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January News

Alford Resident wins national award of Neighbour of the Year 2021.

Mum of four from Alford is UK's Neighbour of the Year

A 48-year-old mother-of-four from Lincolnshire has been crowned as the UK’s official Neighbour of the Year.

Lynnette Pryke of Alford is the UK's official Neighbour of the Year.

Lynnette Pryke's story of of heroism began just as the country was plunged into lockdown last March.

Feeling compelled to act quickly, she set up a support network called Alford Hub to bring together her remote rural Lincolnshire community.

Since then, Alford Hub has dealt with a staggering 49,000 appeals for help from local people in all manner of ways, including arranging prescription deliveries and supporting people living with dementia. The Covid isolation team collects and delivers shopping for local residents. The hub also provides much needed mental health and wellbeing support.

In November 2020 Lynnette sadly contracted Covid herself but was so committed to carrying on the invaluable work of the hub that she continued running it from her hospital bed. She is now being treated for long Covid and needs oxygen every day.

Lynnette, who has just become a grandmother for the first time, has been volunteering for the last 31 years. Five years ago, Lynnette had a stroke which has affected one side of her body. Despite her own health challenges, she continues to successfully grow the hub, bringing new services and support to the community.

Lynnette would like to thank Alford Town Council for their continued support of Alford Hub and of course all the people of Alford who have volunteered.


There's a lot going on at Alford Arts Gallery in January.

Not only is our big New Year Event now in full swing, where our Artists have reduced much of their stock to silly prices to make room for new work, but we also have a new exhibition of complex Steampunk Paper Clay pieces from Michel Ducos that defy the viewer's concept of ceramic sculpture. 

So if you are keen to be amazed at these and to look at paintings, prints, pottery and sculptures which you can now buy at a remarkably low price, many at 50% off the marked price, now is the time to pay us a visit.

We have a big airy space with plenty of room to walk round, and a friendly welcome from our volunteer staff. All current safety measures are in place. Exhibition and sale continues for the whole of January and we hope to see you soon.

More information please email

Dancing for health and fitness with Venia.

Venia's classes achieved great success amongst her participants, both physically and psychologically since she started to run her fitness classes around the Charnwood area in 2010.


She moved to Lincolnshire in March 2020 where she set up her new dance classes and opened the doors to her health and wellbeing mini spa.


Her fundraising efforts in hosting several fitness and dance events got her invited to parliament previously.


Due to the growing number of individuals with obesity and health related problems, stemming from a sedentary lifestyle, the business started out as a community project to encourage individuals to get fit and follow an 'Active lifestyle'.


Formerly trained in performing arts, Venia wanted to share her love of dancing with others to realise their full potential, so fitness teaching seem to be the perfect answer. 

She was one of the first few to start Zumba classes in Leicestershire at the beginning of 2010 and still offer several classes a week.

Live venue classes are held every Thursday at The Alford Corn Exchange. Few more classes will be added in the new year.

Her classes are suitable for all abilities.


Strictly Come Dancing is such a great program as it's proof that anyone can learn to dance. Some better than others, however you rarely hear of anyone that's participated in Strictly that didn't absolutely love it and lost lots of weight throughout the process. It's such an inspirational program, so it seemed the perfect step for Venia to train with Strictly professional dancers Ian Waite and Natalie Lowe in their Fitsteps program. She has since gone on to become a Fitsteps Ambassador.

Fitsteps enables any individual to come and learn how to dance various ballroom dances without requiring a partner to do so.

It's a Fab-U-lous program to tone and sculpt the entire body. It's great fun too!

This program saw us dance down the aisles in Tesco and featured us doing “Our Strictly” outside the BBC studios.

Venia runs a Fitsteps class every Tuesday at John Spendluffe College.


Everyone is capable of finding an activity that they enjoy doing, dancing just seems the natural option since it offers that "feel good factor" too. 

Sometimes it can be challenging, especially after a tiring day and commitments, to push yourself to go for a workout. However, with a good helping of positive encouragement and a little perseverance, it is possible. "I love seeing the look of pleasure and excitement on my clients’ faces when they realise that reaching their goal is not only achievable but actually enjoyable!", says Venia. That’s what Dance with Venia's classes are all about.



With various dance and fitness qualifications to her name, she is also a qualified therapist and run her wellness clinic called; “Venia’s Health Hub” in Asserby near Alford. From Sports Massage Therapy, Fire Cupping, Acupuncture, Indian Head Massage, Hot Stone Therapy as well as Award winning Facials.


Her own brainchild is her E.S.P core workout. Simply described as a 30 minute power workout for the abdominals in order to "blast fat” around ones midsection with chiseling moves that will help you achieve a washboard stomach". It is great for strengthening the core and improving posture. Not only is this the class where real abs are created, but we also focus on the pelvic floor and include a mindful relaxing breathing exercise section too. Transform your body with your thoughts!


Contact information:


FACEBOOK: @DancewithVenia

Instagram: @VeniaValentino   (Venia’sHealthHub)


Tel: 0778 778 4439



Alford is taking a stance against scams.

Trading Standards - Tackling Scams

Trading Standards have launched a national campaign to sign up as many people to be Friends against Scams officials. 

The national roll out is coordinated and delivered through third party organisations, who undertake extensive training and make a commitment to train members of their own community with the Trading Standards course. 

In July, the Alford Hub Citizen Signposting volunteers undertook their training to become the registered Trading Standards Friend Against Scams Organisation. 

"I am so proud of the volunteers because it means that we are trained to train and signpost other members of the community to become a Friend Against Scams Marshalls. 

If we have representatives from all the organisations and clubs signing up with us for training, then it will mean that members of the public, will be able to access support to identify scams all over Alford, irrespective of which group or organisation they are connected with." Jackie Price the Alford Hub Wellbeing and Befriending Coordinator explained.

If you are interested in becoming a Friends against Scam Marshall or would like further information on  accessing the training, which is also open to members of the public through Alford Hub, please call 01507 464901 Mon - Fri 9am - 12 noon

If you have a news item that you would like to include in The Alford Chronicle, please email:

Wishing you a safe and Happy New Year.

From all of us at

Alford Town Council.

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