An episode guide for The Streets of San Francisco, with summaries, detailed synopsis, screencaps and quotes.
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0. Pilot
We are introduced to Detective Lieutenant Mike Stone and Inspector Steve Keller as they hunt for the murderer of a girl found dead in the water. While the lawyer that saw her last seems a likely suspect, a revelation concerning her brother and an unrelated case throws light on another possibility.
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1. The Thirty Year Pin
When Mike's old partner gets shot and ends up critically ill in hospital, Keller is forced to start tracking his partner to save him from himself. An excellent episode for character development, as Stone pushes Keller away and goes for revenge. Keller dogs his partner and desperately tries to break through Mike's anger to ensure the case gets seen through properly.
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2. The First Day of Forever
Our partners work to guard the survivor of a series of brutal knifing murders that have targeted prostitues. Initially a very tough situation, Steve and their protected witness eventually form some mutual understanding and a friendship. Thier interaction is well done, and not only makes the episode both more tense and melancholy, but also gives us some limited information about how Steve sees the world and why he became a cop.
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3. 45 Minutes from Home
This episode feels like it hardly features our two main cop characters at all, with most of the focus being put on a convention-goer who is led to believe he has murdered a young girl. William Windom plays the desperation and grief excellently, and it's a very affecting story.
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4. Whose Little Boy Are You?
Mike and Steve are stonewalled by the parents of a boy whose bedroom was broken into. Their job to catch the criminal who has an apparent interest in the kid is slowed by the parents desperation that they not delve into their past. An unremarkable but decent episode, with sympathetic portrayal of a AWOL Vietnam vet and a climax where Mike attempts to get through to him verbally.
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5. Tower Beyond Tragedy
Edward Mulhare takes a very creepy turn as the ageing, divorced aristocrat who cannot cope with the approach of old-age and death. Steve and Mike follow his trail as he fixates on escort service agencies' young girls and recreates them into his wife as she was when they were younger. However, his charming attitude finally turns into lethal obsession, and when the girls start to realise, they are already doomed.
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6. Hall of Mirrors
Some interesting characteristics of our guys are confronted in this episode. Jim Martin, an apparently very prejudiced cop, works with Mike until Mike hurts his ankle and is forced to take sick leave for a while. Steve pairs with Martin, and we see him struggling to maintain decorum in the face of his temporary partners' obvious racial hatred. What with Steve taking the lead and fighting to keep the case on the rails, and Mike failing miserably to stay at home and not get involved, this one is fun to watch!
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7. Timelock
Bobby Jepson - a convict out of San Quentin on a 36-hours pass to find a job - finds himself accused of murder and turns for help to the one man who had faith in him. Mike Stone. Apart from Jepson's almost impossible mission to find a job in such a short period of time as well as to get rid of prejudices, it turns out that a gangster boss - still imprisoned in San Quentin - might be involved in the murder and Jepson was just in the wrong spot at the wrong time.
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8. In The Midst of Strangers
After a corner newspaper man withdraws his life's savings from a bank to take his wife on a world tour, the precious money is stolen by a 'downtown raider' and the victim sets out to find the punks who robbed him. He hopes for the help of old friends Stone and Keller, however, both are on a robbery homicide of a wealthy and well-respected city commissioner.
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9. The Takers
The death of a stewardess and a nurse in their 'swinging apartment' sends police on a search that leads to a jewelry salesman and his wife who each suspect the other is the guilty one. Stone and Keller need to investigate several trails before they become aware of the fact that jealousy might have been a significant factor in this case.
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10. The Year of The Locusts
Dissension in the Ferguson family helps the police catch up with the well-known gang that specializes in picking entire neighbourhoods apart with every known 'con' game.
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11. The Bullet
When a college teacher up for a full professorship is accidentally shot while paying off a blackmailer, he refuses to let the police examine the bullet for fear of getting involved and his past uncovered - until the killer abducts his wife in order to get hold of the bullet. Mike Stone steps into the teacher's shoes instead, in an effort to free his wife and detain the murderer at the same time.
