42 Facts about the movie Dead of Night - Facts.net
Jillian Zachary

Written by Jillian Zachary

Modified & Updated: 01 Jun 2024

Sherman Smith

Reviewed by Sherman Smith

Source: Bonhams.com

Dead of Night is a classic horror film that has captivated audiences since its release in 1945. Directed by Alberto Cavalcanti, Charles Crichton, Basil Dearden, and Robert Hamer, the movie is a collection of interconnected supernatural tales that are bound together by a central framing story. Its unique combination of eerie atmosphere, chilling suspense, and innovative storytelling techniques have made it a landmark in the horror genre.

In this article, we will dive deep into the world of Dead of Night and uncover 42 intriguing facts about the movie. From behind-the-scenes anecdotes to little-known trivia, we will unravel the secrets that make this film a must-watch for horror enthusiasts. So buckle up and get ready for a thrilling ride as we explore the fascinating history and captivating lore behind Dead of Night!

Key Takeaways:

  • Dead of Night” is a classic British horror film that influenced modern anthology movies and TV shows, showcasing eerie tales and a chilling atmosphere.
  • The film’s innovative storytelling, suspenseful segments, and lasting impact on the horror genre make it a must-watch for fans of spooky, interconnected narratives.
Table of Contents

Dead of Night is a British anthology horror film.

Released in 1945, Dead of Night is renowned for its collection of supernatural stories told within a framing narrative.

The film was directed by Alberto Cavalcanti and Charles Crichton.

Cavalcanti and Crichton collaborated on bringing together the eerie tales that make up Dead of Night.

Dead of Night is considered a precursor to the modern horror anthology genre.

With its interwoven narratives and combination of horror and supernatural elements, Dead of Night set the stage for future anthology films.

The film features five distinct segments.

Each segment delves into a different story, showcasing a mix of psychological horror, supernatural encounters, and unexplained phenomena.

The framing narrative follows a man who experiences a recurring nightmare.

As the man attends a country house party, he realizes that all the other guests have appeared in his dreams before.

The story “The Hearse Driver” explores a haunted vehicle.

A race car driver becomes obsessed with a ghostly hearse and finds himself being irresistibly drawn towards it.

“The Haunted Mirror” showcases a mirror that reflects a disturbing future.

A ventriloquist sees a horrifying image of himself in a mirror, foreshadowing a tragic event that eventually unfolds.

“The Golfing Story” revolves around a haunted golf course.

A golfer finds himself caught in a repeating loop, where he is forced to relive a deadly game of golf over and over again.

“The Christmas Party” takes a sinister turn.

A young girl’s premonitions about her stepmother’s murderous intentions lead to a shocking climax during a Christmas party.

The final story, “Ventriloquist’s Dummy,” is the most famous segment of the film.

This chilling tale tells the story of a ventriloquist who believes his dummy has a mind of its own.

Dead of Night was well-received by critics and audiences alike.

The film’s unique storytelling format and eerie atmosphere captivated viewers, solidifying its status as a horror classic.

The success of Dead of Night influenced future horror anthology films.

Movies like Twilight Zone: The Movie and Creepshow drew inspiration from Dead of Night’s format and storytelling techniques.

Dead of Night continues to be celebrated for its innovative use of multiple perspectives.

The film’s ability to seamlessly weave together different stories and create an interconnected narrative was groundbreaking for its time.

Dead of Night has had a lasting impact on the horror genre.

Its influence can be seen in films such as Tales from the Crypt and Black Mirror, which explore similar themes and storytelling structures.

Despite its age, Dead of Night still holds up as a suspenseful and atmospheric film.

The combination of chilling stories, strong performances, and clever twists makes it a must-watch for horror enthusiasts.

The film’s music was composed by Georges Auric.

Auric’s hauntingly beautiful score enhances the eerie atmosphere of Dead of Night.

Dead of Night has been praised for its intricate and cohesive screenplay.

The writing team, which included John Baines, Angus MacPhail, and T.E.B. Clarke, masterfully crafted a cohesive narrative that ties the segments together.

The film was made during a challenging time in British cinema.

Dead of Night was produced during World War II when the British film industry faced numerous difficulties and resource constraints.

Dead of Night was a product of Ealing Studios.

Ealing Studios, renowned for its comedies, took a departure from its usual genre to create this memorable horror film.

Dead of Night features an ensemble cast of talented actors.

The film showcases the acting prowess of stars like Mervyn Johns, Googie Withers, and Michael Redgrave.

The film’s recurring nightmare theme was inspired by the experiences of producer Michael Balcon.

Balcon shared his recurring nightmares with the writing team, who then incorporated them into the framing narrative of Dead of Night.

Dead of Night’s innovative narrative structure influenced the horror anthology television series.

Series like The Twilight Zone and Tales from the Darkside adopted a similar approach in presenting a different story in each episode.

The influential cinematographer, Douglas Slocombe, worked on Dead of Night.

