Burton Mystery Series: How to Sign Up & Other FAQs

Burton Mystery Series: How to Sign Up & Other FAQs

Nothing brings us more joy here at Burton than seeing snowboarders come together to have as much fun as possible. And that’s ultimately what the Burton Mystery Series is about: getting out on the snow with your community, racing, throwing down with the pros, and most importantly, having fun no matter what your ability level is.

The name, Mystery, comes from our legacy of doing things differently, and references snowboarding legend Craig Kelly. Because we’re pretty sure that Craig would agree with the guiding principles behind this event: accessibility, participation, fun, and having an open mind. Mystery isn’t about standing on top of the podium, although if that’s your thing, more power to you. It’s about pushing yourself to be the best you can be, whether that’s successfully completing the racecourse without falling, or beating your own fastest time.

How do you sign up for the Burton Mystery Series?

Burton Mystery Series: Spectators Cheering

Signing up for a Burton Mystery Series race is quick and easy. Start by visiting the Burton Mystery Series event page to find the nearest Myster Series event to you. Once you’ve selected a race, click the signup link to register.

Participation is free and availability is offered on a first-come-first-served basis. If you are unable to sign up for a race because it’s full, don’t worry. A select number of walk-up and wait-list spots may be available on race day. Simply show up to registration early on the day of the event to snag a spot.

Pro tip: Even if you don’t want to participate, show up and hang out anyways. We promise it will be worth it.

Who can participate in the Burton Mystery Series?

The Burton Mystery Series is open to anyone who wants to attend. You can come to spectate, party, race, or all the above. All ages are encouraged to participate in the Mystery Series, and there are no age limitations. However, you may need a parent or guardian to sign you up depending on the specific rules and laws in your region or country. Consult the signup details for the specific event you want to attend to learn more.

What happens at a Burton Mystery Series event?

Burton Mystery Series: Banked Slalom Racecourse

At its core, the Burton Mystery Series focuses on a banked slalom racecourse, but the event is about much more than racing snowboards. Throughout the day there are product giveaways, athlete demos, hangouts, and an after party. And the best part is that it’s all free. Just show up with a great attitude and participate however you want, whether that’s testing your mettle on the racecourse, cheering on your fellow buds as they blast down the hill, drinking delicious slope side beverages, or dancing your pants off (not literally, please) at one of the after parties.

Are there prizes awarded at Burton Mystery Series events?

Burton Mystery Series: Prizes

Yes, prizes are awarded at Burton Mystery Series race events. These include but are not limited to, Burton gear as well as cash prizes.