Best Cinematography Oscar-Winning Movies, Ranked by Tomatometer | Rotten Tomatoes


(Photo by Warner Bros. /Courtesy Everett Collection)

Best Cinematography Oscar-Winning Movies, Ranked

Movies are first and foremost a visual medium, and on-set cinematographers are responsible for setting up the angles, the lighting, and the look of what’s being captured on camera. In other words, cinematography is about how we see movies. Take a look at the movies and filmmakers that have won the Academy Award for Best Cinematography over the past 25 years and big scenes and moments immediately fill the mind’s eye: Saving Private Ryan’s desaturated, dirt-and-blood-on-the-lenses look put you in the middle of the chaos on Omaha Beach. Andrew Lesine brought the high fantasy of Tolkien to earthy life in The Fellowship of the Ring. You can’t separate the overwhelming rain-drenched appearance in Road to Perdition from the movie’s plot, thanks to Conrad Hall, who won the Oscar posthumously. Like a magician, Emmanuel Lubezki won three in a row for pulling off three wildly different assignments: Gravity, Birdman, and The Revenant. Roger Deakins was nominated 13 times before finally winning one for Blade Runner 2049′s sci-fi vistas and memorable triple-layered love scene, and then winning again for matching all the complicated sequences in 1917 to help achieve the appearance of one continuous shot.

The Best Cinematography award has been a thing for as long as the Oscars have been around, with Sunrise taking home inaugural gold in 1927. By 1940, the award had permanently split in two: One for Black-and-White, and the other for films in Color, with Gone with the Wind being the first to win the latter. 1966 was the final time the Academy made that distinction, though black-and-white movies have won since, like Schindler’s List in 1994, Roma in 2019, and Mank in 2021.

And now, we’re ranking all Best Cinematography Oscar-winning movie by Tomatometer! Alex Vo


Laura (1944)

Adjusted Score: 109527%
Critics Consensus: A psychologically complex portrait of obsession, Laura is also a deliciously well-crafted murder mystery.
Synopsis: In one of the most celebrated 1940s film noirs, Manhattan detective Mark McPherson (Dana Andrews) investigates the murder of Madison... [More]
Directed By: Otto Preminger

Adjusted Score: 104116%
Critics Consensus: Ingmar Bergman conveys the sweep of childhood with a fastidious attention to detail and sumptuous insight into human frailty in Fanny & Alexander, a masterwork that crystalizes many of the directors' preoccupations into a familial epic.
Synopsis: As children in the loving Ekdahl family, Fanny (Pernilla Allwin) and Alexander (Bertil Guve) enjoy a happy life with their... [More]
Directed By: Ingmar Bergman


Black Narcissus (1947)

Adjusted Score: 106447%
Critics Consensus: No consensus yet.
Synopsis: A group of Anglican nuns, led by Sister Clodagh (Deborah Kerr), are sent to a mountain in the Himalayas. The... [More]


Great Expectations (1946)

Adjusted Score: 103939%
Critics Consensus: Furnished with striking visual detail and told with great narrative economy by director David Lean, Great Expectations is an exemplary adaptation of Charles Dickens' dense and episodic novel.
Synopsis: In this Dickens adaptation, orphan Pip (John Mills) discovers through lawyer Mr. Jaggers (Francis L. Sullivan) that a mysterious benefactor... [More]
Directed By: David Lean

Adjusted Score: 103407%
Critics Consensus: Dashing, dazzling, and altogether magical, The Thief of Bagdad is an enchanting fantasy for children of all ages.
Synopsis: Deceived and deposed by his sinister adviser, Jaffar (Conrad Veidt), Ahmad (John Justin), the King of Bagdad, must find a... [More]


A Star Is Born (1937)

Adjusted Score: 103864%
Critics Consensus: No consensus yet.
Synopsis: When a young actress (Janet Gaynor) arrives in Hollywood with hopes of stardom, a chance encounter places her under the... [More]
Directed By: William A. Wellman


The Yearling (1946)

Adjusted Score: 101631%
Critics Consensus: No consensus yet.
Synopsis: Based on the novel by Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings, this drama focuses on the family of Civil War veteran Penny Baxter... [More]
Directed By: Clarence Brown


Blood and Sand (1941)

Adjusted Score: 100623%
Critics Consensus: No consensus yet.
Synopsis: Brash young Spanish peasant Juan Gallardo (Tyrone Power) aspires to follow his dead father's footsteps into the bullring, despite his... [More]
Directed By: Rouben Mamoulian

Adjusted Score: 113460%
Critics Consensus: With his electrifying performance in Elia Kazan's thought-provoking, expertly constructed melodrama, Marlon Brando redefined the possibilities of acting for film and helped permanently alter the cinematic landscape.
Synopsis: Dockworker Terry Malloy (Marlon Brando) had been an up-and-coming boxer until powerful local mob boss Johnny Friendly (Lee J. Cobb)... [More]
Directed By: Elia Kazan


Rebecca (1940)

Adjusted Score: 113260%
Critics Consensus: Hitchcock's first American film (and his only Best Picture winner), Rebecca is a masterpiece of haunting atmosphere, Gothic thrills, and gripping suspense.
Synopsis: Story of a young woman who marries a fascinating widower only to find out that she must live in the... [More]
Directed By: Alfred Hitchcock


The Third Man (1949)

Adjusted Score: 114905%
Critics Consensus: This atmospheric thriller is one of the undisputed masterpieces of cinema, and boasts iconic performances from Joseph Cotten and Orson Welles.
Synopsis: Set in postwar Vienna, Austria, "The Third Man" stars Joseph Cotten as Holly Martins, a writer of pulp Westerns, who... [More]
Directed By: Carol Reed


Schindler's List (1993)

