Fortnite 2 - Season 1 New Map Named Locations & Landmarks

Fortnite 2 – Season 1 New Map Named Locations & Landmarks

Here's your new playground.

Fortnite 2 map

After a long wait, Fortnite Chapter 2 (we’re just going to call it Fortnite 2 from here on out) – Season 1 is finally here with the black hole weirdness behind us. The biggest change for the new season? A brand new map.

It’s been a long time coming, too. Compared to the likes of PUBG, Epic have always stuck with the “same” map across two years, making major changes with each new season. Season X introduced Rift Zones to bring back the classics, but it was hard to shake the feeling like there was just way too much going on at once.

The new island, however, is far cleaner with it having a consistent identity and a very throwback aesthetic. Here’s hoping the new map stays that way.


Fortnite 2 – Season 1 New Map

Here’s an overview of the new map from Epic themselves.

Fortnite 2
Fortnite 2 map

Here’s the in-game map for Fortnite 2 with all named locations following it. Bold names are old spots.

Fortnite 2 map
Fortnite 2 map in-game and all locations

Craggy Cliffs
Dirty Docks
Frenzy Farm
Holly Hedges
Lazy Lake
Misty Meadows
Pleasant Park
Retail Row
Salty Springs
Slurpy Swamp
Steamy Stacks
Sweaty Sands
Weeping Woods

Places in Fortnite 2 are divided into two separate things: named locations and landmarks. Locations are the above, while landmarks are unnamed locations that you also have to discover for yourself. Risky Reels, for instance, returns as a landmark after being gone since Season 8.

Here’s the complete list of landmarks for the new map.

Base Camp Hotel
Camp Cod
Coral Cove
Crash Site
E.G.O. Barracks
E.G.O. Comm Tower
E.G.O. Hangar
E.G.O. Science Station
E.G.O. Staging Post
Eye Land
FN Radio
Flopper Pond
Fort Crumpet
Gorgeous Gorge
Hilltop House
Homely Hills location
Hydro 1
Lake Canoe
Lazy Lake Island
Lockie’s Lighthouse
Mount F8
Pristine Point
Rainbow Rentals
Risky Reels
Shanty Town
Shipwreck Cove
Stumpy Ridge
The Orchard
Weather Station

The map will be greyed out until you venture out into the map yourself and discover them.

There are a lot of new locations for Fortnite 2, but it’s good to see Epic bring back a few of their old classics to make the transition feel a little smoother. With 13 named locations, you will be spoiled for choice when it comes to wear to land in in Fortnite 2 – Season 1.

Here’s the very first map for Season 1 of Chapter 1 for reference.

Fortnite Season 1 map
The OG Fortnite map

And the last map from Season X.

greasy Grove Moisty Palms
Season X map

A lot has definitely changed from the original map, but this appears to be a clean slate for the new Fortnite island. Hopefully Epic don’t start bloating it with a tonne of weird changes and biomes that it doesn’t need.

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