
Jamie Bartlett's cause of death revealed

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Jamie Bartlett.
Jamie Bartlett.
Photo: Gallo Images
  • Jamie Bartlett's partner, Rosa Onious, has shared the actor's cause of death.
  • According to the autopsy result Bartlett died of cardiac arrest.
  • A private ceremony will be held in Cape Town and a memorial service in Soweto with dates still to be announced.

After news of his sudden death sent shockwaves across the entertainment industry on Tuesday, Jamie Bartlett's partner Rosa Onious has revealed his cause of death.

"We got the autopsy results, and they said it was cardiac arrest," she said. Bartlett died in his sleep on Monday evening.

The emotional Onious said he had taken an afternoon nap, as he usually did when he was not working.

She said she tried to wake him up at around 17:00 so he could leave to meet up with his boys, but he did not wake up.

"I said Jamie, Jamie, [but] Jamie didn't look up," she said. Onious said she tried once again to nudge him to wake him up.

"Jamie's not waking up, he's not waking up, and I called my mom, who was outside, and she tried everything," she said holding back tears.

The mother and daughter then contacted an ambulance service that reportedly arrived within 15 minutes.

"They tried everything to resuscitate him, CPR, everything, but it was too late," she said.

According to a November 2020 article by YOU, the couple met on a night out in Melville 11 years ago, but the sparks only began to fly when they reconnected in November 2019. 

Rosa Onious and Jamie Bartlett at the Silverton Si
Rosa Onious and Jamie Bartlett at the Silverton Siege Premiere on 14 April 2022 in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Since news of his death broke, industry colleagues have flooded social media platforms with tributes and recollections of their relationships with the actor. 

READ MORE | 'I could write a book about this guy' - Mduduzi Mabaso says about Jamie Bartlett

A private ceremony will be held in Cape Town and a memorial service in Soweto with dates still to be announced.

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