9-min walk from Exit F2, Tuen Mun MTR Station continue reading
本店出品之正宗家鄉盆菜以用料新鮮見稱素以斤兩十足。 承辦過不少萬人盆菜宴公司﹐團體﹐學校﹐議員等聯歡宴﹔到會服務經驗豐富﹐口碑載譽。 continue reading
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10:00 - 21:00
Mon - Sun
10:00 - 21:00
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Review (7)
Level4 2019-02-23
初一唔知食乜,就係盆菜, 唔識評價,難食就知,好食就未遇到,都係一砵嘢,撈埋一堆,隔夜餸咁啲嘢切到好大嚿,流水作業咁,似係要應付大量訂單,冇時間細心切蘿蔔太大嚿唔入味,本身都甜嘅初一冇燒鵝,只有素鵝,切到老年咁大嚿,又韌又唔入味蝦普通好似唔新鮮添豬肉亦唔覺鹵得入味蓮藕本身好食,但係又切得太大嚿,唔入味魚蛋唔腥都係一般正常冬菇夠大隻,但係唔入味囉雞都係正常總之人生嘅盆菜配额已滿,唔需要再食嘞 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of an user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2019-02-11
年初二屋企人買左盆菜返黎 雖然好足料 湯汁又多 開大火些少都會瀉出黎 要好小心 最後唔用個爐興住食 但新年流流一咬落隻大蝦係霉既 大吉利是咩 仲邊有心機繼續食咁多 吞左落肚肚痛仲大件事 仲要唔止一隻係咁 隻隻都係咁既時候點食呀 成批蝦都唔新鮮 想賣貴D都唔係咁做囉於是就食其他配料 例如豬腩肉 大大舊蘿蔔 豬皮 芋頭等等 其他食物質素都ok既 醬汁唔會太鹹 枝竹都幾夠味 如果海鮮既質素來貨唔好不如換做蠔豉仲好啦 炆得愈耐愈好味架麻 而燒味類就一般般啦 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of an user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-02-11
I guess it is normal these days to get served meat that has gone off and it makes me wonder what is wrong with HKers tastes buds.Anyway we ordered a bowl feast from here and according to the shop it must be reheated before eating.The chicken was heated separately as it has a lot of oil from the chicken skin.We heated the chicken by putting it on a separate dish into the microwave for a few minutes.When I took it out there was a s m e l l y feet o d o u r which I didn't question as I thought I was over sensitive but it turned out to bad as others could smell it too which meant it was definitely off.Had we had not reheated the chicken separately the whole bowl of food would have stunk like c r a p.We were not the only ones to order this so we asked if the other family if their bowl feast was ok and they said it had gone off too.In addition, all bowls that day were served with Vegetarian duck as they ran out of duck which was announced on their FB.Four Seasons were able to replace the food but about 2 hours later when most of  us had left and it caused some inconvenience to some people as they had to drive back and deal with it. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of an user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2019-02-09
🥢過年食開運盤菜宴🥢過年喺屋企打機開賭檔開party,食最方便唔洗煮又好味的盤菜🥢呢間最好就係一盤都送貨,夠曬方便🥢原隻鮑魚節日盤 $1088蠔皇吉品鮑 蠔皇海螺片 油爆海虎蝦 美味貴妃雞明爐燒肥鴨 發財大蠔豉 鮑汁扣鴨掌 一級花菇皇家鄉炆豬肉 特級靚魚蛋 醬油爆豬皮 黃金炆枝竹酥炸靚香芋 南乳燴蓮藕 鮮甜大蘿白🥢以上配料全部都幾好食,打破了盤菜一盤唔好食嘅定義,由其魚蛋真係好爽彈,竽頭好軟又香,豬皮夠曬入味又爽🥢唯一唔好食羅白有陣青味,煮極都唔淋🥢新年唔想煮呢個夠曬好味,4~6人份量夠曬我們7人食,因為份量都算幾多四季盆菜專門店 地址: 屯門青山公路169-181號錦興大廈地下7號鋪 ...請按右上角按三點,要按 就唔會錯過貼文啦#辣#香港美食#香港小店#今晚食咩好#今晚食乜好#食好西#食好西系列#非廣告#吃貨#吃貨日常#吃貨人生#吃貨日記#支持小店#旅行日記#食評#hongkongfood#food#foodie#hongkongfoodie#eat#eatgoodwesteatbadwest continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of an user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2018-12-22
今年偷懶,做冬唔想煮,又想食好啲。最後選擇了四季盆菜,從落單,到送貨,都非常有禮貌,又細心。食物款式多,又新鮮,又好味,分量又足。真係一個唔錯嘅選擇,一定再試。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of an user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)