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12. Bitter Wine
When the son of a Greek restaurant owner returns after twelve years in prison, he finds his older brother has not kept his promise to explain to their father that it was the older brother who should have gone to jail. Following a fire in the family's restaurant, in which one of the employees is killed, Stone and Keller are investigating for murder.
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13. A Trout in The Milk
The lives of a strange combination of artists, their lovers and a philosopher become entangled when a white painting artist who has fallen from a window in his studio eventually dies, and it becomes a murder case for the police.
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14. Deathwatch
Two aged fishermen heading their boat back into harbour come upon a pleasure boat transferring immigrants to another fishing boat and they agree to forget what they have seen... but they have seen too much. One of the two is killed, and the other remains silent, instead of helping our homicide detectives, in fear of suffering the same fate his old friend had to face.
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15. Act of Duty
When a policewoman is murdered while working with homicide to help capture a rapist, her roommate, also on the force, volunteers herself as bait for the trap. Disregarding the difficulties in this case - as none of the former rape victims has been willing to make an official testimony - Mike Stone does not agree to her proposal for responsibility reasons. In the meantime, the rookie policewoman tries to take things on her own, putting Stone's and Keller's observation in jeopardy.
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16. The Set-up
Nick Karl, an ex-henchman for the underworld who knows too much, returns to San Francisco from France at the request of another gangster he worked with years ago, who is setting him up for a 'hit'. Little does Karl know that even an old friend, who went blind, is selling him out in return for an expensive eye surgery.
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17. A Collection of Eagles
A coin dealer who plans to substitute counterfeit coins in a rare collection is willing to kill his co-perpetrators but makes the mistake of failing to mention the owner of the rare collection when police question him as an expert.
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18. A Room With a View
When the brother of a bookmaker who is about to name names and places for the police is murdered, Mike and Steve face the problem of finding the potential "singer" and his hide-out before he, too, is murdered.
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19. Deadline
Mike Stone attempts to unravel the mystery of a top-notch reporter and his son who, unknown to each other, have both been seeing an attractive young woman reporter who has been murdered.
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20. Trail of The Serpent
Held hostage by a gang of street-hardened youths who are asking for the release of the gang leader who has murdered a policeman, Mike Stone has to try some fast talking to one of the gang members when the police department refuses the demand for an exchange.
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21. The House on Hyde Street
An aged recluse who has lived in a strange old mansion for more than 30 years comes under investigation by the police department when a neighbourhood boy disappears after school. As a complicating factor, Stone and Keller need to deal with overhasty conclusions by some neighbourhood families as the old man's brother - who allegedly passed away 30 years ago - was accused of the murder of a young girl as well.
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22. Beyond Vengeance
Mike is off-balance, scared and angry when a man he convicted over ten years ago gets out of prison and poses a serious threat to him and his daughter Jeannie. The rest of the force and Steve back him up as he attempts to pin anything on a killer that has had 12 years to plot his revenge.
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23. The Albatross
When the killer of his son is freed on a legal technicality, an irate father sets out to punish the criminal himself. Stone and Keller need to hurry and find evidence in order to prevent another murder.
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24. Shattered Image
A personal knowledge of the beautiful, gracious, socially perfect wife of a wealthy and politically rising man whose spear-gun death was apparently accidental, leads Mike Stone to believe it was something other than suicide.
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25. The Unicorn
A valuable consignment, allegedly containing cobra-venom for research, arrives at the docks, and two uniformed officers accidentally come across the two dock workers unloading it. In the ensuing gun-battle the crooks' van blows up and half of the stolen shipment is destroyed. One cop and one crook are killed. Wounded but holding onto one crate of the consignment, the surviving courier hides out in the warren of dockside buildings, piers and ships, forcing Father Joe to help. Steve and Mike race against time to get to him before the mafia do, and the priest makes the police department's job even tougher when he refuses to tell Mike where the wounded suspect is hiding out.
