer or freeze during the winter, rarely expires, and are there just for emergencies – so they are also items I rarely touch but are super useful to have in your car at all times. Maybe I will update the contents in the future, but this is what I have currently and what I have found useful over the years so I’m sharing all the details of what my emergency car essentials kit looks like so you can get inspired and get a good idea of what you can pack in yours!

How To Store Your Car Essentials

Car Essentials Kit

Makeup Or Travel Toiletry Bag
For my car essentials kit, I have used a clear makeup/travel toiletry bag so that I can see exactly what’s in it and know right away when I pull it out whether I have something I need or need to restock on something. It’s also a flexible bag that can be stored with other items in my glove compartment and takes up slightly less space than a more structured clear cosmetics case. Of course, you can use whatever makeup bag or case you like! If you prefer a more structured case, this is a popular one!

What To Put In Your Car Essentials Kit


Apple Air Tag Or Similar Tracking Tag
Apple Air Tags have become such a useful and convenient little tracking device to have, so why not keep one in your car? With the increase of car thefts where I am and just as a precautionary measure, it’s nice to be able to keep an eye on your car’s location when you want. I use this tracking tag and it works just like an Apple Air Tag and uses the Find My app, but is just a lot more budget-friendly and comes with a keychain case and something I’ll always keep in my car essentials kit.

It’s always a good idea to have matches in the car for emergencies and if you need a fire-starting method. Matches as opposed to lighters because flammable liquids inside your car, especially in the summer, when exposed to high heat can expand and possibly leak or worse. 


Wet Wipes
I currently use a pack of wet wipes with alcohol that I purchased when I was in Japan, but there are so many different brands you can use! There are Wet Wipes, Lysol wipes, Clorox wipes, and other sanitizing wipes or you can simply just use whatever brand you prefer that can be more organic or even have special ingredients like aloe in it which is better for the skin. These are great if you’re eating and your hands are sticky or if there’s a spill in your car and you need to clean it up before it becomes a stain. It’s much easier to use wet wipes than keeping a cleaning spray and paper towels in your car.

Universal Dust Cleaner Putty
It’s easy to get dust and other little pieces of debris all over your car and sometimes it isn’t so easy to get to a particular spot or to clean it up. Sometimes a vacuum cleaner can help, but a dust cleaner putty helps you get even closer to the spots you need to get to easily such as cup holders, the vents, or on the car door side pocket right under the handle. You just roll it into a ball and press the putty into the surfaces that need cleaning and it easily pulls out the dust and dirt. It can be used repeatedly until the color turns dark or it becomes sticky no longer, in which case you’ll need to replace it with a new one.

Tide To Go Pen
I don’t know about you, but I occasionally get stains on my clothes when I go out and it’s always handy to have a Tide pen to help treat the stain and remove it completely or before it becomes permanent. I also keep one in my makeup bag just in case, and it’s been a lifesaver for me and my friends. This pen-like design is convenient and easy to use, plus there’s no mess. Another option is the OxiClean Stain Remover Pen.


Hand Cream
Another item I like to keep in my car at all times over the years has been hand cream. Not only have I had a lot of friends ask me to use my hand cream, but it’s a great item to have in your car essentials kit year-round for the drier winter months or when you use a little too much sanitizer and need some extra moisture support on your hands. I like using La Roche Posay’s Lipikar Xerand as it not only protects the skin from daily stressors, but it’s non-greasy and absorbs immediately.

Lip Balm Or Lipstick
I can’t go without my lip balm as you’ll always find one in my Everyday Makeup Bag, but sometimes when I change purses or use a smaller one, I forget my lip balm or lipstick at times. It has been such an essential item to keep in my car to prevent chapped lips and to also bring some color to the face. I always find that lipstick and mascara make such a difference in making you look more awake.

Eyeliner Pencil
I rarely reach for this, but I keep an eyeliner pencil in my car essentials kit just in case I need to do a touch-up when I don’t bring my makeup bag with me. I prefer not to keep a brand new liquid eyeliner in the car at all times as an emergency item, knowing that I barely use it so I just put an eyeliner pencil in my car – at least I know it won’t melt in the heat either and it’s just for those just-in-case moments anyway!