Adjusted Score: 111822%
Critics Consensus: Schindler's List blends the abject horror of the Holocaust with Steven Spielberg's signature tender humanism to create the director's dramatic masterpiece.
Synopsis: Businessman Oskar Schindler (Liam Neeson) arrives in Krakow in 1939, ready to make his fortune from World War II, which... [More]
Directed By: Steven Spielberg


Apocalypse Now (1979)

Adjusted Score: 106960%
Critics Consensus: Francis Ford Coppola's haunting, hallucinatory Vietnam War epic is cinema at its most audacious and visionary.
Synopsis: In Vietnam in 1970, Captain Willard (Martin Sheen) takes a perilous and increasingly hallucinatory journey upriver to find and terminate... [More]
Directed By: Francis Ford Coppola


Sunrise (1927)

Adjusted Score: 104669%
Critics Consensus: Boasting masterful cinematography to match its well-acted, wonderfully romantic storyline, Sunrise is perhaps the final -- and arguably definitive -- statement of the silent era.
Synopsis: Bored with his wife (Janet Gaynor), their baby and the dull routine of farm life, a farmer (George O'Brien) falls... [More]
Directed By: F.W. Murnau

Adjusted Score: 104835%
Critics Consensus: The movie that catapulted Ang Lee into the ranks of upper echelon Hollywood filmmakers, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon features a deft mix of amazing martial arts battles, beautiful scenery, and tasteful drama.
Synopsis: In 19th century Qing Dynasty China, a warrior (Chow Yun-Fat) gives his sword, Green Destiny, to his lover (Michelle Yeoh)... [More]
Directed By: Ang Lee


Shane (1953)

Adjusted Score: 101331%
Critics Consensus: No consensus yet.
Synopsis: Enigmatic gunslinger Shane (Alan Ladd) rides into a small Wyoming town with hopes of quietly settling down as a farmhand.... [More]
Directed By: George Stevens


Roma (2018)

Adjusted Score: 119000%
Critics Consensus: Roma finds writer-director Alfonso Cuarón in complete, enthralling command of his visual craft - and telling the most powerfully personal story of his career.
Synopsis: Cleo is one of two domestic workers who help Antonio and Sofía take care of their four children in 1970s... [More]
Directed By: Alfonso Cuarón


Gravity (2013)

Adjusted Score: 113253%
Critics Consensus: Alfonso Cuarón's Gravity is an eerie, tense sci-fi thriller that's masterfully directed and visually stunning.
Synopsis: Dr. Ryan Stone (Sandra Bullock) is a medical engineer on her first shuttle mission. Her commander is veteran astronaut Matt... [More]
Directed By: Alfonso Cuarón

Adjusted Score: 111757%
Critics Consensus: This complex war epic asks hard questions, resists easy answers, and boasts career-defining work from star Alec Guinness and director David Lean.
Synopsis: Adaptation of the Pierre Bouelle novel about POWs in Burma forced to build a bridge to aid the war effort... [More]
Directed By: David Lean

Adjusted Score: 112245%
Critics Consensus: The plot may be problematic, but such concerns are rendered superfluous by Gene Kelly and Leslie Caron's star power, the Gershwins' classic songs, and Vincente Minnelli's colorful, sympathetic direction.
Synopsis: Jerry Mulligan (Gene Kelly) is an American ex-GI who stays in post-war Paris to become a painter, and falls for... [More]
Directed By: Vincente Minnelli


The Hustler (1961)

Adjusted Score: 99706%
Critics Consensus: Paul Newman and Jackie Gleason give iconic performances in this dark, morally complex tale of redemption.
Synopsis: Story Fast Eddie Felsen (Paul Newman) and his adventures in the world of professional pool. Fast Eddie is a young... [More]
Directed By: Robert Rossen

Adjusted Score: 98705%
Critics Consensus: Sumptuous design and perfect casting makes Wuthering Heights an exemplar of old Hollywood studio filmmaking, even if to a fault.
Synopsis: In this adaptation of the classic Emily Bronte novel set in 19th-century England, wealthy young Cathy Earnshaw (Merle Oberon) shares... [More]
Directed By: William Wyler


Pan's Labyrinth (2006)

Adjusted Score: 105174%
Critics Consensus: Pan's Labyrinth is Alice in Wonderland for grown-ups, with the horrors of both reality and fantasy blended together into an extraordinary, spellbinding fable.
Synopsis: In 1944 Spain young Ofelia (Ivana Baquero) and her ailing mother (Ariadna Gil) arrive at the post of her mother's... [More]
Directed By: Guillermo del Toro


Mrs. Miniver (1942)

Adjusted Score: 103436%
Critics Consensus: An excessively sentimental piece of propaganda, Mrs. Miniver nonetheless succeeds, due largely to Greer Garson's powerful performance.
Synopsis: A moving drama about a middle-class English family learning to cope with war, told in a series of dramatic vignettes.... [More]
Directed By: William Wyler

Adjusted Score: 101404%
Critics Consensus: Led by a volcanic performance from Elizabeth Taylor, Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? is a scathing adaptation of the Edward Albee play that serves as a brilliant calling card for debuting director Mike Nichols.
Synopsis: History professor George (Richard Burton) and his boozy wife, Martha (Elizabeth Taylor), return late one Saturday night from a cocktail... [More]
Directed By: Mike Nichols


Romeo and Juliet (1968)

Adjusted Score: 100063%
Critics Consensus: The solid leads and arresting visuals make a case for Zeffirelli's Romeo and Juliet as the definitive cinematic adaptation of the play.
Synopsis: In the Italian city of Verona, the Montague and the Capulet families are perpetually feuding. When Romeo (Leonard Whiting), a... [More]
Directed By: Franco Zeffirelli


The Good Earth (1937)