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26. Legion of The Lost
Mike Stone goes underground and becomes a "member" of a fraternity of drunks to find out why three of them were beaten to death over a two-week period. The involvement of a former professional boxer and the heirs to a ship yards family business make the case even more obscure.
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1. A Wrongful Death
Following a bungled burglary in a shopping center at night, Steve shoots one of the suspects who allegedly had a gun in his hand. However, the gun has disappeared when Steve approaches the boy's dead body, leaving the Inspector with doubts and an embittered father asking for consequences. Mike needs to put the puzzle together in order to identify the suspects and the background of the fatal gunfight.
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2. Betrayed
When a handsome young stock broker uses a 40-year-old woman teller, who fell in love with him, to obtain information about the bank, and she recognizes him during a robbery, things are getting difficult since the betrayed woman tries to get her beloved one back instead of revealing the observation she made. Mike and Steve try to track the robber down before the criminal eliminates his naive love-victim as a witness.
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3. For The Love of God
Mike and Steve hunt a priest killer in the city, with Stone impersonating a priest as while Steve, quite anxious about Mike's idea, runs down the very slim clues. Little does Mike know the killer is closer than he exected.
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4. Before I Die
When a highly respected cop learns he is a dying man, he decides to do a service to mankind by taking a seemingly unconvictable syndicate boos with him.
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5. Going Home
After a born loser makes what he thinks is a small hit, he finds that he has hit a numbers bank and is now in trouble not only with the police, but also with the mob.
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6. The Stamp of Death
Mike and Steve search for a robber-killer and what he actually stole, obviously a rare and priceless stamp from a richman's collection. However, during the investigation of the case, a slightly different picture comes up on the horizon.
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7. Harem
The murder of a young prostitute strikes Mike Stone's nerve. When his daughter Jeannie comes over for a visit, he turns out to be quite helpful in tracking down the head man in a teenage prostitute ring.
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8. No Badge For Benjy
The daughter of a police informer who has been shot challenges the police to exert as much effort finding the gunmen as they would if the victim had been a cop. Steve tries to convince her while Mike pretty much fails to understand her motives.
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9. The Twenty-Four Karat Plague
Following the murder of a truck driver, our two cops are faced with the task of trying to locate a hijacked shipment of radioactive gold from the labs of the University of California, before the 'poisoned' metal is being misused and transported to foreign countries.
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10. Shield of Honor
When a syndicate man, who has been convinced to 'tell all' is killed right in the SFPD headquarters, Mike and Steve are certain there had to be a security leak in the department.
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11. The Victims
Three escaped convicts of the worst sort rampage around killing innocent folks. Steve has woman-trouble, and Mike stands perilously close to full-out interfering in said troubles. In the end though, he manages to contain his distracted partner, chastise the crazy girlfriend for basically calling Steve 'heartless' (because he doesn't cry at crime scenes!), and solve the case all in one go.
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12. The Runaways
Millie Cox, a caring juvenile judge and old friend of Mike, get the chance to save some runaway children when one of them kidnaps her and hold her as ransom for his little sister who has been hospitalized by Mike and Steve.
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13. Winterkill
An old man decides that the way to get what he and his friend need for an eye-surgery is to steal it, and the target is another old but wealthy man they once knew.
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14. Most Feared in The Jungle
A group of 'kindly caring people' who have tricked a pregnant girl into signing away her baby, start her on a desperate chase to find the child, and in the process, the police uncover a black-market ring dealing in illegal adoptions for the wealthy.
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15. Commitment
Mike Stone has been framed to look like he's on the 'take' and Steve suspects that someone on the force helped set Mike up for corruption and murder of an undercover cop.
