Continuing Education

Renew your Massachusetts license as easy as 1...2...3

Massachusetts CE Requirements: 
12 hours of CE's every two years and renewed with the state by your birthday.  You are able to take any 12 elective hours.

Package Options for MA & NH combined state renewal:
For those who have dual licenses in MA & NH you can select the 15 hour NH & MA Course Bundle to save time. These courses are created to satisfy both states in a each CE class. You will receive a certificate for each state so you may renew your license in both states.

Ma Choose a 12 hour package or create your own package by adding 6 CE courses to your cart.

Download your certificates immediately upon completion!

ALL of our courses meet the new Massachusetts guidelines for accredited CE couses. You have 180 days from the date of registration to complete your courses.

MA Bundle A
  1. Buyer Agency (RE02R06)
  2. Offers (RE35RC03)
  3. Conducting Open Houses & Developing a Safety Plan (RE36R05)
  4. Financing (RE25RC08)
  5. Fair Housing (RE19RC20)
  6. Code of Ethics Includes REALTOR option (RE33RC11)

Your on demand video courses will be available to you as soon as you check out! You will recieve a single certificate when you complete all of the courses.

Register Now
MA Bundle B
  1. Investment Property Basics (RE29RC07)
  2. Intro to Commercial Real Estate Basics: Principles and Concepts (RE94C15)
  3. 1031 Tax Deferred Exchanges (RE27RC07)
  4. Chapter 93A- Consumer Protection (RE04RC12)
  5. Residential Rental-Landlord Tenant Issues Part 1 (RE98R16)
  6. Residential Rental-Landlord Tenant Issues Part 2 (RE99R16)

Your on demand video courses will be available to you as soon as you check out! You will recieve a single when you complete all of the courses.

Register Now
NH & MA Combined CE Package
  1. Core Course (Required)
  2. Conducting Open Houses and developing a Safety Plan
  3. Buyer Agency
  4. Financing
  5. Disclosures / Seller Due Diligence
  6. 1031 Exchanges
  7. Code of Ethics (with optional REALTOR component)

Your on demand video courses will be available to you as soon as you check out! You will recieve a single when you complete all of the courses.

Register Now
a la carte courses
$18.00 per course

Whether you need a single two hour course or need your full 12 hours of CE credits you can access them right here. Simply log into our online school and select any Massachusetts Continuing Education Courses and add them to your cart.

If you select 6 Massachusetts CE courses you will receive the special bundle price.

Your on demand video courses will be available to you as soon as you check out! You will recieve one certificate for each course upon completion.

Register Now

MA & NH Combined package Info

Package Options:
15 NH CE Course Bundle or 15 hour NH & MA Course Bundle

If you are licensed in BOTH NH & MA:
Our packaged course have been carefully created to save you time and money! You can take the Combined CE package that will satisfy state requirements and provide certificates for both states.

New Hampshire CE Requirements: 
15 hours of CE's every two years and by your license anniversary. The Core Course is required at each renewal cycle. You are required to take 3 mandatory hours and 12 elective hours.

First time salesperson renewals are required to take the Post License Renewal Courses. Those are available under our NH Courses tab.

Massachusetts CE Requirements: 
12 hours of CE's every two years and by your birthday .  You are able to select any 12 elective hours.