Adjusted Score: 98226%
Critics Consensus: No consensus yet.
Synopsis: Inspired by a Pearl S. Buck novel, this inspiring drama follows the many ups and downs in the lives of... [More]
Directed By: Sidney Franklin

Adjusted Score: 109939%
Critics Consensus: The epic of all epics, Lawrence of Arabia cements director David Lean's status in the filmmaking pantheon with nearly four hours of grand scope, brilliant performances, and beautiful cinematography.
Synopsis: Due to his knowledge of the native Bedouin tribes, British Lieutenant T.E. Lawrence (Peter O'Toole) is sent to Arabia to... [More]
Directed By: David Lean


My Fair Lady (1964)

Adjusted Score: 105352%
Critics Consensus: George Cukor's elegant, colorful adaptation of the beloved stage play is elevated to new heights thanks to winning performances by Audrey Hepburn and Rex Harrison.
Synopsis: In this beloved musical, pompous phonetics professor Henry Higgins (Rex Harrison) is so sure of his abilities that he takes... [More]
Directed By: George Cukor

Adjusted Score: 102541%
Critics Consensus: Close Encounters of the Third Kind is deeply humane sci-fi exploring male obsession, cosmic mysticism, and music.
Synopsis: Science fiction adventure about a group of people who attempt to contact alien intelligence. Roy Neary (Richard Dreyfuss) witnesses an... [More]
Directed By: Steven Spielberg


To Catch a Thief (1955)

Adjusted Score: 98097%
Critics Consensus: It may occasionally be guilty of coasting on pure charm, but To Catch a Thief has it in spades -- as well as a pair of perfectly matched stars in Cary Grant and Grace Kelly.
Synopsis: Notorious cat burglar John Robie (Cary Grant) has long since retired to tend vineyards on the French Riviera. When a... [More]
Directed By: Alfred Hitchcock


Shanghai Express (1932)

Adjusted Score: 107186%
Critics Consensus: Buckle up: Marlene Dietrich will inveigle you on the Shanghai Express with her fearlessness and bare-knuckle one-liners in this slick pre-code melodrama.
Synopsis: In Peking, China, during a civil war, British Capt. Donald Harvey (Clive Brook) meets his old flame Magdalen (Marlene Dietrich)... [More]
Directed By: Josef von Sternberg

Adjusted Score: 95275%
Critics Consensus: Visually stunning and achingly performed, Ingmar Bergman's chamber piece is a visceral rumination on death and sisterhood.
Synopsis: As Agnes (Harriet Andersson) slowly dies of cancer, her sisters are so deeply immersed in their own psychic pains that... [More]
Directed By: Ingmar Bergman

Adjusted Score: 91333%
Critics Consensus: No consensus yet.
Synopsis: Frederic Henry (Gary Cooper), an American driving ambulances for the Italian Army during World War I, falls for British Red... [More]
Directed By: Frank Borzage


Hugo (2011)

Adjusted Score: 102417%
Critics Consensus: Hugo is an extravagant, elegant fantasy with an innocence lacking in many modern kids' movies, and one that emanates an unabashed love for the magic of cinema.
Synopsis: Orphaned and alone except for an uncle, Hugo Cabret (Asa Butterfield) lives in the walls of a train station in... [More]
Directed By: Martin Scorsese

Adjusted Score: 103356%
Critics Consensus: Anchored by another winning performance from Tom Hanks, Steven Spielberg's unflinchingly realistic war film virtually redefines the genre.
Synopsis: Captain John Miller (Tom Hanks) takes his men behind enemy lines to find Private James Ryan, whose three brothers have... [More]
Directed By: Steven Spielberg


West Side Story (1961)

Adjusted Score: 106557%
Critics Consensus: Buoyed by Robert Wise's dazzling direction, Leonard Bernstein's score, and Stephen Sondheim's lyrics, West Side Story remains perhaps the most iconic of all the Shakespeare adaptations to visit the big screen.
Synopsis: A musical in which a modern day Romeo and Juliet are involved in New York street gangs. On the harsh... [More]


Spartacus (1960)

Adjusted Score: 101962%
Critics Consensus: Featuring terrific performances and epic action, Kubrick's restored swords-and-sandals epic is a true classic.
Synopsis: The rebellious Thracian Spartacus, born and raised a slave, is sold to Gladiator trainer Batiatus. After weeks of being trained... [More]
Directed By: Stanley Kubrick


Glory (1989)

Adjusted Score: 99832%
Critics Consensus: Bolstered by exceptional cinematography, powerful storytelling, and an Oscar-winning performance by Denzel Washington, Glory remains one of the finest Civil War movies ever made.
Synopsis: Following the Battle of Antietam, Col. Robert Gould Shaw (Matthew Broderick) is offered command of the United States' first all-African-American... [More]
Directed By: Edward Zwick


Cabaret (1972)

Adjusted Score: 98449%
Critics Consensus: Great performances and evocative musical numbers help Cabaret secure its status as a stylish, socially conscious classic.
Synopsis: In Berlin in 1931, American cabaret singer Sally Bowles (Liza Minnelli) meets British academic Brian Roberts (Michael York), who is... [More]
Directed By: Bob Fosse

Adjusted Score: 96420%
Critics Consensus: Artfully composed, powerfully acted, and fueled by a powerful blend of anger and empathy, The Killing Fields is a career-defining triumph for director Roland Joffé and a masterpiece of cinema.
Synopsis: New York Times reporter Sydney Schanberg (Sam Waterston) is on assignment covering the Cambodian Civil War, with the help of... [More]
Directed By: Roland Joffé


Tabu (1931)

Adjusted Score: 94232%
Critics Consensus: No consensus yet.
Synopsis: On the island of Bora Bora, the islanders welcome Tabu (Hitu), a messenger from the chief who has come to... [More]
Directed By: F.W. Murnau

