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Is it worth it to pay to see who likes you?

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u/TeslasCurrentAlt avatar

Not for that alone, but the other A-List features can be quite helpful. Especially search by question answer and being able to see visitors without them seeing you. Edit: I've previously given examples for how to use that.

My experience is that a Like doesn't translate into a much higher reply rate most of the time (unless you message right away, then it helps a bit).

u/smokeycoughlin avatar

The search by question answers is pretty neat.

u/TeslasCurrentAlt avatar

What do you tend to use it for?


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u/potatopotahto0 avatar

I also like to look at who answered yes to "is a woman who has had sex with 100 men a bad person" and no to "is a man who has had sex with 100 women a bad person" simultaneously.

Ugh. Instant "nope nope nope" for me.

u/curiouswizard avatar

That seems like a really useful feature. There were some questions that I wish there was an option for "under no circumstances will I accept answers A, B, C (or whatever)"

Like the question about interracial marriage. I want to auto-ban anyone who thinks interracial marriage is a bad thing. Same goes for things like abortion and homosexuality.


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u/smokeycoughlin avatar

I just like seeing who would answer those that way. I think I hid everyone who answered "yes" to either at one point. I think how many people one has slept with is a shitty metric for how good a person they are. Anyone who answered yes wouldn't like me anyway.

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sex questions

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u/longknives avatar

I agree, the likes thing is okay, but A-list is more useful for the other features.

I use mine to help out friends sometimes. E.g. I have a friend who is only into fat people, so I've done searches for him with the A-list body type filter.

Or at one point I used my ability to see and not be seen to help find dudes for my girlfriend to message.

u/TeslasCurrentAlt avatar

I use mine to help out friends sometimes.

Good-guy A-lister! I've done this too, actually.

Unfortunately it wasn't much help, because she never messaged them and instead chased hotter people. She's currently dating someone whose profile breaks all the rules here, so.... shrug.

I guess lesson is that rules #1 and #2 triumph over all, and it's not worth stressing too much about profiles?

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u/yeah_um_so avatar

Especially search by question answer and being able to see visitors without them seeing you.

If you are a guy, never do this. A good way to get attention on your profile is to visit people.


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u/yeah_um_so avatar

if someone visiting you multiple times = creepy

I don't want to know you, you're completely fucking retarded.


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u/yeah_um_so avatar

a good way for a guy who never get profile visits is to basically set a program to visit 100 women at once. out of the 100 visits, you'll get 2 in return. (probably more because women a-list browse invisibly) (same for people who do nothing but "like" everyone and swipe right on Tinder)

it's sad, but every woman want wants to be a special snowflake and be thought of as such, so it works

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It's not worth it to pay full price ($20/month) for A-list. Just change your age (younger) to get the discounted rate ($5/month) You can then change your age back. It's cheaper than paying for Brazzers

u/smokeycoughlin avatar

I recently purchased a-list and my "likes" are mostly men from other countries. Most of the other ones are not attractive to me or wrote their profiles in furbish or ran it through a translator for making vanity plates. The few left mostly don't respond to messages. It's pretty much nonsense, as far as I can tell.

u/yeah_um_so avatar

Most of the other ones are not attractive to me

standards too high, please lower


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u/yeah_um_so avatar

You can change, I believe in you.

While the gap between her pictures and her reality is immediately evident,it isn’t wide enough to dismiss sex. He fucks her, she’s happy, he doesn’t text her again, he’s a jerk… now her job is to find an equally attractive non-jerk.

Only that last part never happens, and this is why you see a lot of the same girls on OKCupid year-after-year; very likely for eternity. That attractive non-jerk doesn’t exist, and she isn’t getting enough negative feedback to readjust her expectations.

u/smokeycoughlin avatar

I worded it the way I did for a reason. "Not attractive to me" doesn't mean whatever you're assuming it means. I'm not looking for Hugh Jackman. The men I like the most wouldn't be considered "conventionally attractive" but they're attractive to me. Sure, I won't date the guy who outweighs me by over 100lbs or has a beard that never touches his face but I'm not going to waste someone's time by faking attraction.

u/TeslasCurrentAlt avatar

Hugh Jackman

Does that make you... lady Dr Cox?

u/yeah_um_so avatar

The men I like the most wouldn't be considered "conventionally attractive" but they're attractive to me.

women say that all the time when you tell them their standards are too high. They don't even realize their standards are too high.

You can adjust attraction, ugly people have been doing it since the beginning of time.

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u/Tobor_Yllems avatar

i mean you could prob get a back alley bj for around the same price.

u/editorschoice14 avatar

You'll be shocked. Inflation is a bitch.

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u/Avenger772 avatar

I got A-list for free for 2 weeks once. I looked at my like list. It was not worth looking it.


It probably isn't worth it, but it isn't OKC trying to trick you. Some of them will be subsequently deleted spammers though.

u/OldUncleEl avatar

'Likes' is the most highly overrated feature but it clearly has power given how many of these posts we see.

u/editorschoice14 avatar

Yah I mean initiuvely I go on dating app to find people who are attracted to me...

Looks like I will not be paying for it based on this thread. Also, looks like as per normal, there is rarely something new that others haven't gone through before...

I thought I was a special and unique snowflake!

u/OldUncleEl avatar

Trouble with 'likes' is it's being used on a phone when the swiper is paying like fifteen percent attention at best.

Good pics and good opening messages can't be beat, whether they 'liked' you or not.

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u/lazermuffins avatar

Just curious, in the earlier days of okcupid couldn't you see who liked you for free?

u/OldUncleEl avatar

Not in the two years I've been on.

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u/Dpots48 avatar

If you can get a discount and do the pay for 6 months thing and you can get it down to maybe $3-$5/mo then possibly. Otherwise not really, and certainly not just to see likes.


Nope. I bought it because I'm a sucker for sales (it was just under $4 per month) and the likes are the most useless thing. I think people just like everyone in order to see who liked them. The fancier message filters are cool and the extra search filters. Idk that that's worth the $4 either, though.

  1. they are real.

  2. No.

Someone having "liked you" is a very low value piece of information.

If you can buy A-list without any real negative impact to your budget and a little more information makes you happier, sure.

If it means eating bad boxed mac and cheese instead of pizza for even one night, not worth it.


Next question?


You can tell if they're fake if they only have one pic usually. I don't cold message girls much any more. 90% percent of my dates are from girls that have either viewed my profile or liked me.

u/HellhoundsOnMyTrail avatar

No it's probably women you aren't attracted to. It'll be demoralizing if anything

u/editorschoice14 avatar

Are we talking about life in general or OKCupid?

I figure my likes are going to be similar to my partners IRL

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