MyCast&Crew: Recover Your Password (Mobile & Desktop)
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MyCast&Crew: Recover Your Password (Mobile & Desktop)

Follow the steps below to reset your MyCast&Crew password

The password recovery steps are the same for both mobile and desktop.

  1. On the MyCast&Crew login page, click Forgot password?undefined-Feb-14-2024-10-19-23-3572-PM
  2. Type the email address associated with your account to begin the reset process. Click Next.
  3. Select the recovery method you set up. You'll receive a 5-digit numeric code that you'll use to verify your account.
  4. Enter the code you received and click Confirm.
  5. Create a new password for your account. Make sure your new password meets all the requirements and matches in both text fields. Click Reset my password.
    💡 Click 'Tips for remembering your password' to view tips for creating a strong, unique password that's easy to remember.
  6. You'll see a success screen when your password has been successfully created.
  7. Click Login to MyCast&Crew dashboard to log in to MyCast&Crew using your email and new password.