Adjusted Score: 95441%
Critics Consensus: No consensus yet.
Synopsis: Posing for a portrait, Dorian Gray (Hurd Hatfield) talks with Lord Henry Wotton (George Sanders), who says that men should... [More]
Directed By: Albert Lewin


Days of Heaven (1978)

Adjusted Score: 100563%
Critics Consensus: Illuminated by magic hour glow and wistful performances, Days of Heaven is a visual masterpiece that finds eloquent poetry in its spare scenario.
Synopsis: A screen poem about life in America at the turn of the century. A story of love and murder told... [More]
Directed By: Terrence Malick


The Defiant Ones (1958)

Adjusted Score: 98531%
Critics Consensus: An advocacy drama that makes its points without belaboring them, The Defiant Ones relies on its clever concept and brilliant performances to repudiate racial prejudice.
Synopsis: In 1950s America, members of a chain gang are being transported through the South when their truck crashes. Two of... [More]
Directed By: Stanley Kramer

Adjusted Score: 95362%
Critics Consensus: No consensus yet.
Synopsis: The last job of Calvary Captain Nathan Brittles (John Wayne) before retirement is to soothe relations with the Cheyenne and... [More]
Directed By: John Ford

Adjusted Score: 94165%
Critics Consensus: No consensus yet.
Synopsis: A rescue party sets out to find an explorer who has disappeared on an African treasure hunt. The search leads... [More]


La La Land (2016)

Adjusted Score: 114080%
Critics Consensus: La La Land breathes new life into a bygone genre with thrillingly assured direction, powerful performances, and an irresistible excess of heart.
Synopsis: Sebastian (Ryan Gosling) and Mia (Emma Stone) are drawn together by their common desire to do what they love. But... [More]
Directed By: Damien Chazelle

Adjusted Score: 108686%
Critics Consensus: A thrilling leap forward for director Alejandro González Iñárritu, Birdman is an ambitious technical showcase powered by a layered story and outstanding performances from Michael Keaton and Edward Norton.
Synopsis: Former cinema superhero Riggan Thomson (Michael Keaton) is mounting an ambitious Broadway production that he hopes will breathe new life... [More]

Adjusted Score: 103099%
Critics Consensus: Visually dazzling and emotionally resonant, Slumdog Millionaire is a film that's both entertaining and powerful.
Synopsis: As 18-year-old Jamal Malik (Dev Patel) answers questions on the Indian version of "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire," flashbacks... [More]
Directed By: Danny Boyle

Adjusted Score: 100938%
Critics Consensus: Widely touted as a masterpiece, this sparse and sprawling epic about the underhanded "heroes" of capitalism boasts incredible performances by leads Daniel Day-Lewis and Paul Dano, and is director Paul Thomas Anderson's best work to date.
Synopsis: Silver miner Daniel Plainview (Daniel Day-Lewis) leads a hardscrabble life with his son, H.W. (Dillon Freasier). When he hears about... [More]
Directed By: Paul Thomas Anderson

Adjusted Score: 100804%
Critics Consensus: Full of eye-popping special effects, and featuring a pitch-perfect cast, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring brings J.R.R. Tolkien's classic to vivid life.
Synopsis: The future of civilization rests in the fate of the One Ring, which has been lost for centuries. Powerful forces... [More]
Directed By: Peter Jackson


The Quiet Man (1952)

Adjusted Score: 98665%
Critics Consensus: Director John Ford and star John Wayne depart the Western for the Irish countryside, and the result is a beautifully photographed, often comedic romance.
Synopsis: After accidentally killing an opponent in the ring, boxer Sean Thornton leaves America and returns to his native Ireland, hoping... [More]
Directed By: John Ford

Adjusted Score: 93777%
Critics Consensus: No consensus yet.
Synopsis: In this classic screen adaptation of Shakespeare's fantastical play, the royal wedding plans of Theseus, the duke of Athens (Ian... [More]

Adjusted Score: 104412%
Critics Consensus: Gone with the Wind's epic grandeur and romantic allure encapsulate an era of Hollywood filmmaking -- but that can't excuse a blinkered perspective that stands on the wrong side of history.
Synopsis: Winner of eight Academy Awards® (plus two special achievement Oscars) Celebrate the 85th Anniversary of one of the most celebrated... [More]
Directed By: Victor Fleming


Reds (1981)

Adjusted Score: 94355%
Critics Consensus: Brawny in both intellect and scope, Reds is an intimate epic that captures the tumult of revolutionary change and the passion of those navigating through it.
Synopsis: American journalist John Reed (Warren Beatty) journeys to Russia to document the Boleshevik Revolution and returns a revolutionary. His fervor... [More]
Directed By: Warren Beatty


Joan of Arc (1948)

Adjusted Score: 90704%
Critics Consensus: No consensus yet.
Synopsis: During the Hundred Years' War, peasant girl Joan of Arc (Ingrid Bergman) hears voices instructing her to save France from... [More]
Directed By: Victor Fleming


The Last Emperor (1987)

Adjusted Score: 97916%
Critics Consensus: While Bernardo Bertolucci's decadent epic never quite identifies the dramatic pulse of its protagonist, stupendous visuals and John Lone's ability to make passivity riveting give The Last Emperor a rarified grandeur.
Synopsis: This sweeping account of the life of Pu Yi (John Lone), the last emperor of China, follows the leader's tumultuous... [More]
Directed By: Bernardo Bertolucci

Adjusted Score: 97564%
Critics Consensus: With its iconic pairing of Paul Newman and Robert Redford, jaunty screenplay and Burt Bacharach score, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid has gone down as among the defining moments in late-'60s American cinema.
Synopsis: The true story of fast-draws and wild rides, battles with posses, train and bank robberies, a torrid love affair and... [More]
Directed By: George Roy Hill

