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ABA Dispute Resolution Section

Annual Spring Conference

The Annual Spring Conference is the largest ADR conference in the world. Attendees gather to learn the latest in dispute resolution techniques and trends, exchange ideas with the experts and their peers, and strengthen professional relationships. The conference is the meeting place for dispute resolution leaders, mediators, arbitrators, ombuds, judges, attorney advocates, court administrators, neutral providers, ADR consumers, and legal educators.

Thank you to those who attended our 2024 Spring Conference from April 10-13 in San Diego!

Thank you to those who attended our 2024 Spring Conference from April 10-13 in San Diego!

Check out the LinkedIn hashtag #ABA_SpringDR24 to see more pictures from our attendees and join the conference conversation.

What Our Attendees Have Said

"The conference was excellent! There were many thought-provoking, information packed sessions. The conference materials and discussions included many pragmatic strategies that I will incorporate into for my settlement and hearing practice, in the present 'virtual environment.'"

"As a new attendee, I felt so welcomed and I appreciated being introduced to the leadership."

"Enjoyed the conference and the opportunity to gain insights, experience, and knowledge from a panel of very experienced professionals."

"The conference always gives me an infusion of energy for the following year."

"First-rate, and a tribute to the value and appreciation the Section does & should have as an institutional ADR thought leader, convener, gathering place & collaborative problem solver."