Hair Ties Or Scrunchies
Hair ties or hair scrunchies are other small but essential items I always have in my car as one can never have enough hair ties to help me stay prepared for when I forget mine or if my current one happens to break. Having your hair in the way, especially if it’s super long like mine can be very inconvenient at times and having a hair tie or scrunchie really helps with that. In emergency situations, they can also double as makeshift fasteners or ties and given their compact size, it’s an easy and practical addition to any car kit. 

Perfume Samples
Perfume samples are another handy inclusion in your car essentials kit as they offer a quick fix for freshening up on the go. Not only does a spritz or two of perfume leave you feeling refreshed, it can instantly lift your spirits. Whenever I get my Sephora purchases, sometimes the best item to choose from as my two samples are small perfumes and I’ve collected a lot of them over time. This allows me to not have to keep a large-sized perfume in the car which can end up going bad from the heat, but also be able to try different scents at the same time and not have to worry too much about having such a small quantity in the car.

Nail File
I tend to chip or break my nails a lot – I’ve even broken them by picking up a roll of paper towels – yes they’re that fragile. So I’ve included a nail file in my kit as a practical decision that can make a big difference for me and save me from some discomfort and inconvenience. Also, nail files are versatile tools that can come in handy in various situations. A mini nail file takes up very little space in your kit but provides peace of mind knowing you’re prepared for unexpected nail emergencies.

Dental Floss Picks
For dental hygiene emergencies, dental floss picks come in handy as they keep your teeth clean after a good meal and aren’t as messy as using floss. Usually restaurants provide toothpicks, but in the case they don’t and you’re having trouble getting food debris out of your teeth and want to make sure you’re presentable when you smile, this is a life saver!


Face Masks
Although the pandemic may be “over”, it’s been a good idea to keep a couple of face masks in your car in today’s environment. Not only does it protect against airborne particles to safeguard your health and those around you, but some places (like the doctor’s office) still require us to use them. Most of the time, the establishments won’t provide you with one and will ask you to purchase one “next door” before allowing you in – at least that’s the case in Canada still. However, face masks can also be invaluable during emergencies and allow you to put in effort where needed to mitigate the spread of illnesses.

Feminine Products
Including a couple of feminine products in your car essentials kit helps in emergency or unexpected situations and provides assurance, especially for long journeys, when you’re away from home, or unable to purchase some from a restroom. This can be both helpful for yourself or someone else in need.

Bonus – Other Things I keep In My Car At All Times

Dana - Car Essentials

Of course, there are so many other items you can keep in your car for daily use or that you reach for more often than the ones in your car essentials kit. Usually these items, I keep in the front of my car, the backseat floor, or even my trunk.

Front Of Car (Glove Compartment/Cup Holder/Center Console/Interior Door Handle/Map Pocket)

  • Reusable shopping bags for groceries or other items.
  • Microfiber cloth to wipe windows or other dirt on the car.
  • Tissue box for any messes.
  • Cellphone holder for navigating purposes when using my phone’s GPS.
  • Sanitizer – I’ve been using the Bath & Body Works PocketBac Hand Sanitizers for years but Touchland is a popular one I haven’t yet tried.
  • Charging cables and charging block for my phone.
  • Mints
  • Pen 
  • Dashcam for safety and security purposes and in case of accidents.
  • Seat Belt Cutter/Window Glass Breaker – Hopefully you’ll never need to use this, but in the event of an accident or emergency, you’re going to be so thankful that you have a seat belt cutter if your seat belt is jammed and if you need to break your window’s glass to escape from your car. Maybe I also watched too many movies about people getting stuck in cars, but this tool can really save a life.

Backseat Floor

  • Umbrella
  • Snow scraper/brush (during the winter months)


  • Mini trolley for when I have too many things to carry in my hands.
  • Mini First Aid Kit with all the basic necessities in an emergency.
  • Hiking shoes as I go hiking a lot during my road trips so I might as well keep them in my car as I have trail runners I can take with me when I go on trips abroad.

Emergency Backpack

Like my car essentials kit, I rarely reach for this, but I’ve always kept an emergency backpack with a few items in it just in case and it has come in handy a couple of times, and more recently when I was at the Muskoka Beer Spa with my husband when he forgot his toothbrush and I had two backups in my car!

  • Bivvy bag which can be used as a sleeping bag on its own in warmer weather
  • Bathing suit
  • Extra change of clothes
  • Fleece blanket
  • Gloves
  • Mini skincare and toiletry items
  • Mini towel
  • Socks
  • Toque

If you have found this useful, visit Travel Tips for more!

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