Adjusted Score: 106280%
Critics Consensus: Nostalgic without becoming maudlin, this working-class drama is enlivened by a terrific cast and John Ford's ineffable directorial eye.
Synopsis: Huw Morgan (Roddy McDowall), the academically inclined youngest son in a proud family of Welsh coal miners, witnesses the tumultuous... [More]
Directed By: John Ford


Wilson (1944)

Adjusted Score: 89449%
Critics Consensus: No consensus yet.
Synopsis: Princeton University president Woodrow Wilson (Alexander Knox) leaves his post to run for governor of New Jersey, and soon becomes... [More]
Directed By: Henry King


1917 (2019)

Adjusted Score: 113278%
Critics Consensus: Hard-hitting, immersive, and an impressive technical achievement, 1917 captures the trench warfare of World War I with raw, startling immediacy.
Synopsis: During World War I, two British soldiers -- Lance Cpl. Schofield and Lance Cpl. Blake -- receive seemingly impossible orders.... [More]
Directed By: Sam Mendes

Adjusted Score: 112883%
Critics Consensus: Visually stunning and narratively satisfying, Blade Runner 2049 deepens and expands its predecessor's story while standing as an impressive filmmaking achievement in its own right.
Synopsis: Officer K (Ryan Gosling), a new blade runner for the Los Angeles Police Department, unearths a long-buried secret that has... [More]
Directed By: Denis Villeneuve

Adjusted Score: 101408%
Critics Consensus: It has perhaps aged poorly, but this languidly paced WWII romance remains an iconic, well-acted film, featuring particularly strong performances from Burt Lancaster and Montgomery Clift.
Synopsis: At an Army barracks in Hawaii in the days preceding the attack on Pearl Harbor, lone-wolf soldier and boxing champion... [More]
Directed By: Fred Zinnemann


Barry Lyndon (1975)

Adjusted Score: 96794%
Critics Consensus: Cynical, ironic, and suffused with seductive natural lighting, Barry Lyndon is a complex character piece of a hapless man doomed by Georgian society.
Synopsis: How does an Irish lad without prospects become part of 18th-century English nobility? For Barry Lyndon (Ryan O'Neal) the answer... [More]
Directed By: Stanley Kubrick


Bonnie and Clyde (1967)

Adjusted Score: 98291%
Critics Consensus: A paradigm-shifting classic of American cinema, Bonnie and Clyde packs a punch whose power continues to reverberate through thrillers decades later.
Synopsis: Small-time crook Clyde Barrow (Warren Beatty) tries to steal a car and winds up with its owner's daughter, dissatisfied small-town... [More]
Directed By: Arthur Penn

Adjusted Score: 90498%
Critics Consensus: No consensus yet.
Synopsis: Based on the popular novel by Franz Werfel, this drama focuses on Bernadette Soubirous (Jennifer Jones), a young French woman... [More]
Directed By: Henry King

Adjusted Score: 89482%
Critics Consensus: No consensus yet.
Synopsis: When young British teacher Anna Owens (Irene Dunne) arrives in Bangkok to tutor the family of King Mongkut (Rex Harrison),... [More]
Directed By: John Cromwell


Inception (2010)

Adjusted Score: 102777%
Critics Consensus: Smart, innovative, and thrilling, Inception is that rare summer blockbuster that succeeds viscerally as well as intellectually.
Synopsis: Dom Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio) is a thief with the rare ability to enter people's dreams and steal their secrets from... [More]
Directed By: Christopher Nolan


Titanic (1997)

Adjusted Score: 106852%
Critics Consensus: A mostly unqualified triumph for James Cameron, who offers a dizzying blend of spectacular visuals and old-fashioned melodrama.
Synopsis: James Cameron's "Titanic" is an epic, action-packed romance set against the ill-fated maiden voyage of the R.M.S. Titanic; the pride... [More]
Directed By: James Cameron


American Beauty (1999)

Adjusted Score: 96990%
Critics Consensus: Flawlessly cast and brimming with dark, acid wit, American Beauty is a smart, provocative high point of late '90s mainstream Hollywood film.
Synopsis: Lester Burnham (Kevin Spacey) is a gainfully employed suburban husband and father. Fed up with his boring, stagnant existence, he... [More]
Directed By: Sam Mendes


Gigi (1958)

Adjusted Score: 99455%
Critics Consensus: It may not be one of Vincente Minnelli's best, but the charming and flawlessly acted Gigi still offers enough visual and musical treats to satisfy.
Synopsis: Gaston (Louis Jourdan) is a restless Parisian playboy who moves from one mistress to another, while also spending time with... [More]
Directed By: Vincente Minnelli


The Longest Day (1962)

Adjusted Score: 90213%
Critics Consensus: No consensus yet.
Synopsis: In 1944, the U.S. Army and Allied forces plan a huge invasion landing in Normandy, France. Despite bad weather, General... [More]


Life of Pi (2012)

Adjusted Score: 98143%
Critics Consensus: A 3D adaptation of a supposedly "unfilmable" book, Ang Lee's Life of Pi achieves the near impossible -- it's an astonishing technical achievement that's also emotionally rewarding.
Synopsis: After deciding to sell their zoo in India and move to Canada, Santosh and Gita Patel board a freighter with... [More]
Directed By: Ang Lee


The Aviator (2004)

Adjusted Score: 94711%
Critics Consensus: With a rich sense of period detail, The Aviator succeeds thanks to typically assured direction from Martin Scorsese and a strong performance from Leonardo DiCaprio, who charts Howard Hughes' descent from eccentric billionaire to reclusive madman.
Synopsis: Billionaire and aviation tycoon Howard Hughes (Leonardo DiCaprio) is a successful public figure: a director of big-budget Hollywood films such... [More]
Directed By: Martin Scorsese

