How to Turn on Dark Mode in Google Docs - GeeksforGeeks

How to Turn on Dark Mode in Google Docs

Last Updated : 05 Jun, 2024
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Google Docs now offers the option to enable Dark Mode, which reduces eye strain and also gives your workspace a sleek, modern look. In this article, you will learn simple steps to enable dark mode in Google Docs on web version (desktop), iOS, and Android devices, helping you work comfortably and efficiently, even in low-light environments.

How to Enable Dark Mode in Google Docs

What is Dark Mode in Google Docs?

The dark mode is a way of changing the plain white colors of the digital screen to black and different shades of black color. For people who use computers or smartphones more, eye pain or eye strain is very common. Their eyes get tired and dry easily as they are staring at the screen for a long time.

Further, this causes our eyes to have short-sightedness, eye nerve damage, and more. To reduce the effect of these damages on our eyes, we can enable dark mode on our computers and smartphones. Using Dark mode protects our eyes from strain and also keeps our eyes less tired. It reduces the need to see very deeply into a bright screen. Dark mode also increases the battery life of our device.

Why to Use Dark Mode in Google Docs

Whenever users have to spend more time working on a document, it may put strain on their eyes and even cause eye pain. By using Dark mode in Google Docs, we can effectively reduce the strain we put on our eyes when working on a document. Google Docs can also be used in Dark mode. Though there is no direct feature available in the Google Docs desktop version to enable dark mode, we can enable dark mode by other available methods easily. Google Docs supports this dark mode feature in its mobile application versions.

How to Turn On Google Docs Dark Mode in Computer

There is an easy and quick way to enable dark mode in Google Docs while using the web version on a desktop or laptop device.

  • Method 1: Enable Dark mode in Google Docs using Extension
  • Method 2: Enable Dark Mode in Google Docs using Chrome flags

How to Enable Dark Mode in Google Docs Using Extension

Step 1: Launch Google Docs

Step 2: Open the Google Document. By default, the background screen of this window is white.

Open the Google Document

Document opened

Step 3: Install Google Docs Dark Mode

To enable dark mode, we have to install a browser extension called “Google Docs Dark Mode“. To install this browser extension Click Here, and visit this link. Now a new tab opens in your web browser showing the extension mentioned above.

Install Google Docs Dark Mode

Screenshot of the extension page

Step 4: Click Add to Chrome button on this page

Click Add to Chrome button on this page

Click the ‘Add to Chrome’ button

Step 5: Click on Add Extension

Now a popup opens from the browser. Click “Add extension” in it.

Click on Add Extension

click the ‘Add extension’ button

Step 6: Extension Shortcut is now Visible on the Screen

Now the extension has been installed in the browser. The extension shortcut will be displayed on the right side of the search bar in the browser.

Extension Shortcut is now Visible on the Screen

Shortcut of extension displaying installed

Step 7: Go Back to the Google Docs Page

Now go back to the Google Docs page in the browser. As the extension was installed, it would not immediately change the screen to dark mode. We can see that it is still in white as before.

Go Back to the Google Docs Page

Google Docs are still in white unchanged

Step 8: Refresh the Google Docs Page in your browser

Step 9: The screen changes to dark mode immediately

Now the screen changes to dark mode immediately. But the page color of the document in Google Docs is still white as before. Also, there is an icon with the sun on the right side of the page.

screen changed to dark mode

Except for the document, Google Docs changed to dark mode

Step 10: Move the cursor over the sun icon, the icon Expands

Move the cursor over the sun icon, the icon Expands

Sun icon expands

Step 11: Select the second Icon with the page picture in it to Change the Background Color of the Document

Now the background color of the document is also changed to black. The text color in the document is also changed accordingly to white enabling us to read easily the document.

Step 12: Preview the Dark Mode Google Docs Document

Now the dark mode is enabled successfully in Google Docs.

