Dilip Prabhavalkar - Movies, Biography, News, Age & Photos | BookMyShow
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Dilip Prabhavalkar
Actor • Writer • Dialogue Writer • Voice Cast
Born: August 4, 1944 in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
One of the most prominent actors of Indian cinema, Dilip Prabhavalkar, has been active in the film industry for more than three decades. A prominent Marathi actor, director, playwright and author, Prabhavalkar has delivered several noteworthy performances in his career. He won the Maharashtra State award for his portrayal of a disabled boy in the movie Chaukat Raja (1991). He made his debut in Bollywood with the movie, Encounter: The killing (2002) in which he played the role of an old gangster. Prabhavalkar`s rendition of Mahatma Gandhi in the film Lage Raho Munna Bhai (2006) won him the National award for the best supporting role. His other prominent movies include Sarkar Raj (2008), Morya (2011) and Vitti Dandu (2014) and Murder Mestri (2015).

Prabhavalkar made his acting debut with the film Ek Daav Bhutacha in 1981. His first major performance was in Lobh Nasava Hi Vinanti. He played Chimanrao in the television serial Chimanrao Gundyabhau. He also recreated the Chimanrao character in his play Hasva Phasvi. Later, he moved to the professional stage and has acted in plays from slapstick to light comedy, family drama, and melodrama, to serious plays working on contemporary issues. One of his most popular roles on television came with the TV show Shriyut Gangadhar Tipre, in which he played the titular character of Gangadhar Tipre. In 2006, Prabhavalkar won the National Award for Best Supporting Actor for his performance in the movie Shevri. In 2017, he appeared in the movies Faster Fene and Family Katta. In 2018 projects include Bucket List, Pimpal and Me Shivaji Park. His 2019 release includes Appa Ani Bappa.
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