There is no debate that TNA/Impact wrestling's X-Division has been the crown jewel of the promotion since its inception. The X-Division allowed for the promotion to separate itself from the mainstream WWE. With the division full of stars including the likes of AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, and Chris Sabin, TNA pushed the boundaries of conventional wrestling.

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The culmination of their hard work came in the form of the Ultimate X match type which is now considered the signature match of the X-Division. Ultimate X debuted in 2003 to the excitement of fans as high flying moves and hard impacts became the norm for the match. Since then fans have been treated to some of the best matches the promotion has ever put together.

10 Final Resolution 2005

At the 2005 Final Resolution pay-per-view, Petey Williams entered the match as the longest-reigning X-Division Champion. Petey was slated to defend his title against AJ Styles and Chris Sabin in an Ultimate X match. From the start, the trio brought the crowd to their feet through the use of high flying maneuvers.

Notably, the missile dropkick that inverted AJ Styles stood out. The match has a climactic finish that saw AJ Styles springboard across the ring to win the title. This is fantastic, encompassing what the X-Division and Ultimate X are all about.

9 Bound For Glory 2007

A photo of LAX (Hernandez and Homicide) posing.

The Latin American Exchange (LAX) faced off against Triple X at the Bound For Glory pay-per-view in 2007. The two teams kicked off the event with an Ultimate X match to determine the number one contenders for the tag team titles. The match was fast-paced from the opening bell with heavy crowd involvement.

Hernandez flexed his muscle early and often, easily overpowering the smaller opponents. Elix Skipper hit an insane crossbody off the top of the Ultimate X structure taking out Hernandez. LAX would end up victorious and the match set the tone for the rest of the night.

8 No Surrender 2006

The second to last bout at the No Surrender pay-per-view was an Ultimate X match for the tag team titles. The champions, Homicide and Hernandez (LAX) squared off against the team of AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels in an absolute thriller of a match. Homicide brought in a steel chair to add an extra element to this already brutal match.

RELATED: 10 Former TNA X Division Stars Who Are Succeeding Elsewhere

Hernandez would try to overpower Styles and Daniels, but the pair's speed was the perfect counter. With massive drops, the crowd was loud from the start and the drama hit a climax when Christopher Daniels dove to the center of the ring and captured the titles. Styles and Daniels celebrated their victory in the crowd leading to an iconic moment for the promotion.

7 Destination X 2005

AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, Ron Killings, and Elix Skipper faced off in an Ultimate X match for the X-Division Championship. The match featured great moves by all combatants and had the fans on their feet. Although Styles did his best to defend his title, Christopher Daniels would steal the show and the belt.

In one of the promotion's more memorable moments, Daniels climbed to the center of the structure where he performed a seated moonsault, taking out Styles and Skipper. The move sent fans into pandemonium and will forever be remembered as one of the highlights of the promotion.

6 Bound For Glory 2005

This match may be most remembered for its dramatic finish, however, the entire contest provided memorable moments. Petey Williams, Chris Sabin, and Matt Bentley faced off in an Ultimate X match, and the winner would be the number one contender for the X-Division Championship.

Chris Sabin would hit a powerbomb from the top rope on Bentely and later took the two other men out with a moonsault. The dramatic finish accorded after the "X" fell off the wires twice before finally landing perfectly into the lap of Petey Williams to secure him the victory.

5 Bound For Glory 2009

At Bound For Glory 2009, the X-Division title was on the line in a six man Ultimate X match. The Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin and Alex Shelly) earned their way into this by winning a pre-show tag match, but the two would compete as singles stars here.

RELATED: 10 X Division Champions TNA Regrets Giving The Title To

With six combatants, fans were not sure what to expect, however to the surprise of many, the six men were able to flow well together performing high impact maneuvers. The match is most remembered for the neckbreaker that was performed by Suicide on Christopher Daniels while they were fighting for the belt. Amazing Red would go onto retain his title in an absolute barnburner.

4 Victory Road 2007

The number one contender for the X-Division Championship was determined at the 2007 Victory Road pay-per-view via an Ultimate X match. However, this Ultimate X would be a ten-man gauntlet style match with a new wrestler entering the fray every minute.

Christopher Daniels and Jay Lethal began, with the two setting the tone for the rest of the match. Most fans remember the diving cutter performed by Kaz on a hopeless Christopher Daniels. After a grueling match, Daniels would go on to win.

3 Victory Road 2008

Frankie Kazarian

In a mostly overlooked match, the winner secured victory for the respected teams that they were representing at Victory Road 2008. The four-way Ultimate X match featured Kaz, Volador Jr., Daivari, and Naruki Doi. The four did not disappoint.

RELATED: TNA's 10 Greatest X Division Title Matches, Ranked

The highlight of the match would come when Kaz performed a leg drop on Daivari who was attempting to secure the "X." This move sent fans into absolute pandemonium. Volador Jr. would secure the victory for his team, however, fans will always remember the leg drop that Kaz did.

2 Impact 2015

On an April 2015 episode of Impact, the Hardy Boyz faced off against three other tag teams in an Ultimate X match for the vacant titles. The match included Beat Down Clan members Low Ki and Kenny King, Austin Aries and Bobby Roode, and the team of Ethan Carter and Bram.

In typical Hardy fashion, ladders were involved and Matt hit a Twist of Fate off of one on Kenny King. Jeff would go on to tightrope to the titles where he battled with Low Ki and eventually knocked Low Ki off the ropes before winning.

1 Weekly PPV #58

The first-ever Ultimate X match took place at the 58th weekly PPV, pitting the X-Division Champion Chris Sabin against Frankie Kazarian and Michael Shane. Sabin would set the tone for the entire match by landing a brutal enzuigiri on Frankie Kazarian. The three men did not shy away from brutalizing each other as Shane was busted open by a chair shot and Kazarian was later put through that same chair.

The drama heightened as the belt fell down twice due to the shock the ring was absorbing. It reached a boiling point after Kazarian and Sabin were battling on the cables, while Michael Shane darted across to secure the belt. This match was not perfect by any means, however, it did lay down a foundation for great matches to come.

NEXT: 10 Ways TNA Failed At Booking The X-Division