屯門迷你倉 | 屯門建榮工業大廈2/F | 24 STORAGE
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24 STORAGE 屯門迷你倉


  • Tuen Mun-24STORAGE-whatsapp


  • Tuen Mun-24STORAGE-whatsapp


6x2'7" (單車倉)
3x5 (15ft²)
3x6 (18ft²)
5x4 (20ft²)
4x6 (24ft²)
5x6 (30ft²)
6x6 (36ft²)
8x5 (40ft²)
6x8 (48ft²)
7x8 (56ft²)

條款 :
1. 以上優惠只適用於新客戶。
2. 以上優惠只限於優惠期內使用,閣下只能任擇其一。
3. 月租客戶須繳付相等於一個月倉租的按金。
4. 優惠期限最長為一年。
5. 本公司有權對以上優惠及價目作出任何修訂,金額將以發票及租倉借用書所訂明的為準。
6. 倉庫尺寸或因圍板厚度或大廈的樓底高度而有些微偏差,以現場實物為準。



+852 2424 2433

+852 4624 2424



星期一至五:10am - 7pm

       星期六:10am - 2pm


(如需在辦公時間外預約參觀, 歡迎與分店聯絡)

星期⼀⾄星期⽇及公眾假期:24小時 (只限客⼾)


  • 地鐵:西鐵綫 屯門站A出口 (步行8分鐘)

  • 巴士:

    • 九巴:N260, 57M, 66M, 66X, 258D, 258X, 961, 961P

    • 港鐵巴士:K58

    • 龍運巴士:E33P, NA33

  • ​輕鐵:鳴琴站 505, 610, 615, 615P




+852 2424 2433

+852 4624 2424



星期一至五:10am - 7pm

       星期六:10am - 2pm


(如需在辦公時間外預約參觀, 歡迎與分店聯絡)

星期⼀⾄星期⽇及公眾假期:24小時 (只限客⼾)


  • 地鐵:西鐵綫 屯門站A出口 (步行7分鐘)

  • 巴士:

    • 九巴:57M, 66M, 66X,258D, 961

    • 港鐵巴士:K54

    • 龍運巴士:A33X, E33, E36A

  • ​輕鐵:建安站 505


24 STORAGE 屯門迷你倉倉圖預覽



5x3呎 (15平方尺)

(長) 152.5 x (寛) 91.5cm


4x5呎 (20方尺)

(長) 122 x (寛) 152.5cm


5x5 (25平方尺)

(長) 152.5 x (寛) 152.5cm


5x7 (35平方尺)

(長) 152.5 x (寛) 213.5cm

24 STORAGE 屯門迷你倉各種繳費付款方式


付款方法 : 

  1. 所有電子支付:Visa, Master, 八達通, Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, Alipay, PayMe ⋯⋯

  2. 轉數快FPS no:106104631

  3. *銀行入數:

    收款公司:  Blueprint Global Limited

    銀行名稱 : 香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司 The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited



    *請保留入數紙WhatsApp至分店 +852 4624 2424 或電郵至 tmkinwing@24storage.com.hk 並註明發票編號以便跟進


付款方法 : 

  1. 所有電子支付:Visa, Master, 八達通, Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, Alipay, PayMe ⋯⋯

  2. *銀行入數:
    收款公司: Pixel Storage Limited
    銀行名稱 : 中國銀行(香港)有限公司 Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited

    *請保留入數紙WhatsApp至分店 +852 4624 2424 或電郵至 tmyautak@24storage.com.hk 並註明發票編號以便跟進


性價比高的屯門迷你倉推介    解決屯門及掃管笏居民存倉需要

屯門是香港歷史最悠久的地方,據知遠於新石器時代,屯門附近一帶已有人聚居。 70年代初,為配合香港政府的「新市鎮發展計劃」,屯門由舊式的農村漁港續漸演變成今日的現代化新市鎮。

近年屯門有大量私樓落成,社會福利處於2021年統計,屯門區人口接近 500,000 並佔全港人口的 6.8%。 很多屯門居民選擇租用區內優質的迷你倉存放雜物、換季衣服、甚至大型傢俬,騰出更多空間以換取更舒適室內環境及提升生活質素。至於屯門迷你倉邊間好? 以優質顧客體驗及集多項增值設施於一身的 24 STORAGE是你的必然選擇。

