
Preserving the Race for Space 2024: From the Earth to the Moon and Beyond

Banner for Preserving the Race for Space Symposium 2024
Join us in Houston, Texas for a symposium on preservation of Space Exploration Resources! The NPS National Center for Preservation Technology and Training (NCPTT) is partnering with Space Center Houston, Cane River National Heritage Area, and NASA to host a three-day symposium, which will bring together professionals with a stake in preserving what space exploration has left and is leaving behind. The symposium will feature talks held at the Space Center Houston, in Houston, TX, and tours of Johnson Space Center.

Registration Information

Registration is through Eventbrite.

Registration costs:
Regular Registration: $399
Speaker Registration: $299
Student Registration: $199

Call for Presentations

Potential Topics Include preservation of:
  • Structures and Sites
  • Oral Histories
  • Materials
  • Technology
  • Memorabilia
Presentations will be 30 minutes, including 10 minutes for questions. Please submit an abstract of no more than 500 words (excluding figures and references). Submissions need to include main presenter’s full name and contact information (name, title, organization, address, phone, email), and an additional 100-word biography for each presenter. We recommend no more than two presenters per presentation. Abstract Deadline EXTENDED to April 25, 2024.

Presentation Papers
Presenters will have the opportunity to prepare a paper for a symposium publication. Papers are due on September 1, 2024.

Important Dates
April 25, 2024: Presentation abstracts due
May 10, 2024: Accepted presenters notified
August 7, 2024: Presentation files (ppt) due
August 13-15, 2024: Symposium
September 1, 2024: Papers for Proceedings due

Submit abstract and bio to: Catherine Cooper at

Conference Venue Information

Talks will be held at Space Center Houston, room TBA

Parking vouchers will be available for symposium participants. Please email Catherine at by August 5, 2024 to get yours in advance. You will need one for each day and they will need to be printed out and shown at the gate.

Conference Hotel Information TBD

Conference Schedule

August 13-15, 2024

Keynote speaker: Michelle Hanlon

Presenter Talks will be 20 minutes with 10 minutes for questions
Speaker/Authors Presentation Title
Meg Abraham What's it Made of, What is it Not Made of, and How Was it Put Together?
Drew Adan and Cecilia Duykers Flown Flora: NASA's Moon Trees and Public Memory
David Bucek and Jordan Shelton Apollo Mission Control Center Preservation
Emily Carney "Space in the Seventies" -- Attitudes toward imagery of spaceflight during the 1970s
Jonathan Coopersmith Preserving the present to ensure the future of the past
Reagan Grimsley Collection, Preservation, and Migration of Aerospace Oral Histories
J.J. Kent, L.J. Costello, H.C. O'Brien, L.R. Casturi, L.A. Watts, A.B. Mosie, and J.A. Ziegler Stories from the Moon: The History of NASA's Largest Apollo Sample Display
Roland Miller Documenting Historic Space Race Sites Pre and Post Demolition
Jeffrey Nesbit Returning to Earth: Capsules, Airstreams, and Quarantines
Robert Pearlman Five Lessons Learned from 25 Years of collectSpace
Matthew Peek Making Space for History: Focused Approaches to Collecting Human Space Flight Archival Records
Paul Spana and Steve Pine Resurrection of an American Icon: Authetication and Conservation of the lecturn used by President Kennedy
Jim Remar Honoring the History of Space Exploration (Cosmosphere displays and initiatives)
Melanie Sanford Saving 74 NASA Chairs: Restoration of the Seating in MOCR2--Visitor Viewing Area, Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center, Houston
Mike Toth Doing More by Doing Less: Digitally Preserving the Space Race
Lisa Young Spacesuit Preservation at the National Air and Space Museum: New Approaches to Public Display
Zhang Zhihui and Zheng Yongchung Future Lunar Exploration Faces Potential Controversies: a Chinese Perspective

Daily Schedule TBA

Last updated: May 30, 2024