Russian Fishery Company - fishing and fish processing

High ecology standard and fishing efficiency

Deep processing and one-time freezing of products at sea
One of the world leaders in the fishing and processing of Pollock
High level of social responsibility
Wild pollock
from the clean ocean waters
Healthy food product
Rich composition of nutrients
Environmentally sound protein
Deep freezing at sea
Fleet Renewal Leadership
  • 11 supertrawlers
  • 15,000 tons - fillet, mince and surimi production capacity of the vessel
  • Deep processing up to 100% of the catch
  • Waste-free production
  • Reducing CO2 emissions by 2 times
  • Safe working conditions
  • Comfortable living on board
RFC in numbers

The Russian Fishery Company is one of the leaders in the production of Pollock in Russia and in the world, one of the leading Russian producers of wild white fish.

With the focus on long-term sustainability
  • we update the fishing fleet,
  • we increase the efficiency and safety of fishing,
  • we improve the working conditions of the crews,
  • we develop processing at sea and onshore.
RFC in numbers
High standards of working conditions, opportunities for practice and professional growth of young specialists
thousand tons
Annual quota for fish harvesting is more than 300 thousand tons (excluding non-quota objects, depending on the annual total allowable catch for certain types, 325 thousand tons in 2022)

including the first of 11 new generation supertrawlers. High efficiency of the fleet in all fishing zones and climatic conditions.

If you become aware of any facts of theft, fraud, abuse of power, and corruption at Russian Fishery Company, you may report to our hotline

8 800 770 75 80

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Please, remember that the hotline must not be used for dissemination of known falsehoods and for other unlawful purposes.