由屯門港鐵站A出口出發,步行8分鐘即可到達 24 STORAGE 屯門迷你倉分店,離輕鐵鳴琴站更只需4分鐘步程,為屯門以及掃管笏附近一帶居民帶來便利的屯門迷你倉月租服務。24 STORAGE 屯門迷你倉比較其他同區舊式迷你倉環境更簡潔明亮,配備一系列全新保安設備保障你的重要財物,更有多種自存倉尺寸迎合大眾存倉需求,適用作文件倉,搬屋裝修存倉或其他迷你倉短租等用途。

此外,因應鄰近屯門單車徑,我們額外提供區內少有的單車倉給單車發燒友存放愛驅之用。24 STORAGE 屯門單車倉價錢合理外,租戶亦可同時免費享用多項增值服務。立即聯絡分店同事了解 24 STORAGE 屯門迷你倉最平收費及屯門租倉優惠。

  • 1. Where are the 24 STORAGE self storage locations?
    24 STORAGE Self storage facilities are situated across Hong Kong Island, Kowloon, and the New Territories. We place great importance on choosing convenient locations with easy transportation access to facilitate our clients in storing and retrieving their belongings. Currently, 24 STORAGE Self storage branches are located in Lai Chi Kok, Wong Chuk Hang, Tsing Yi, Fo Tan, Yuen Long, Chai Wan, and more. We aim to expand our Self storage presence to additional areas in the future, serving customers throughout Hong Kong.
  • 2. Is 24 STORAGE open 24 hours?
    Yes, 24 STORAGE operates as a 24-hour Self storage facility, providing round-the-clock access without time restrictions. This allows clients to conveniently store or retrieve their belongings during evenings or on holidays.
  • 3. What are the operating hours of 24 STORAGE Self storage?
    24 STORAGE Self storage is open 24/7 throughout the year, allowing clients to access their storage units using a smart card. For more Self storage monthly rental recommendations, you can schedule a visit during our office hours, Monday to Friday from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm, or Saturday from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.
  • 4. Can I visit the Self storage facility in person before renting a unit?
    Absolutely, 24 STORAGE welcomes potential clients to schedule visits to our storage facilities during office hours. Please contact our branch staff to arrange a date and time for your visit. Our team members will personally introduce you to our Self storage monthly rental services and provide on-site consultations, offering various Self storage recommendations based on your needs.
  • 5. Can I make an appointment to visit the warehouse out of office hours?
    Sure! If customers are unable to arrange a visit to the mini-storage unit during office hours, we can make flexible arrangements. Please contact our staff during the office hours to arrange a dedicated visit time.
  • 6. What is the procedure to rent a 24-hour Self storage unit at 24 STORAGE?
    The process of renting a 24-hour Self storage unit at 24 STORAGE is quite simple. First, choose your preferred location, then decide on the size of the Self storage unit you need. Clients can book a unit directly online or contact our customer service branch staff to obtain a quote. Once the payment process is completed, the unit will be ready for move-in on the scheduled date.
  • 7. Can I apply for your Self storage monthly rental plan online?
    Yes, we offer an online booking service, allowing clients to select a suitable Self storage monthly rental plan on the 24 STORAGE official website. From choosing the branch location and storage unit size to selecting the rental dates and processing payments, everything can be handled conveniently through our online platform.
  • 8. Can I rent a Self storage unit for just one month?
    Absolutely!24 STORAGE's Self storage monthly rental plans are very flexible, with no mandatory contract terms or requirements for clients to sign up for a year or more. Instead, we offer single-month Self storage rental services, which means clients can rent a storage unit for as short as one month.
  • 9. What payment methods does 24 STORAGE offer?
    24 STORAGE provides a variety of payment options. Clients can book the most affordable and high-quality Self storage units online and pay with a credit card. We accept Visa, Mastercard, and UnionPay. Alternatively, clients can also make a bank transfer to 24 STORAGE's corporate bank account for the Self storage monthly rental fee. After completing the deposit process, please send the deposit slip via email or WhatsApp to us for verification. We also welcome clients to visit our 24 STORAGE Self storage branches to pay using EPS, credit card, or various major electronic payment platforms.
  • 10. Besides the customer service hotline, are there other ways to contact and learn about Self storage recommendations?
    You can reach the 24 STORAGE Self storage inquiry hotline at 2424 2433 or contact us on WhatsApp at +852 4624 2424 for more details about renting Self storage units. We also welcome you to visit the 24 STORAGE Self storage Facebook page (@24STORAGEHK) for more information. If you are unsure about the size of the Self storage unit you need, you can try our 1:1 personalized customer service by calling 2424 2433 to get professional advice from the 24 STORAGE team!
  • 11. What is the lowest budget for renting a 24 STORAGE Self storage unit?
    The lowest budget for renting a 24 STORAGE Self storage unit can be as low as a few hundred dollars.Generally, smaller storage units are more affordable, and customers looking for the cheapest option often choose the smallest available unit. However, the smallest self-storage unit may not be suitable for all clients, as it depends on the size and quantity of the items to be stored. The final budget may also vary depending on the location of the branch. 24 STORAGE publishes the monthly rental pricing for Self storage units at different branches on their website, making it easy for clients to find the most affordable option.
