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경희대학교 경희대학교

About Kyung Hee

University Identity

Kyung Hee’s vision of “Academe and Peace” is fully embodied in the University Identity (UI) system. The university emblem epitomizes the University’s founding philosophy and future vision, and the school emblem symbolizes a creative academic world that contributes to the betterment of human society. The word mark represents free communication, unhindered sharing, and infinite challenges, while the character mark, which depicts smiling lion and magnolia, signifies strength and generosity.

  • University Seal

    While retaining the founding principles of the original seal, the new design concept represents Kyung Hee's future ideal of contributing to the creation of a better global community by establishing new common values. The image of the official seal was taken from the embossed carvings placed in the Central Library of the Global Campus and the lobby of the Graduate Institute of Peace Studies and its imprint will be used on official internationally recognized documents and international events.



  • Emblem

    The symbol is the Chinese character for "university" and has a world map in the background. This symbolizes Kyung Hee's vision for globalization as well as an open mind and humanism for the world.

  • Character Mark

    The character mark visualizes the Kyung Hee Spirit with the dignified mane of the Laughing Lion, the torch which sheds light on the truth, and the dove, an international symbol of peace. Sports teams and various University promotional products use the character mark to proliferate Kyung Hee's brand value throughout the world.



    Magnolia is the official flower of Kyung Hee University and the Magnolia logo embodies the qualities that Kyung Hee stands for such as resilience, beauty, generosity, and unity. Along with the other character mark of the University, the Laughing Lion, the Magnolia represents the cultural aspect of Kyung Hee.

