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886 Reviews
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The one adored as the mother is not the real parent. The people living here together are not actual siblings. The Gracefield House is where orphaned children live. An irreplaceable home where 38 siblings and Mom live happy lives, even with no blood relations. However, their everyday life suddenly came to an abrupt end one day...

Aniplex of America
Japanese, English
English, Deutsch, Español (América Latina), Français, Português (Brasil), Русский, العربية, हिंदी
2020 Anime Awards Winner
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(5 reviews)09 January 2019
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The 1 star reviews are for region restrictions

This review is written having seen ep 1, this is going to be such a good title. Dark, cute, and real. Give it a shot, the actual episode itself has a five star rating at 900 votes. I understand being upset and wanting CR to see your circumstances but those negative reviews are placed over people's work. This is someone's creation and those reviews are negatively impacting it without having seen the show at all. It just seems destructive to the show when it doesn't need to be.

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(1 review)09 January 2019
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(2 reviews)16 January 2019
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i've adopted 36 kids

it's been one episode but if anything happens to any more of these children i'm gonna lose it super intense build up and pay off, some of the most effective horror i've seen in anime in a super long time. totally pumped to see where things go from here. unless any more kids die. then i might flip.

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(1 review)23 April 2022
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What a waste

The first season is phenomenal. Easily worth 5 stars. The second just flushes all that work down the drain. The last episodes were so bad, many of the creators didn't even put their names in the credits they were so ashamed. The last episode is a literal SLIDE SHOW of most of the manga. Watch the first season, then forget the second exists and read the manga. My disappointment is immeasurable.

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(3 reviews)09 January 2019
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Holy Crap, Now That's What I Call Dark!

How do I even begin with this. It has a wholesome vibe at first, although you catch on quickly that the setting isn't what it seems to be, even before all the dark plot points begin happening, and this is all in one episode. It definitely made me widen my eyes when it started getting serious. If you have more of a weak stomach then don't watch this, although if you can handle dark and slight edge, this does it well, very well. I don't feel like I'm watching an edgelord anime just cause it's dark. I recommend this to anyone and let's hope it can continue to deliver a dark enjoyable story.