  • 12. How can I get the best deal and latest information on mini-storage units?
    To get the best deal and latest information on 24 STORAGE's mini-storage units, please keep an eye on our official website. We regularly offer promotions so that customers can find the most affordable options for mini-storage units. In addition to our website, we also update our social media accounts with promotional information and announcements. Please follow 24 STORAGE's Facebook and Instagram accounts to get firsthand access to the best deals and latest information on our mini-storage units.
  • 13. Is it easy to access 24 STORAGE Self storage facilities?
    24 STORAGE Self storage facilities are conveniently located near MTR stations or bus stops, just a few minutes' walk away. With easy access to various transportation options, clients can easily visit the storage facilities anytime to store or retrieve their belongings.
  • 14. How do I choose the right size for a Self storage unit?
    To help customers solve their home space needs, 24 STORAGE offers a variety of self-storage unit sizes for clients to rent. With up to 14 different size options, various items can be stored in the Self storage units, including small and large furniture, appliances, clothing, bicycles, camping equipment, water sports gear, and even company documents. Clients can rent a Self storage unit based on their storage needs and are welcome to consult with the 24 STORAGE customer service team for more recommendations on choosing the right size.
  • 15. I have a lot of furniture and miscellaneous items, should I choose the largest storage unit?
    If you have a large number of furniture and miscellaneous items, we generally recommend clients to choose a storage unit with an area of 25 to 50 square feet. However, the size of the Self storage unit is for reference only, and the actual size of your items should be taken into consideration. The best way to choose an appropriate storage unit is to schedule a visit to 24 STORAGE's 24-hour Self storage facility. By visiting the warehouse in person, our staff can also provideSelf storage recommendations based on your needs.
  • 16. Can I change the size of my Self storage unit after renting?
    If you find the rented Self storage unit too small or too large after renting, 24 STORAGE's customer service team can provide suitable Self storage recommendations for you. Depending on the availability of the desired size at the specific branch, we can arrange for a change of Self storage units on an individual basis. For more information on Self storage recommendations, please feel free to contact our professional customer service team.
  • 17. Are Self storage units humidity-controlled and temperature-regulated?
    24 STORAGE Self storage facilities feature a 24-hour intelligent temperature control system, excellent humidity control, and fire protection certification, covering the entire storage space. This ensures that your belongings and important documents are properly stored when renting a self storage unit.
  • 18. Does 24 STORAGE provide moving services for Self storage units?
    24 STORAGE offers free point-to-point Self storage moving services, so clients don't have to worry about moving numerous items. Our professional moving personnel can safely transport your stored items to the selected self-storage unit. If you need to purchase additional moving services, please contact our customer service representatives.
  • 19. Are there any restrictions on the items stored in 24 STORAGE facilities?
    To ensure the safety of 24 STORAGE clients and their belongings, we impose certain restrictions on items stored in our Self storage units. All hazardous materials and items regulated by law are strictly prohibited from being stored in self-storage units, including animals, flammable materials, chemical substances, and items obtained through illegal channels. If prohibited items are placed in the Self storage unit without permission, clients are responsible for any consequences, and 24 STORAGE reserves the right to terminate the contract immediately and pursue legal recourse.
  • 20. Can 24 STORAGE storage units be used for office purposes?
    24 STORAGE's monthly rental Self storage units are primarily intended for storage purposes and are not suitable for office use. However, we understand that finding a quiet and well-equipped office space in Hong Kong is not easy. Therefore, in addition to Self storage spaces, 24 STORAGE also offers shared smart working pods with lighting and soundproofing systems, which are suitable for small meetings, video calls, teaching, live streaming, and recording purposes.
  • 21. s it safe to store items in 24 STORAGE self-storage units?
    24 STORAGE places great emphasis on the security system of its storage facilities. In addition to staff on duty during office hours, our Self storage facilities are also monitored by intelligent disinfection robots that patrol regularly, ensuring 24-hour safety. Moreover, 24 STORAGE individual storage units use separate electronic locks, allowing only 24 STORAGE Self storage clients to access and open their own self-storage units.
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