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16. Chapel of The Damned
Extra-sensory perception comes into play when the daughter of a wealthy woman is kidnapped, and the woman has more faith in a female ESP guru's abilities than in Stone and Kellers investigations.
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17. Blockade
Two men, one meek and the other a burly animal type, are involved in the rape-murder of an attractive young waitress, which causes some problems for Mike as the latter takes the other one and his mother hostage.
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18. Crossfire
When a pretty coed is shot and a professor acreoss the campus is shot and killed, Stone and Keller are hard-pressed to find a connection or a motive for the shootings.
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19. A String of Puppets
After an ex-con has been killed, Stone suspects that a parole officer is responsible for trying to make criminals out of reformed convicts again.
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20. Inferno
When two firemen are burned to death in a fire deliberately set by someone, Stone and Keller consider it no different from police officers being killed in the line of duty, and they set out to to identify and capture the arsonist.
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21. The Hard Breed
The older of two brothers in a rodeo family is killed in the arena. Stone and Keller soon find evidence which points to the younger brother, who accidently was the former boyfriend of his dead brother's wife.
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22. Rampage
A vigilante gang, trying to clean up a neighbourhood so their children will have a better place to live, learns that it is better to leave projects like this to the police.
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23. Death And The Favored Few
The murder of a society magazine editor who is suspected of being a blackmailer leads to the home of a wealthy widow who invited him to a party the night of the shooting.
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1. One Last Shot
Stone and Keller's investigation of the accidental killing of a veteran police officer uncovers the fact that the deal officer's partner is an alcoholic who may have been drunk at the time of the shooting. An excellent premier episode as season starter which broaches the issue of alcoholic disease openly.
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2. The Most Deadly Species
Steve Keller unwittingly leaks information on a case to his attractive new neighbour, whom he is dating and who is, in fact, a hit-woman.
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3. Traget: Red
A former CIA executioner and retired 'Communist-hating' US Army general conspire to assassinate the head of the Red Chinese delegation arriving in San Francisco to attend the opening of the International Trade Fair.
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4. Mask of Death
Ken Scott is a highly successful female impersonator, who finds that his 'female-self' is a ruthless murderess, who is gradually taking control over the actor.
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5. I Ain't Marchin' Anymore
Keller, posing as a draft evader, joins a group of deserters living at a farm, where he hopes to locate the murderer of another deserter.
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6. One Chance to Live
A plain and lonesome but pleasant woman, who is obviously being harassed by a stranger, conceals information about her personal life from Mike Stone and Steve Keller and it nearly costs her life.
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7. Jacob's Boy
Stone and Keller's investigation of a murder clears and innocent man, but uncovers the fact that he was being blackmailed for a crime he committed 25 years ago.
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8. Flags of Terror
An excellent episode, with Mike and the police frozen in a standoff against a group of political protestors holding Steve and three other civilians hostage on a boat at the docks. With a bomb at their disposal and demands for a sea-plane, they're holding all the cards. I love both Steve's cool handling of the situation, as he uses psychology against the bad guys, and Mike's clear distress and worry even as he hatches some pretty cool plans for cracking the situation. And plus, this episode wins for mentioning Buck Rogers!
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9. Cry Help
Mike Stone and Steve Keller investigate a complaint of child abuse which later turns into homicide, when the stepfather of a beaten child is shot.
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10. For Good or Evil
A young man from the ghetto, who is a member of the basketball team Mike Stone coaches, witnesses the slaying of an uderworld chief and is torn between telling Stone what he has seen or joining the syndicate.
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11. Bird of Prey
A deranged killer attired in an Air Force Colonel's uniform has murdered a pretty young woman, bringing Stone and Keller to McClellan Air Force Base to investigate.
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12. License to Kill
Mike Stone's loyalty to an old friend, who once served the City of San Francisco as Mike's partner, nearly costs Mike his life as the friend carries out a vendetta to execute the men who killed his son.
