Is Michigan Safe for Travel RIGHT NOW? (2024 Safety Rating)

Is Michigan Safe? Crime Rates & Safety Report

Updated On February 27, 2022
Michigan, United States
Safety Index:
* Based on Research & Crime Data

Michigan is a very popular state when it comes to both domestic and international tourism.

This is because it has a lot of history and it’s situated in the middle of the Great Lakes.

The western half of the state is also covered in dense forests, making the state ideal for outdoor explorers and those who enjoy camping.

Michigan is also the home of the auto industry in America, thanks to Detroit.

If you want to check out a cool city with an artsy scene, a visit to Ann Arbor, the home of the Michigan Wolverines.

Last but not least, the state is a great destination for pro sports fans.

Michigan is the home of a pro team in each of the four major sports; the Detroit Red Wings (hockey), Detroit Lions (football), Detroit Tigers (baseball), and the Detroit Pistons (basketball).

Warnings & Dangers in Michigan

Overall Risk


Except for a few areas, Michigan is extremely safe for both residents and travelers. There is some risk of being robbed or mugged but is low in the areas most tourists frequent. The only other danger is if you aren't experienced in the outdoors.

Transport & Taxis Risk


Attacks in taxis or public transportation are very low in Michigan. Of course, there is always some risk, but overall, you should feel safe when traveling around the state. Never use a transport company that seems sketchy. Trust your instincts.

Pickpockets Risk


Unless you are being careless with your wallet or purse, there is a relatively low danger of being pickpocketed. Pickpocketing mostly happens in more dense areas.

Natural Disasters Risk


Michigan is one of the safest states in the United States when it comes to natural disasters. There can be a rare tornado in the southern part of the state. Occasionally, areas of the state will flood when the snow melts too.

Mugging Risk


There is a small chance you could be mugged in one of the bigger cities, like Detroit, but this is a rare occurrence for tourists in the state. If you are mugged, it typically comes without violence and you will merely be robbed.

Terrorism Risk


There have been zero reports of terrorist attacks in Michigan. While there is zero chance of an international terrorist incident, there is a very small chance a domestic terror incident could occur, but it is nothing to worry about.

Scams Risk


Most scams associated with travel occur online before you get to your destination. Be careful who you give your credit card and personal information to online. You are unlikely to get scammed once you are in Michigan, except for some rare cases near the airport.

Women Travelers Risk


Woman travelers in Michigan don't have any higher risk of getting attacked in Michigan than anywhere else. They are at more risk of being attacked than men, though. If you are a woman, be sure to be alert and try not to travel alone.

Tap Water Risk


Tap water around the state of Michigan is extremely safe to drink, except for a few urban areas. You can feel good traveling without treated water because you can drink right from the water source.

Safest Places to Visit in Michigan

If you are going to travel to Michigan, focus on the western side of the state, especially in the North.

This is the area of the state that is best for travelers because it has natural beauty and a variety of outdoor activities.

This includes water sports and some of the best camping in the country.

One good thing about traveling to this area is that it’s also the safest area of the state with the lowest crime rates.

It is safe to travel in Western Michigan throughout the year and there are things to do whether it is cold or hot outside.

Of course, there is always some chance you could be a victim of a crime no matter where you are, but the chances are much smaller when you avoid high-population areas and stick to enjoying nature.

If you keep your travels to the western half of the state, you are sure to have a good and safe time.

Places to Avoid in Michigan

You can explore most of the state of Michigan without worry as long as you avoid some of the higher-density crime areas.

These are mostly found in the bigger cities in the eastern half of the state, like Flint, Detroit, and Lansing.

Flint has also had some issues with its drinking water in recent years, but those have mostly been resolved.

The good news is that most of the areas with a high crime rate in Michigan are not areas that are very popular with visitors.

A small amount of research before you visit Michigan should give you a great idea of what areas to avoid when booking a hotel or planning a day trip.

Don’t completely avoid Detroit.

While the city has had some issues with crime, it is overall an important city that has an important role in the history of the United States.

You should especially visit if you are interested in American automobile manufacturing.

Safety Tips for Traveling to Michigan

The following are some tips you can use to stay as safe as possible while traveling in Michigan.

Some are geared towards Michigan and some are more general, which any international traveler can use to have the best trip possible.

