How To Get Rid of Dampwood Termites | DIY Dampwood Termite Control Products

Dampwood Termite Control

Quick Information
Dampwood Termite Control

Dampwood Termite Control

Most Effective Products

Supreme IT Insecticide
Suspended Concentrate
As low as $54.99
Red Eye Termite Monitoring Station
As low as $14.99
Tim-Bor Professional Insecticide
Water-Soluble Powder
As low as $13.50
Keith's Pro Tips

"The most important thing to do when eliminating or preventing dampwood termites from feasting on your home is to get rid of the source of moisture. Whether you have damp wood from a plumbing leak or any other wet area in your home where water has been leaking and making the area moist, that needs to be addressed immediately and the replacements of wood and repairs must be made."

Dampwood Termite Control: How To Get Rid of Dampwood Termites

Dampwood termites are the biggest termite in size of all the different termite species, ranging from 1/3 inch to well over 1/2 inch in length. Because of their large size and ability to damage wood more rapidly than their cousins, the subterranean and drywood termites, they are considered a serious pest and the reason for significant economic damage to homes and businesses in Pacific coast states.

Much like the subterranean and drywood termites, the dampwood termite also lives in colonies where the inhabitants in the colony have three distinct classes or castes (aside from the queen). As their name suggests, the dampwood termite tends to avoid areas that are overly dry and thrives on already-decaying wood or living organisms that are moisture heavy. This is also the reason why the dampwood termite is also called the “rotten wood” termite.

On the rare occassion that you encounter this pest in your home, it's safe to assume the you have you have a moisture problem that should be addressed immediately to supplement in their removal. If your home is suffering from a dampwood termite infestation, our DIY treatment guide below may help. Our termite control experts have compiled step-by-step instructions which will show you exactly what you need to do to eliminate dampwood termites.

Follow the steps carefully and use the recommended products to the side and you are guaranteed to successfully drive dampwood termites out of your home.


Before you can proceed with a treatment program, you will need to be sure that the pest you are facing is indeed a dampwood termite. Misidentification can lead you to using the wrong treatment products and be a waste of your time and money. Below are some characteristics about dampwood termites to aid in identification:

  • It’s important to first properly identify the termites you see so you can distinguish the dampwood termite from much more destructive other subterranean termites like the formosan termite. Dampwood termites are typically larger than other termite species. Bodies of king and queen dampwood termites range in size from 1/2 an inch to 5/8 of an inch long and have two pairs of wings that are equal in size and shape, extending beyond their abdomen. Nymphs can be as long as 5/8 of an inch and worker dampwood termites are up to 3/4 of an inch in size.
  • There are several different varieties of dampwood termite which have been named based on where they have been discovered: Desert Dampwood Termites, Florida Dampwood Termites, Nevada Dampwood Termites, and Pacific Dampwood termites.

Use the description and image above to help you in correctly identifying dampwood termites on your property. If you are having trouble properly identifying the termite, you can always reach out to us and we will respond back to you with the proper identification and give you tips and product recommendations for control.


Where To Inspect

Dampwood Termites are not like subterranean termites where they need moist soil contact, but they do require wood to have a high degree of moisture, hence their name. They are the least likely of termites to infest a home often nesting in wood that is partially buried in the ground such as tree stumps or fallen branches. 

Dampwood Termites are associated with rotting wood, while the Drywood termite prefers wood that is fresh and not in decay. In and around the home, you may find dampwood termites nesting in the rotting planks of an old deck, around leaky showers and tubs, leaky roof eaves, and other construction elements with insufficient ventilation and excess moisture.

What To Look For

Part of eliminating the dampwood termite issue is addressing the moisture issues and drying them up. In some cases, dampwood will infest not decaying wood if there is sufficient moisture such as wood in contact with the ground or one impacted by a leaky pipe. Look out for: 

  • Piles of shed wings scattered about.
  • Ejected wood pellets that have accumulated.
  • Wood galleries that appear velvety and smooth.
  • Piles of fecal pellets outside wood galleries which are elongated, similar to the frass that drywood termites excrete but round on the ends and lacking a flattened surface.


Dampwood Termite treatment is very similar to the method of treating drywood termites when they are nesting in wood that are not in contact with the ground. When they are in contact with the ground than treatment is similar to the treatment methods we have laid for for subterranean termites.

However the most important thing to do when eliminating or preventing dampwood termites from feasting on your home is to get rid of the source of moisture. Whether you have damp wood from a plumbing leak or any other wet area in your home where water has been leaking and making the area moist, that needs to be addressed immediately and the replacements of wood and repairs must be made.

Before handling any chemicals, make sure you have on the proper personal protective equipment for safety. 

Step 1 - Wood Treatment With Tim-Bor Professional Insecticide

Spraying WoodScan your home for decaying wood or wood that have moisture issues and this will likely lead you to the dampwood termite infestation.

Once you find them, you want to replace the damaged wood and treat with a disodium octaborate tetrahydrate 98% product.

Tim-Bor Professional Insecticide is applied to bare wood and should be mixed in a handheld pump sprayer with water. Apply 5 gallons of liquid solution per 1,000 sq. ft. of wood surface area. Spray the bare wood until it is thoroughly wet. 


prevention termites

After you have successfully eliminated dampwood termites from your property, you will want to ensure these pests do not return. Here are some preventative measures we suggest following to keep dampwood termites away.

  • To prevent dampwood termites from coming back after they have been eliminated during the control process, we recommend using a product called Supreme IT and apply it using a handheld pump sprayer around those areas which were infested. Supreme IT is a repellent and will keep dampwood termites from coming back.
  • Along with this we also recommend using Termite bait stations around your property to be used as a monitor for termite activity such as the Red Eye Termite monitoring station. While this product is primarily for subterranean termites, it can also detect and lure dampwood termites. Using these tools while also eliminating moisture (repairing leaks and plumbing issues, replacing damaged or damp wood around your home) will do a great job in keeping dampwood termites away.

Key Takeaways

What Are Dampwood Termites

  • Dampwood termites are commonly found in areas where there are damp or decaying wood and is a large indicator of moisture problems within the structure. 

How to Get Rid of Dampwood Termites

  • Our top recommendations for dampwood termite control is replacing damp wood and addressing moisture issues within your property and using Tim-Bor Professional Insecticide to treat infested wood and clear out the infestation.

Preventing Dampwood Termite Reinfestations

  • A barrier treatment of Supreme IT can help you with long-time prevention of desert termites and protect your property from future invasions.
  • You can monitor future potential dampwood termite infestations with Red Eye Termite Monitoring Stations.
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  1. Size:
    Supreme IT Insecticide
    $54.99 - $179.99
  2. Size:
    Solutions Sprayer - 1 Gallon Poly
    $36.99 - $36.99
  3. Size:
    Red Eye Termite Monitoring Station
    $14.99 - $14.99
  4. Size:
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