Adjusted Score: 92554%
Critics Consensus: Though it suffers from excessive length and ambition, director Minghella's adaptation of the Michael Ondaatje novel is complex, powerful, and moving.
Synopsis: The sweeping expanses of the Sahara are the setting for a passionate love affair in this adaptation of Michael Ondaatje's... [More]
Directed By: Anthony Minghella


Ben-Hur (1959)

Adjusted Score: 90971%
Critics Consensus: Uneven, but in terms of epic scope and grand spectacle, Ben-Hur still ranks among Hollywood's finest examples of pure entertainment.
Synopsis: Charlton Heston plays a Palestinian Jew who is battling the Roman empire at the time of Christ. His actions send... [More]
Directed By: William Wyler

Adjusted Score: 92967%
Critics Consensus: Russell Crowe's rough charm is put to good use in this masterful adaptation of Patrick O'Brian's novel.
Synopsis: In 1805, aboard the H.M.S. Surprise, the brash Captain Jack Aubrey (Russell Crowe) and his trusted friend, the ship's scholarly... [More]
Directed By: Peter Weir


JFK (1991)

Adjusted Score: 89964%
Critics Consensus: As history, Oliver Stone's JFK is dubious, but as filmmaking it's electric, cramming a ton of information and excitement into its three-hour runtime and making great use of its outstanding cast.
Synopsis: This acclaimed Oliver Stone drama presents the investigation into the assassination of President John F. Kennedy led by New Orleans... [More]
Directed By: Oliver Stone

Adjusted Score: 94221%
Critics Consensus: Leave Her to Heaven suffers from a surfeit of unlikable characters, but the solid cast -- led by an outstanding Gene Tierney -- makes it hard to turn away.
Synopsis: While on a train, writer Richard Harland (Cornel Wilde) strikes up a relationship with the gorgeous Ellen Berent (Gene Tierney).... [More]
Directed By: John M. Stahl


Gandhi (1982)

Adjusted Score: 100619%
Critics Consensus: Director Richard Attenborough is typically sympathetic and sure-handed, but it's Ben Kingsley's magnetic performance that acts as the linchpin for this sprawling, lengthy biopic.
Synopsis: This acclaimed biographical drama presents major events in the life of Mohandas Gandhi (Ben Kingsley), the beloved Indian leader who... [More]
Directed By: Richard Attenborough


The Naked City (1948)

Adjusted Score: 91113%
Critics Consensus: No consensus yet.
Synopsis: After a former model is drowned in her bathtub, Detective James Halloran (Don Taylor) and Lieutenant Dan Muldoon (Barry Fitzgerald)... [More]
Directed By: Jules Dassin


Dune (2021)

Adjusted Score: 109783%
Critics Consensus: Dune occasionally struggles with its unwieldy source material, but those issues are largely overshadowed by the scope and ambition of this visually thrilling adaptation.
Synopsis: Paul Atreides, a brilliant and gifted young man born into a great destiny beyond his understanding, must travel to a... [More]
Directed By: Denis Villeneuve


Doctor Zhivago (1965)

Adjusted Score: 88406%
Critics Consensus: It may not be the best of David Lean's epics, but Dr. Zhivago is still brilliantly photographed and sweepingly romantic.
Synopsis: During the Russian Revolution, Yuri Zhivago (Omar Sharif), is a young doctor who has been raised by his aunt and... [More]
Directed By: David Lean

Adjusted Score: 99669%
Critics Consensus: Solid cinematography and enjoyable performances from Paul Scofield and Robert Shaw add a spark to this deliberately paced adaptation of the Robert Bolt play.
Synopsis: When the highly respected British statesman Sir Thomas More (Paul Scofield) refuses to pressure the Pope into annulling the marriage... [More]
Directed By: Fred Zinnemann

Adjusted Score: 80828%
Critics Consensus: Mississippi Burning draws on real-life tragedy to impart a worthy message with the measured control of an intelligent drama and the hard-hitting impact of a thriller.
Synopsis: When a group of civil rights workers goes missing in a small Mississippi town, FBI agents Alan Ward (Willem Dafoe)... [More]
Directed By: Alan Parker


Mank (2020)

Adjusted Score: 103718%
Critics Consensus: Sharply written and brilliantly performed, Mank peers behind the scenes of Citizen Kane to tell an old Hollywood story that could end up being a classic in its own right.
Synopsis: 1930s Hollywood is reevaluated through the eyes of scathing wit and alcoholic screenwriter Herman J. Mankiewicz as he races to... [More]
Directed By: David Fincher

Adjusted Score: 98275%
Critics Consensus: Dances with Wolves suffers from a simplistic view of the culture it attempts to honor, but the end result remains a stirring western whose noble intentions are often matched by its epic grandeur.
Synopsis: A Civil War soldier develops a relationship with a band of Lakota Indians. Attracted by the simplicity of their lifestyle,... [More]
Directed By: Kevin Costner

Adjusted Score: 90104%
Critics Consensus: A bird may love a fish -- and musical fans will love this adaptation of Fiddler on the Roof, even if it isn't quite as transcendent as the long-running stage version.
Synopsis: A lavishly produced and critically acclaimed screen adaptation of the international stage sensation tells the life-affirming story of Tevye (Topol),... [More]
Directed By: Norman Jewison


Hud (1963)

Adjusted Score: 88732%
Critics Consensus: A Western that swaps out the Hollywood glamor for shades of moral gray, Hud is a sobering showcase for a sterling ensemble of actors at the top of their respective games.
Synopsis: Hard-drinking, arrogant, womanizing Hud Bannon (Paul Newman) lives a self-centered, indolent life supported by his hard-working and morally upstanding father,... [More]
Directed By: Martin Ritt


Bound for Glory (1976)

