New RPGFan Updates: Upcoming Releases & More | RPGFan
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New RPGFan Updates: Upcoming Releases & More

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Hello, RPGFan reader! I apologize for the generic greeting, but I don’t know all of your names. When we re-launched the site in 2020, we always planned to continue adding refinements and changes moving forward. Last year, we were able to introduce filtering and sorting on our Games and Reviews pages. Over the last few weeks, we’ve quietly been testing several new, smaller updates that we hope you find helpful. Let’s talk about them!

New Upcoming Games Page

While we are glad we could add more sorting and search options to the Games page, we still wanted a way to let people view upcoming games by date. Last year, we added a “New & Upcoming” box to the sidebar on the home page. Now, we have a brand-new Upcoming RPG Releases page that is linked to from here. This page displays every upcoming game for the current year and following year. Even games that are intended to release in 2022 but don’t have a confirmed date are here. The page shows platforms at a glance, but of course you can click/tap on any title to see all of our coverage.

We also added a prominent button near the top of the Games page to get here. And if you read the last paragraph and said “Wait, there’s an upcoming releases box on the home page?” – You’ll be glad to know we re-shuffled the sidebar so this box isn’t hidden way, way down the page.

RPGFan Team Side Quests

All of us at RPGFan are volunteers, so it stands to reason that many of us have some side hustles as well – but “hustles” don’t sound RPG enough, so we’re calling them Side Quests. We have a new link on our About page that links to the brand-new Team Side Quests page, where you’ll find links to other projects, social media, websites, galleries, and more for any RPGFan team member chooses to participate. So if you want to check out Sollosi’s personal blog, Stephanie’s many art-related websites and shops, Tyler’s Xeno podcast, and much more, it’s a whole page of links to support your favorite team members.

And hey, if you’re interested in being part of said team, visit our Work With Us page and drop us a line! We are especially seeking podcast audio editors right now, but also want to hear from you if you’re interested in contributing in another way.

Other Updates

To close out, we have a pair of smaller updates you may or may not have noticed. First, we added one of those trendy reading indicator bars – you’ll see a green bar filling up along the bottom of the page as you scroll, to give you a visual indicator of how much of a page you’ve read. If you haven’t noticed it yet, try it out with some of our recent articles, like Caitlin’s Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker Patch 6.1 review, or Kyle’s excellent piece on Radical Dreamers and gaming preservation.

Finally, likely to nobody’s surprise, we have closed the forums. By the time we relaunched the site, most of our community had moved to Discord anyway, but we kept the forums around to see if people would use them. And they sure didn’t! But that’s okay, we have an active Discord community, so we encourage anyone who wants to interact with the RPGFan team and your fellow RPG fans to join the conversation!

That’s all I have for today! We’re working to make some additional changes later this spring and summer as well, so I will return to introduce those when the time is right, too. I hope you find these updates helpful, and appreciate you reading RPGFan.

Be part of the conversation and join us on our Discord, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Mike Salbato

Mike Salbato

Mike has been with RPGFan nearly since its inception, and in that time has worn a surprising number of hats for someone who doesn't own a hatstand. Today he attempts to balance his Creative Director role with his Editor-in-Chief status. Despite the amount of coffee in his veins, he bleeds emerald green.

3 Responses to New RPGFan Updates: Upcoming Releases & More


I'm not on Discord (or any other "social media" for that matter) so I just wanted to thank you guys here for all the hard work you put into this site. Been lurking around since the late '90's, & thoroughly enjoy the site! 👍🏼 😸

Mike Salbato
Mike Salbato

@Jbumi - It means so much to us (and me personally) to hear things like this! I know we're kinda "old" in internet years, so anytime someone says they have been reading that long amazes me. Thank YOU for supporting us for so long. :)


@Mike Salbato - consistency wins the day - the site has always provided excellent writing, reviews that cover the important points of a game, fun features, & a warm, welcoming atmosphere - what more could one ask for?!

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