Blackberry: Android APK in BAR-file to convert - this is how it works

Blackberry: Android APK in BAR-file to convert - this is how it works

  • Jun 11, 2024
  • 2260
  • 1

How to make a Google App (.apk file) in a Blackberry compatible file (.bar) can convert, you will learn in this practical tip.

Android Apps on your Blackberry

For the Blackberry Playbook Tablet, as well as the new OS10 Smartphones, Blackberry has created an Android Runtime. So you can install converted Android Apps on your Blackberry. Unfortunately, only applications up to Gingerbread 2.3.3 currently. displayed correctly. With the Update of the Blackberry system, OS 10.2, also Jelly Bean 4.2.2 Apps are supported operation, however.

Android APK in BAR-file to convert

The website "" you can use any Android App to upload, and then automatically, in a BAR file for your Blackberry Playbook or OS10 Smartphone convert. And so it goes:
  1. Call the Link to the website of the "" on.
  2. Click on the green Button "Upload .apk file".
  3. Now you can search your hard drive for the Android App. Click on "Open" once you have marked the file with a left click of the mouse. The App is already converted.
  4. After the Convert, a window will appear in which you select the location on your PC. You Bestäigen with "OK".
  5. On the home page "" see you further down the "Last converted apps". Here you can download with a click on an App it immediately as a BAR file.
.apk file in .bar convert
Caution: Unfortunately, not all converted Apps will not work on your Blackberry. Also, this Trick works with the Blackberry Playbook, only from the Version 2.0. How to make your Blackberry as a Hotspot to use, read here.



Loc Ng, Wed 01, 2022

The "" link has now never be the same as your provided picture. It's now just a random gateway for some blahblah tips. Correct me if I'm wrong, maybe out of service or I missed something.


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