Hamlet Navigator: Characters: Fortinbras, Prince of Norway

Fortinbras, Prince of Norway

[This is an annotated list of all appearances and all mentions of Fortinbras.]
Ruffus Sewell as Fortinbras
"Now sir, young Fortinbras, / Of unimproved mettle, hot and full . . ." (1.1.95-96). After telling of how King Hamlet killed King Fortinbras, Horatio goes on to explain that young Fortinbras, with an irregular army, apparently means to get back what his father lost in that battle with King Hamlet. [Scene Summary]
"Now follows, that you know, young Fortinbras, / Holding a weak supposal of our worth . . ." (1.2.17-18). King Claudius, in a dismissive tone, summarizes the problem posed by Fortinbras and tells his court that he is dealing with it. [Scene Summary]
"Upon our first, he sent out to suppress / His nephew's levies" (2.2.61-62), says Voltemand, speaking of what the King of Norway did when he found out that Fortinbras was preparing to attack Denmark. [Scene Summary]
"Go, captain, from me greet the Danish king" (4.4.1), says Fortinbras, as he marches across the stage on his way to Poland. To Hamlet, the Norwegian Captain expresses disgust with Fortinbras' objective, "a little patch of ground / That hath in it no profit but the name" (4.4.18-19). Then Hamlet, in his fourth soliloquy, compares himself unfavorably to Fortinbras, because Fortinbras is a man of action, and Hamlet is not. On the other hand, Hamlet doesn't seem to have any respect for Fortinbras's objective either, calling it a "straw" and an "eggshell." [Scene Summary]
"Young Fortinbras, with conquest come from Poland, / To the ambassadors of England gives / This warlike volley" (5.2.350-352). This is Osric's answer to Hamlet, who in his dying moments hears cannon being shot off, and asks, "What warlike noise is this?" Before he dies, Hamlet predicts that Fortinbras will be King of Denmark, and supports the idea. The moment after Hamlet dies, Fortinbras enters, takes charge, and claims the kingship of Denmark. [Scene Summary]