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13. The Twenty-Five Caliber Plague
A single gun, a "Saturday Night Special", tragically reaches out and affects the lives of several unrelated people in a 24-hour period.
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14. Mister Nobody
The old shoe cobbler in the Potrero district would do anything for his friends, even confess to committing a murder he witnessed to protect the grandson of his friend.
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15. False Witness
An over zealous, young police officer plants evidence to make an arrest for possession of narcotics against a known narcotics dealer.
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16. Letters From The Grave
On a tour of the deserted prison 'Alcatraz', a wall crumbles revealing a grisly human skeleton and a 20-year-old murder. Stone and Keller are investigating what seems to be a syndicate murder but the victim' son, a member of the D.A.'s office, does not believe the truth has already been uncovered.
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17. Endgame
Mike Stone's daughter nearly causes her father to walk into a trap, but with quick thinking and Steve's help, Mile is able to apprehend the men he is after.
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18. Ten Dollar Murder
A pair of high school kids are on a crime spree robbing taxi cabs, until something goes wrong and an undercover police officer is killed.
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19. The Programming of Charlie Blake
An unscrupulous psychiatrist hypnotizes one of his patients into believing that the patient has killed the psychiatrist's wife.
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20. River of Fear
A couple returning to San Francisco from their Hawaiian honeymoon are the picture of hapiness, but the new husband actually has murder on his mind - his wife's.
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21. Asylum
Steve Keller poses as a paranoiac and is placed in a mental hospital to investigate a numner of questionable deaths at the facility.
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22. Labyrinth
Mike and Steve head up an usual manhunt that takes place in one of the great hotels in San Francisco, and for 60 minutes the Hotel Pierre is under siege.
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23. Solitaire
Stone is teamed with undercover policeman Al Wozynsky to break up a narcotics ring, but Mike's greatest difficulty is gaining the trust of the young officer, who has always 'gone it alone'.
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1. Poisoned Snow
Personal tragedy prompts a narcotics officer to claim "a life for a life", but in doing so, the officer loses two beloved ones, instead of one.
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2. The Glass Dart Board
The apprehension of a mad killer, who kills indiscriminately by firing over long-distance into several office skyscrapers, is hampered by the efficient methods of Mike's and Steve's new superior.
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3. No Place to Hide
The tentacles of a prison gang reach outside, as well as inside, the prison and leave an unwilling convict and his wife no choice but to act a couriers of drugs.
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4. Men Will Die
A distraught rape victim shoots and kills one of her attackers, after the police are unsuccessful at building a case against the two men, and finds herself charged with first degree murder.
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5. School of Fear
While investigating the abduction and disappearance of four students from Manual High School, Keller becomes an unwilling 'student' in the classroom of a mentally deranged teacher.
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6. Deadly Silence
Mike must undergo a delicate operation to restore his hearing after an injury suffered during a call to a liquor store holdup leaves him partially deaf.
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7. Murder By Proxy
A formerly quiet neighbourhood is on a boosting way upwards, accompanied by violence and a homicide. Stone and Keller are called upon to investigate the mystery.
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8. Trail of Terror
Witness to a murder flees the scene and heads for the country, with four murderous sailors and our 81 team after her. The actions kicks in when Steve finds her, and together they head back to the city, with the sailors fully armed and tracking them through the woods. For that reason, the second half of this episode is more interesting, and the woman is a good strong character to play off Steve.
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9. Web of Lies
While Bert Morris is talking to Mr. Hendrix, robbery takes place at the Diamond Exchange next door, follwed by murder of a police officer. Story gets out of hand but Bert's hero image is deflated when police explain to him that he's obstructing justice.
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10. Dead Air
When the girlfriend of a murdered girl tries to blackmail a disc jockey of a local radio station who has been receiving threats 'on air', she winds up a murder victim herself. The radio personality finds himself accused of the murders which jeopardizes his new six-figure contract with a famous Los Angeles radio station.