Slocombe’s expertise in creating atmospheric visuals added to the overall suspense and horror of the film.

Dead of Night remains a significant work in British horror cinema.

It paved the way for future British horror films and left a lasting impact on the genre.

The film’s international release introduced audiences around the world to British horror.

Dead of Night showcased the talent and creativity of British filmmakers, establishing the country as a force to be reckoned with in the horror genre.

Dead of Night was a box office success upon its release.

Its blend of horror, suspense, and supernatural elements drew in audiences, ensuring its commercial viability.

The film’s chilling atmosphere was achieved through careful art direction and set design.

The attention to detail in creating eerie locations and unsettling visuals enhanced the overall sense of dread in Dead of Night.

Dead of Night continues to be celebrated for its ability to create psychological tension.

The film skillfully builds suspense and plays with the audience’s perceptions, leading to unexpected and chilling twists.

Dead of Night’s impact on the horror genre can still be felt today.

Its influence can be seen in contemporary horror films that employ nonlinear storytelling and explore the boundaries of reality.

Dead of Night’s popularity led to remakes and adaptations.

The film has been remade for television and inspired other anthology horror projects in various media.

Dead of Night has been recognized by various film institutions and critics.

It is often included in lists of the greatest horror films of all time and is considered a classic in British cinema.

The success of Dead of Night paved the way for future British horror filmmakers.

Its innovative storytelling and ability to create tension and scares opened doors for aspiring filmmakers to explore the horror genre.

Dead of Night’s influence extends beyond the horror genre.

Its impact can be seen in works of suspense and psychological thrillers that employ similar narrative techniques.

The film leaves room for interpretation and discussion.

Its ambiguous ending and thought-provoking themes make Dead of Night a subject of analysis and debate among film enthusiasts.

Dead of Night’s individual segments are often cited as standalone classics.

They have been studied and analyzed for their impact on storytelling and their ability to create fear and suspense.

Dead of Night was a critical and commercial success in its time.

It received positive reviews for its innovation, atmospheric storytelling, and unforgettable twists.

The film exemplifies the power of storytelling.

Each segment in Dead of Night showcases the importance of narratives and their ability to captivate and frighten audiences.

Dead of Night’s lasting legacy is a testament to the strength of its storytelling and execution.

Decades after its release, the film continues to be celebrated for its contribution to the horror genre.

Dead of Night has been restored and re-released over the years.

Restoration efforts ensure that new generations of viewers can experience the film in its original glory.

Dead of Night’s impact on subsequent horror films cannot be overstated.

It set the stage for films that experiment with narrative structure, challenge audience expectations, and push the boundaries of the genre.

Dead of Night’s timeless appeal lies in its ability to generate genuine scares.

The film’s creepy atmosphere, well-crafted stories, and talented cast make it a classic horror experience.

Dead of Night continues to be discovered and appreciated by new generations of horror fans.

Its enduring popularity speaks to its quality as a captivating and enduring piece of filmmaking.


In conclusion, “Dead of Night” is a classic horror anthology film that has left a lasting impact on the genre. With its innovative storytelling format and eerie atmosphere, it continues to captivate audiences even decades after its release. The movie showcases a collection of supernatural tales, each with its own unique twist and sense of dread. From the ventriloquist dummy that comes to life to the haunted mirror that reflects a sinister reality, “Dead of Night” keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.With exceptional performances, masterful direction, and a gripping narrative, this movie has undoubtedly earned its place as a must-watch for horror enthusiasts. Whether you’re a fan of psychological thrillers or supernatural mysteries, “Dead of Night” has something to offer to everyone.So, gather your friends, turn off the lights, and prepare to be entertained and terrified by the timeless brilliance of “Dead of Night.


1. Is “Dead of Night” a single story or an anthology film?

“Dead of Night” is an anthology film composed of several supernatural tales that are connected by an overarching narrative.

2. Are the stories in “Dead of Night” interconnected?

Yes, the stories in “Dead of Night” are interconnected, with characters from one story appearing in another, creating a sense of continuity throughout the movie.

3. How scary is “Dead of Night”?

Dead of Night” is considered a classic horror film with a reputation for being genuinely terrifying. It relies on psychological suspense and eerie atmosphere rather than excessive gore or jump scares.

4. When was “Dead of Night” released?

“Dead of Night” was released in 1945.

5. Is “Dead of Night” a black and white film?

Yes, “Dead of Night” was filmed in black and white, which adds to its atmospheric and haunting quality.

6. Can “Dead of Night” be enjoyed by modern horror fans?

Absolutely! Despite being released many years ago, “Dead of Night” remains a beloved and influential film in the horror genre. Its timeless themes and masterful storytelling continue to captivate audiences today.

7. Is “Dead of Night” suitable for all ages?

Although “Dead of Night” is not overly explicit, it does contain intense and eerie scenes that may be frightening for young viewers. It is recommended for mature audiences.

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