  1. Pack for all weather. If you are traveling in Michigan outside of the summer, be sure to pack for all weather. The temperature in Michigan can drop drastically at night in the spring and fall. Michigan also has some of the coldest winters in the United States. Be sure to pack for cold weather.
  2. Visit the state’s website. If there is anything localized you need to be aware of when visiting Michigan, it will be posted on the state’s website as a travel advisory. Check these out before you visit. Visit for more information.
  3. Have a plan. You should have an emergency plan for you and your family if anything unforeseen goes wrong. This includes each person in your party having emergency contact information on them that they can use. Preparation is a great way to be safe.
  4. Don’t be careless. Don’t be careless with your belongings while traveling. Michigan is safe when it comes to theft, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be cautious with your money, phone, and keys while you are on vacation.
  5. Talk to locals. If you stop at a bar or restaurant, be sure to talk to some of the locals. This way, you can ask them for advice on what to do in the area. You can learn a lot on Google, but nothing beats the personal touch of a local recommendation. They can also tell you what areas to avoid to stay safe.
  6. Give someone your itinerary. Give your itinerary to at least one person back home before you leave. This way, they can give the authorities a good idea of where you are supposed to be if something goes wrong with you on the trip. It’s a good idea to give one to a friend and one to a family member.
  7. Don’t take risks. Don’t climb out onto rocks or get into water that you aren’t sure of. It might be tempting if you are looking for an adrenaline rush, but the last thing you want is to have to go to the emergency room or doctor while you are on a trip.
  8. Don’t look unsure. Project confidence and awareness when you are traveling. If you look unsure or confused, it could make you a target for potential criminals. If you do have to ask strangers for help, don’t give them too much personal information or it could make you a target.
  9. Don’t carry too much cash. In the extremely rare event that you do get robbed, you don’t want to have all of your money on you. Only carry the cash you need with you when you are experiencing Michigan. You won’t regret it if your wallet gets lost or stolen.
  10. Tell your bank. Tell your bank where you are going before you go. This will prevent you from getting a security alert that could lead to your debit card being flagged for improper use. This could end with you being stranded with no way to get to your money.

So... How Safe Is Michigan Really?

Overall, Michigan is extremely safe in the areas where tourists frequent.

If you want to avoid danger, stay out of highly populated areas with high crime rates in Detroit, Flint, Lansing, and Grand Rapids.

Some casinos near the Canadian border bring some crime with them.

Unless you are dedicated to gambling on your trip, there is no reason to go to them.

This will also help keep you safe.

Overall, your main risk when traveling in the state of Michigan is getting hurt while experiencing the outdoors.

Make sure you are comfortable camping in isolated areas or on a boat before you go or you won’t get as much out of your visit as you can.

Overall, I believe Michigan is a safe place to travel.

The risk there is no more than anywhere else when it comes to crime.

It is on the lower end in the United States.

How Does Michigan Compare?

StateSafety Index

Useful Information



There is no travel visa required in the state of Michigan. The only situation where you will need a visa is if you plan on staying there for an extended period of time or if you plan on working in the state. If you are traveling internationally, you will need a passport to enter the United States and perhaps a tourist visa, depending on where you're from.



Residents of Michigan use the United States Dollar for payment. You can easily exchange your local currency for USD at a variety of locations around the state. The best place to exchange money is at the airport because that is where you will find the best rates.



Michigan has a climate that experiences all four seasons. The summers are mild compared to the southern United States and the winters are very cold. Because of this, there are outdoor activities designed for each time of year. Make sure you know the climate when you decide what time of year you want to visit.



Detroit boasts one of the best airports in the United States. It was built recently, so it is big enough to handle the daily use it gets from domestic and international travel. It also has great modern amenities. There are smaller regional airports in the state too, the most used being in Grand Rapids.

Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance

For the most peace of mind when traveling, be sure to get travel insurance. This will protect your investment if your trip gets canceled due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances. The only way to truly protect all of your bookings is by purchasing travel insurance.

Click here to get an offer for travel insurance

Michigan Weather Averages (Temperatures)

Jan -5° C
Feb -5° C
Mar 2° C
Apr 8° C
May 15° C
Jun 20° C
Jul 22° C
Aug 21° C
Sep 17° C
Oct 10° C
Nov 4° C
Dec -3° C
Choose Temperature Unit

Average High/Low Temperature

Temperature / MonthJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec

Michigan - Safety by City

CitySafety Index
Ann Arbor63
Battle Creek45
Farmington Hills72
Flat Rock81
Glen Arbor76
Grand Rapids73
Mackinac Island83
Mackinaw City78
Port Huron73
Sault Ste. Marie82
Sterling Heights78
Traverse City77

Where to Next?

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