Dark mode enabled successfully

Dark mode enabled in Google Docs

How to Enable Dark Mode in Google Docs Desktop using Chrome Flags

Step 1: Open Chrome browser, and Open a Google Document

Open Chrome browser and open a document in Google Docs. Now by default, dark mode is not enabled.

Open Chrome browser, and Open a Google Document

Document opened

Step 2: Open a new tab in Chrome browser, type “chrome://flags” and press Enter

Open a new tab in the Chrome browser, and in the address bar of the Chrome browser, type ” chrome://flags “. Press ‘Enter‘.

type "chrome://flags" and press Enter

Search in the address bar of the Chrome browser

A long list of features that can be enabled in this browser is displayed.

list of features is displayed

List of features appearing

In the search bar of this page, search for “#enable-force-dark“.

Search Enable-Force-Dark in the search bar

search for #enable-force-dark

Step 4: A feature is displayed in the browser as Auto Dark mode for Web contents

A feature named “Auto Dark mode for Web contents” is displayed on the browser page which is set as default.

Auto Dark mode for Web contents is displayed

Step 5: Click Default and a dropdown appears. Select ‘Enabled’ in the dropdown

Click the ‘Default‘ and a dropdown appears.

Click Default

click ‘Default’

Step 6: Select Enabled in the dropdown.

Select Enabled in the dropdown

select ‘Enabled’

Step 7: Click the Relaunch button from the popup which is displaying at the bottom of the browser page

Now dark mode has been enabled in Chrome browser. A popup is displayed at the bottom of the Chrome browser to Relaunch the browser. Click the Relaunch button. Now the browser gets closed and reopens automatically.

Click the Relaunch button from the popup

click the ‘Relaunch’ button at the bottom of the browser

Step 8: Dark mode Activated successfully using Chrome flags

On relaunch of browser, the dark mode has been activated successfully in Chrome browser and also in Google Docs.

Dark mode Activated successfully using Chrome flags

Dark mode enabled using Chrome flags

How to Enable Dark Mode in Google Docs on iOS Devices

Step 1: Open the Google Docs app and Open the Google document

Open the Google Docs app on your iOS device and open a document. Now by default, the document in Google Docs has no dark mode.

Open the Google document

Document opened in Google Docs app on iOS device

Step 2: Go to Settings App on your iOS device

Go to the ‘Settings‘ app on your iOS device.

Go to Settings App on your iOS device

Open ‘Settings’ app

Step 3: Select Display and Brightness

Select ‘Display & Brightness‘ in it.

Select Display & Brightness

Select ‘Display & Brightness’

Step 4: Select Dark Mode in it

Another window opens. There you can see the ‘Light‘ mode is selected by default. Now select the ‘Dark‘ mode next to it.

Select Dark Mode

Select ‘Dark’ mode

Step 5: Dark Mode enabled on the iOS device

Now the dark mode is enabled on your iOS device. Hence the screen background and text color changed to dark mode.

Dark Mode enabled on the iOS device

Dark mode enabled in iOS device

Step 6: Open the Google Docs app on your iOS device again

Open the Google Docs app again on your iOS device. Now a small popup is displayed that dark mode is enabled. Select ‘OK‘ in it.

Open the Google Docs app on your iOS device again

Select ‘OK’ in the popup if displayed

Step 7: Preview Google Docs in Dark Mode

Now we can see that dark mode is fully enabled in the document in Google Docs successfully using an iOS device.

Preview Google Docs in Dark Mode

dark mode enabled in Google Docs on iOS device

How to Enable Dark Mode in Google Docs on Android Devices

Step 1: Open the Google Docs app and open the document

Open the Google Docs app on your Android device and open a document. Now by default, the document in Google Docs has no dark mode

open the Google document

Document opened in Google Docs app

Step 2: Select the Hamburger menu icon at the top left corner

Close the document. Inside the Google Docs app, select the hamburger icon at the top left corner of the Google Docs app.