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11. Merchants of Death
Rival street gangs declare war against one another following the murder of one of the members. Stone and Keller are set on the case in order to investigate the murder and to prevent complete escalation when army weapons get involved.
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12. The Cat's Paw
A cat burglar whom Inspector Irene Martin has been chasing for three months has struck again, this time killing his victim. It appears that a killer Mike and Steve have been chasing for several weeks may be the same eprson. Irene Martin joins Mike's pursuit and tensions develop as the two pursue their different theories on how to solve the case. The love affair the are about to begin, however, is on the rocks.
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13. Spooks For Sale
After Mike and Steve are called in to solve the mystery of a bugged factory and a notebook that has been stolen from the factory safe, they learn that the factory owner has a long record of criminal involvement. The case becomes more complex when they discoverthe company hired to do the bugging has in its employ an ex-CIA man and an ex-cop.
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14. Most Likely to Succeed
Our two cops are called to investigate the murder of a chemistry teacher. Scene appears to be burglary until a student of his is nearly killed too.
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15. Police Buff
Joey Lucero, on trial for the murder of a police officer, is let off when the Prosecutor's star witness backs down. A courtroom spectator takes the law in his hands and kills Lucero. He places a call to Mike Stone, admits to Lucero's killing and hangs up before the call can be traced. He telehpones a second time for a second killing. Then, Mike's life is threatened while polices work feverishly to apprehend the killer.
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16. The Honorable Profession
Dr. Holtfield, star witness to a robbery which later killed a police officer, cannot be found, and Mike is left with a question as to the doctor's identity.
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17. Requiem for Murder
While kneeling in prayer in the sanctuary, Bishop Farrow is fatally shot leaving no tangible clues for Stone and Keller to pursue the killer.
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18. Underground
Personal tragedy affords a police officer to sign a phony resignation and go underground to assist in exposing one of the biggest gambling operations in the country.
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19. Judgment Day
A ruthless killer, having killed five lawyers already, has pegged his next prey when Mike and Steve are trying to intercept his move.
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20. Clown of Death
Three murders have taken place among the circus personnel. While searching, Mike and Steve uncover a photo showing the three who have since been murdered and two persons seemingly unknown to the present circus members. One may be the killer or both may be the next to be killed.
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21. Superstar
A guest officer from New York City, Bert D'Angelo, clashes with Mike and Steve in trying to apprehend a killer who is now in San Francisco. However, certain method differences disturb the cooperation with Mike being in principle against the guest cop's "New York methods", whereas Steve tries to add a different perspective. This episode was the introduction for the new cop series of same denominator, which lasted for one season only.
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22. Alien Country
A wanted alien, without a greencard, gets into much trouble before Mike and Steve gain evidence on the actual killer.
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23. Runaway
With the participation of Mike's daughter, Jeannie, a 15-year old girl who travelled in, is under Stone's temporary custody. It turns out that they are looking for the same man: she's looking for her father who happens to be Mike's wanted man.
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1. The Thrill Killers (Part 1)
The police are faced with the most bizarre kidnapping - an entire jury of 12 men and women are held by a dangerous, revolutionary "family". Unless the demands are met, each juror will meet with death at the appointed hour.
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2. The Thrill Killers (Part 2)
The police continue to solve the bizarre kidnapping of an entire jury being held captive by a revolutionary "family" before any of the jury members are killed.
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3. Dead or Alive
An anxious father illegally circulates a wanted poster offering $1,000,000 for the capture of his daughter's killer, causing hysteria among the townspeople and interference with police strategy.
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4. The Drop
The victim's effort to escape indicates he's not blindfolded, has seen his captors, thus ultimate death. But first, the kidnappers are waiting for the $1,000,000 ransom.
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5. No Minor Vices
Ballistics reveals a common killer. Mike and Dan are confronted with two execution-type murders and no suspects.
