Chris Colbourn Interviewed On 'The Nine Club' | The Berrics

Chris Colbourn Interviewed On ‘The Nine Club’

Chris Colbourn—aka Cookie; aka one of the most innovative skaters ever—turned pro for Worble earlier last year (he had been a free agent since leaving his longtime sponsor Element at the beginning of 2021), and now we can all feel like there is finally justice in the skateboarding world since he’s been skating at a pro level for an obscenely long time. But now we’re pissed off because ‘The Nine Club’ is just NOW getting around to interviewing him. Dafuq? 252 episodes after launching the podcast?? We kid, we kid… we love The Nine Club.

In the 2 hours and 18 minute-long episode (ONLY 2 HOURS?! Just kidding), Cookie talks about trying to get sponsored through Myspace; moving to LA; getting on Element; why he didn’t have a part in Peace; leaving Element, and getting on Worble; filming for Mountain Dew’s We Are Blood full-length, how he got sponsored by the beverage brand; what it’s like skating with Man Ramp; skating for New Balance Numeric; and working on a new VX part in his neighborhood. Check out the chat, above!

We caught Cookie Fever a long time ago—you can call us “Cookieheads”—and we crumble every time we see one of his stream-of-consciousness lines. Check out a handful of the dozens of projects he’s worked on with us, below:

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