Adjusted Score: 83636%
Critics Consensus: Bound for Glory brings the Dust Bowl era to authentic life thanks to Haskell Wexler's opulent cinematography and Woody Guthrie's resonant music, capturing the American mood at the time as much as it does the folk singer's life.
Synopsis: The Dust Bowl overtakes his native Oklahoma in the early 1930s, and struggling young musician Woody Guthrie (David Carradine) leaves... [More]
Directed By: Hal Ashby

Adjusted Score: 87374%
Critics Consensus: No consensus yet.
Synopsis: The abuse Rocky Barbella (Paul Newman) endures at the hand of his father and subsequent run-ins with the law lead... [More]
Directed By: Robert Wise


The Black Swan (1942)

Adjusted Score: 82284%
Critics Consensus: No consensus yet.
Synopsis: With the pardon of notorious pirate Henry Morgan by the English King, Caribbean pirates are offered amnesty if they give... [More]
Directed By: Henry King


Avatar (2009)

Adjusted Score: 95048%
Critics Consensus: It might be more impressive on a technical level than as a piece of storytelling, but Avatar reaffirms James Cameron's singular gift for imaginative, absorbing filmmaking.
Synopsis: James Cameron's Academy Award®-winning 2009 epic adventure "Avatar", returns to theaters September 23 in stunning 4K High Dynamic Range. On... [More]
Directed By: James Cameron


Cleopatra (1934)

Adjusted Score: 84882%
Critics Consensus: No consensus yet.
Synopsis: Devious Egyptian queen Cleopatra (Claudette Colbert) struggles to maintain her tenuous hold on her kingdom, wooing her lovers Julius Caesar... [More]
Directed By: Cecil B. DeMille

Adjusted Score: 88367%
Critics Consensus: Somber, stately, and beautifully mounted, Sam Mendes' Road to Perdition is a well-crafted mob movie that explores the ties between fathers and sons.
Synopsis: Mike Sullivan (Tom Hanks) is an enforcer for powerful Depression-era Midwestern mobster John Rooney (Paul Newman). Rooney's son, Connor (Daniel... [More]
Directed By: Sam Mendes

Adjusted Score: 88045%
Critics Consensus: Director George Stevens' stately treatment of A Place in the Sun buffs out some of the novel's nuance with blunt moralizing, but riveting performances by Montgomery Clift and company give the drama a bruising punch.
Synopsis: In this classic version of Theodore Dreiser's novel "An American Tragedy," George Eastman (Montgomery Clift), the nephew of a wealthy... [More]
Directed By: George Stevens


Tess (1979)

Adjusted Score: 88700%
Critics Consensus: A reverent adaptation of Thomas Hardy's novel, Tess marries painterly cinematography and unhurried pacing to create an epic ode to perseverance.
Synopsis: In Roman Polanski's take on "Tess of the D'Urbervilles," impressionable young Tess (Nastassja Kinski) is sent by her alcoholic father... [More]
Directed By: Roman Polanski

Adjusted Score: 83546%
Critics Consensus: Tasteful to a fault, this period drama combines a talented cast (including a young Brad Pitt) with some stately, beautifully filmed work from director Robert Redford.
Synopsis: The Maclean brothers, Paul (Brad Pitt) and Norman (Craig Sheffer), live a relatively idyllic life in rural Montana, spending much... [More]
Directed By: Robert Redford

Adjusted Score: 82662%
Critics Consensus: No consensus yet.
Synopsis: In Nazi-occupied Holland in World War II, shopkeeper Kraler hides two Jewish families in his attic. Young Anne Frank (Millie... [More]
Directed By: George Stevens

Adjusted Score: 88225%
Critics Consensus: Melodrama at its most confident, The Bad and the Beautiful is an ode to moviemaking that offers unblinking insight into the ugly egos that have shaped Hollywood history.
Synopsis: Unscrupulous movie producer Jonathan Shields (Kirk Douglas) is a child of Hollywood who ruthlessly toils his way to the top... [More]
Directed By: Vincente Minnelli


The Revenant (2015)

Adjusted Score: 98056%
Critics Consensus: As starkly beautiful as it is harshly uncompromising, The Revenant uses Leonardo DiCaprio's committed performance as fuel for an absorbing drama that offers punishing challenges -- and rich rewards.
Synopsis: While exploring the uncharted wilderness in 1823, frontiersman Hugh Glass (Leonardo DiCaprio) sustains life-threatening injuries from a brutal bear attack.... [More]


Braveheart (1995)

Adjusted Score: 85774%
Critics Consensus: Distractingly violent and historically dodgy, Mel Gibson's Braveheart justifies its epic length by delivering enough sweeping action, drama, and romance to match its ambition.
Synopsis: Tells the story of the legendary thirteenth century Scottish hero named William Wallace (Mel Gibson). Wallace rallies the Scottish against... [More]
Directed By: Mel Gibson

Adjusted Score: 80523%
Critics Consensus: Though it lives beneath the 1925 version, Claude Rains plays title character well in this landmark color version of the classic tragedy.
Synopsis: Talented Christine (Susanna Foster) is unaware that her singing lessons are being funded by a secret admirer, Enrique (Claude Rains),... [More]
Directed By: Arthur Lubin


Zorba the Greek (1964)

Adjusted Score: 80871%
Critics Consensus: No consensus yet.
Synopsis: Traveling to inspect an abandoned mine his father owns in Crete, English author Basil (Alan Bates) meets the exuberant peasant... [More]
Directed By: Mihalis Kakogiannis


Battleground (1949)

Adjusted Score: 78632%
Critics Consensus: No consensus yet.
Synopsis: Members of the U.S. Army's 101st Airborne Division are fighting for their country amidst the rugged terrain of Bastogne, Belgium,... [More]
Directed By: William A. Wellman


Ship of Fools (1965)