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6. In Case of Madness
A man plagued with severe headaches and blackouts confesses to a murder, but Mike Stone is doubtful.
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7. Till Death Do Us Part
A woman enters Mike's office and offers to testify all information for protection. Her husband disappeared and she fears he has met death by the racket and her life will be next.
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8. Child of Anger
Having witnessed the murder of her mother's boyfriend, Melanie's life is in grave danger. She and her mother do not get along, which complicates matters for Mike and Dan.
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9. Hot Dog
This cop thinks he can do it all by himself. Too intent on being a good cop, he unintentionally creates aggravation for Mike Stone.
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10. Castle of Fear
Deals with a man who is abnormally fearful, and the lives of the innocent are endangered.
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11. One Last Trick
A lovely, young ex-hooker returns to her former way of life to help Mike and Dan find the murderer of her friend.
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12. Monkey is Back
Mysterious murders have taken place, all the same M.O., with the word "Monkey" left as a clue. Who is "Monkey" and why the murders?
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13. The Cannibals
A mobster's son killed two people over $250,000. He thought he'd be safe by making a deal with the law, but his father has hired the best hit-man to hunt him down and finish him.
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14. Who Killed Helen French?
A viciously assaulted wife disappears and possible murder points to her husband who is known to become violent when drunk and he cannot remember his actions.
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15. A Good Cop... But
A young killer, seeking vengeance on Narcotics Officer Dave Lambert, uncovers a tightly kept secret and exposes the fact that the officer is a homosexual.
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16. Hang Tough
Mike Stone's murder investigation gets hampered by a Narco Division member whose attitude and tactics are undesirable.
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17. Innocent No More
A vicious youth gang who has committed 42 acts of violence, including murder, in two months, are no match to Mike's dealings in spite of the fact that his daughter's life is threatened.
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18. Once A Con
Mike Stone is furios because his prisoner won't fight for his innocence when a missing ring from the murder victim is found and sheds light on the truth.
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19. Interlude
From two hotel rooms across from one another - murder takes place in one and an affair breaks up in the other. By chance, the heroine witnessed the murder but did not see the killer. However, the killer did see her. Later, unknown to her, her attorney husband is working on a big murder case - the victim is her ex-lover.
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20. Dead Lift
A serious bodybuilder with an uncontrollable violent temper strikes when teased about his physique.
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21. Breakup
Murder points to a guilt-ridden suspect who is about to commit suicide when Mike and Dan find him in the nick of time.
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22. Let's Pretend We're Strangers
A public defender almost loses her life when she believes her charge is not a murderer. Mike Stone tries to warn her of her misjudgement, but she won't listen.
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23. Time Out
During a forum at the local university, after each of the four prisoners have made a short speech about themselves sudden confusion is created. They grab the prison security guard as hostage and manage to escape.
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24. The Canine Collar
A jewel-studded dog collar turn out to be more than just a decorative piece for a canine.
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Back to The Streets of San Francisco (1991)
Mike Stone, now a Captain of SFPD's Homicide, is joined by two young officers who are rising stars on the police force and candidates for the vacant position of Lieutenant: David O'Connor, well-respected, bright and Stone's favoured candidate for promotion, and Sarah Burns, a self-assured, competent officer who also has high aspirations. They are friendly competitors who both respect the law and will go to any extent to protect the citizens of San Francisco.

Jeannie Stone comes to visit her father just as his personal and professional life take tumultuous turns. When Stone's longtime friend and partner of many years, Steve Keller, is murdered, Stone goes back to the streets to find the killer. However, as one of San Francisco's top homicide detectives, Stone cannot ignore another deadly crime spree that is fast developing in his city. And there is still a decision to be made concerning the promotion to the position of Lieutenant.

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© 2024 ⁄  The Streets of San Francisco - fansite/resource for the 70's cop show starring Karl Malden and Michael Douglas
Some design elements taken from the official CBS/Paramount DVD release - with thanks! :)