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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

Tom Luse is a production manager and producer in AMC's The Walking Dead. He was one of the executive producers for the original TV Series from Season 4 to Season 9. Since Season 10, he was replaced by Joe Incaprera. His appearance was used as the base for the painting of President William Milton.[1]


Tom Luse has been producing and production managing for three decades. He has worked throughout the U.S. and overseas, and has been fortunate enough to have been a part of many projects in his home state of Georgia. Beginning with the Academy® Award-winning film Glory, he went on to production manage movies such as Drumline and Remember the Titans. He has also produced features such as Jeepers Creepers 1 and 2, The Joneses, Hachiko and The Collection.

He has worked on many made-for-television movies including the Emmy®-nominated What the Deaf Man Heard and the DGA Award-winning Paris Trout. He was awarded an AFI Director Internship for the award-winning documentary Who’s Killing the Cities, which he wrote, produced, and directed.


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