Adjusted Score: 60555%
Critics Consensus: No consensus yet.
Synopsis: When an eclectic group of passengers boards a cruise ship bound for prewar Germany, they form a microcosm of 1930s... [More]
Directed By: Stanley Kramer

Adjusted Score: 78274%
Critics Consensus: It's undeniably shallow, but its cheerful lack of pretense -- as well as its grand scale and star-stuffed cast -- help make Around the World in 80 Days charmingly light-hearted entertainment.
Synopsis: Victorian-era Englishman Phileas Fogg (David Niven) proclaims before his fellow members of a London gentleman's club that he can circumnavigate... [More]
Directed By: Michael Anderson

Adjusted Score: 71724%
Critics Consensus: Although it is not consistently engaging enough to fully justify its towering runtime, The Towering Inferno is a blustery spectacle that executes its disaster premise with flair.
Synopsis: Classic 1970s disaster movie about a fire that breaks out in a state-of-the-art San Francisco high-rise building during the opening... [More]


The Mission (1986)

Adjusted Score: 66225%
Critics Consensus: The Mission is a well-meaning epic given delicate heft by its sumptuous visuals and a standout score by Ennio Morricone, but its staid presentation never stirs an emotional investment in its characters.
Synopsis: Jesuit priest Father Gabriel (Jeremy Irons) enters the Guarani lands in South America with the purpose of converting the natives... [More]
Directed By: Roland Joffé


Sons and Lovers (1960)

Adjusted Score: 67281%
Critics Consensus: No consensus yet.
Synopsis: In a small English coal town, aspiring artist Paul Morel (Dean Stockwell) sets out to break free of the difficult... [More]
Directed By: Jack Cardiff


The Rose Tattoo (1955)

Adjusted Score: 63071%
Critics Consensus: No consensus yet.
Synopsis: Based on a play by Tennessee Williams, this classic drama centers on Serafina (Anna Magnani), a widowed Sicilian woman living... [More]
Directed By: Daniel Mann


Out of Africa (1985)

Adjusted Score: 71447%
Critics Consensus: Though lensed with stunning cinematography and featuring a pair of winning performances from Meryl Streep and Robert Redford, Out of Africa suffers from excessive length and glacial pacing.
Synopsis: Initially set on being a dairy farmer, the aristocratic Karen Blixen (Meryl Streep) travels to Africa to join her husband,... [More]
Directed By: Sydney Pollack


Cleopatra (1963)

Adjusted Score: 60982%
Critics Consensus: Cleopatra is a lush, ostentatious, endlessly eye-popping epic that sags collapses from a (and how could it not?) four-hour runtime.
Synopsis: "Cleopatra" is a lengthy, sprawling, spectacular love story, helmed by Joseph L. Mankiewicz, depicting Cleopatra's manipulation of Julius Caesar and... [More]
Directed By: Joseph L. Mankiewicz

Adjusted Score: 60333%
Critics Consensus: No consensus yet.
Synopsis: Three hopeful American secretaries visiting Italy -- newcomer Maria (Maggie McNamara), romance-seeking Anita (Jean Peters) and the more mature Frances... [More]
Directed By: Jean Negulesco

Adjusted Score: 62923%
Critics Consensus: Featuring a swoon-worthy star turn by Brad Pitt, Legends of the Fall's painterly photography and epic sweep often compensate for its lack of narrative momentum and glut of melodramatic twists.
Synopsis: In early 20th-century Montana, Col. William Ludlow (Anthony Hopkins) lives in the wilderness with his sons, Tristan (Brad Pitt), Alfred... [More]
Directed By: Edward Zwick


Ryan's Daughter (1970)

Adjusted Score: 48569%
Critics Consensus: No consensus yet.
Synopsis: A teacher's (Robert Mitchum) wife (Sarah Miles) has an affair with a British soldier (Christopher Jones) in 1916 Northern Ireland.... [More]
Directed By: David Lean

Adjusted Score: 37152%
Critics Consensus: No consensus yet.
Synopsis: Boris Androvsky (Charles Boyer) has had enough of life as a Trappist monk, so he leaves the monastery for the... [More]
Directed By: Richard Boleslawski

Adjusted Score: 41982%
Critics Consensus: Less nuanced than its source material, Memoirs of a Geisha may be a lavish production, but it still carries the simplistic air of a soap opera.
Synopsis: In the 1920s, 9-year-old Chiyo (Suzuka Ohgo) gets sold to a geisha house. There, she is forced into servitude, receiving... [More]
Directed By: Rob Marshall


Anthony Adverse (1936)

Adjusted Score: 19152%
Critics Consensus: No consensus yet.
Synopsis: Based on the novel by Hervey Allen, this expansive drama follows the many adventures of the eponymous hero (Fredric March).... [More]
Directed By: Mervyn LeRoy

Adjusted Score: -1%
Critics Consensus: No consensus yet.
Synopsis: In 19th century Vienna, Johann "Schani" Strauss II (Fernand Gravey), son of the great composer, endeavors to realize his own... [More]
Directed By: Julien Duvivier


Sweethearts (1938)

Adjusted Score: -1%
Critics Consensus: No consensus yet.
Synopsis: Happily married New York City stage actors Ernest Lane (Nelson Eddy) and Gwen Marlowe (Jeanette MacDonald) are stars of a... [More]
Directed By: W. S. Van Dyke II

Adjusted Score: -1%
Critics Consensus: No consensus yet.
Synopsis: Floyd Gibbons narrates a filmed record of Adm. Richard Byrd's journey by sea from New York to Antarctica and his... [More]
Starring: Floyd Gibbons
Directed By:

Adjusted Score: -1%
Critics Consensus: No consensus yet.
Synopsis: On a Polynesian island, Dr. Matthew Lloyd (Monte Blue) is disgusted by the way trader Sebastian (Robert Anderson) exploits the... [More]
Directed By: W. S. Van Dyke II