Select the Hamburger menu icon at the top left corner

Select the hamburger menu icon

Step 3: Select Settings in the navigation drawer of the app

A navigation drawer opens on the left side of the app. Select ‘Settings‘ in it.

Select Settings in the navigation drawer of the app

select ‘Settings’

Step 4: Select Choose a theme

The settings screen opens. By default, the theme in the app is ‘System Default‘. Select ‘Choose theme‘.

Select Choose a theme

select ‘Choose theme’

Step 5: Select the Dark theme in the popup

A popup appears, select ‘Dark‘.

Select the Dark theme in the popup

select ‘Dark’ in the popup

Step 6: Click the Back button to go back to the Home Screen of Google Docs

Now the Google Docs app changed to Dark mode. Move back to the home screen of the Google Docs app by clicking the ‘back‘ arrow button at the top left corner of the app.

Click the Back button to go back to the Home Screen of Google Docs

Step 7: Open any document from the Google Docs app

Open the document from the home screen of the Google Docs app.

Open any document from the Google Docs app

open document from the Google Docs app

Step 8: Click OK

A popup alert is displayed showing that the document is in dark mode now. Select ‘OK‘ in the popup.

Click OK

select ‘OK’ from the popup

Step 9: Preview the Dark Mode Google Docs

Now we can see the document in the Google Docs also have been changed to dark mode successfully on Android devices.

Preview the Dark Mode Google Docs

Dark mode enabled


In this article, we have discussed how to add/enable dark mode to Google Docs in the desktop version, iOS, and Android. It’s a feature that turns the white background into soothing blacks and grays, reducing eye fatigue. For computers, you can use browser extensions or Chrome flags.

Mobile users, both on iOS and Android, can switch on Dark Mode through their device settings. So, whether you’re crafting documents on a computer or a phone, Dark Mode makes your editing experience easier on the eyes. Enjoy the comfort and sleekness it brings!

FAQs – Google Docs Dark Mode

How to Get Dark Mode on Google Docs Mac?

To activate Dark Mode in Google Docs on your Mac, here’s a step-by-step guide:

  • Step 1: Launch Google Chrome on your Mac.
  • Step 2: Visit the Google Docs website at
  • Step 3: If you’re not already signed in, log in to your Google account.
  • Step 4: Locate and click on the three vertical dots (menu icon) situated in the upper-right corner of the Chrome window.
  • Step 5: From the dropdown menu, opt for “Settings.”
  • Step 6: Scroll down until you reach the “Appearance” section.
  • Step 7: Within the “Theme” category, select “Dark.”

Following these steps will enable Dark Mode for Google Docs on your Mac.

How to EnaDark Modethemesmode on Google Docs Chromebook?

To enable Dark Mode in Google Docs on a Chromebook:

  • Step 1: Open “Settings.”
  • Step 2: Scroll down to “Appearance.”
  • Step 3: Turn on “Dark” or “Force Dark Mode.
  • Step 4: Google Docs will now be in Dark Mode when you open it in Chrome.

How to Disable Dark Mode on Google Docs

To turn off Dark Mode in Google Docs:

  • Step 1: Open Google Docs in your web browser.
  • Step 2: Click the three horizontal lines (menu icon) in the top-left corner.
  • Step 3: Find “Settings.”
  • Step 4: In “Settings,” go to “View.”
  • Step 5: Toggle off the “Dark theme” switch.

Google Docs will return to the default light mode.

How to turn on dark offers in Google Docs ?

To enable Dark Theme in Google Docs:

  • Step 1: Open Google Docs.
  • Step 2: Click the three horizontal lines (menu) in the top-left corner.
  • Step 3: Find “Settings” in the menu.
  • Step 4: In “Settings,” go to “View.”
  • Step 5: Toggle on “Dark theme.”

Google Docs will now be in Dark Mode for better visibility in low-light settings.

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