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These 75 British Slang Words From Across the Pond Are Bloody Brilliant

Learn more about the meaning of this UK slang.
British Slang Words with flag.

If you've ever watched British television, odds are you've found yourself scratching your head over a few words or phrases. No need to feel dumb–slang makes up a massive part of Britain's vocabulary and can even vary by meaning depending on where you are in the country. Some are used in everyday speech, some aren't recognized outside of their hometown, and others are too vulgar to use in polite company!

You might think that American slang has become universal due to the influx of tv shows, movies, and other media consumed by the global majority. There are, however, some real gems hidden beneath the surface of British slang that are often the root of some of the American slang used today. And no, it's not all about "fish and chips" and "cheerio"!

If you're heading off on a holiday to the United Kingdom, keep these 75 British slang words in your back pocket to fit right in with your neighbors from across the pond. Or, if you're just an aspiring Anglophile looking to expand your lingo, take a gander at our list of British slang words to start incorporating into your everyday vocabulary.

75 British Slang Words

1. All right?

This is commonly used as a greeting that doesn't always need a response.

2. Bloke.

A man—could be compared to the American term 'dude'.

3. Leg it.

To run away from something, usually a bad situation or trouble.

4. Mug.

If you've been called a mug, it means you're gullible and will go along with anything.

5. Rubbish.

Anything a Brit throws in the garbage is not trash, but rubbish.

6. Snog.

A kiss in any form.

7. Pissed.

This doesn't mean angry or frustrated in the way Americans use it– rather, it means to be blind drunk.

8. Soz.

A shorter, less formal way of saying 'sorry'.

9. Sloshed.

Another way to describe being pissed, drunk, trashed, and so on.

10. Nowt.

Coming originally from Northern England, this word has recently entered the mainstream British slang and means 'nothing'.

11. Necking on.

You guessed it. Another way to say kissing or snagging.

12. Kip.

A snooze or quick power nap.

13. Gutted.

If you're gutted, then you're incredibly upset over something.

14. Bird.

A word used to describe a woman.

15. Fag.

Another word for a cigarette.

16. Gander.

To have a look around.

17. Daft.

When something or someone is a bit stupid. Not necessarily offensive, but more on the silly side.

18. Dodgy.

Used to describe something or someone that is questionable or suspicious.

19. Chuffed.

Thrilled to bits about something.

20. Chunder.

If you're using this word, it's because you or someone else is sick or ill. Not fun.

21. Knackered.

This word is often used in friendly circles to mean 'exhausted'.

22. Lost the plot.

If someone is acting irrational or angry, they've lost the plot.

23. Minging.

Pronounced ming-ing, this is a lovelier-sounding word to describe something gross or disgusting.

24. Us.

This one is interesting and can be a bit confusing at first. In British slang, some people use the word "us" rather than 'me' when talking about themselves. For instance, instead of 'come with me', one might say 'come with us'.

25. Posh

Posh typically denotes English upper-class folks. It equates to the American word 'fancy'.

26. Taking the piss.

Taking the piss generally means to mock, parody, or be sarcastic towards something.

27. Trainers.

Trainers are the American equivalent of  "sneakers". If you think about it, it makes more sense– athletes train in shoes, they don't sneak.

28. Wanker.

Possibly the best single-worded British insult on the list, wanker fits closest by 'jerk' or 'a-hole'.

29. To nick/nicked.

This can mean one of two things- to steal (nick) something, or to be arrested (nicked) for a crime.

30.  Hunky-dory.

A fun little piece of British slang that means a situation is cool, okay, or normal.

Related: 300 Words to Describe Yourself

31. Cheers.

While most people associate this word with a toast, it can also mean a quick 'thanks' or 'thank you'.

32. Bugger all.

This is slang used for 'nothing at all'. When you've sat on the couch all day watching Netflix, you've done bugger all.

33. Bollocks.

While it has a multitude of meanings, bullocks is most commonly used to describe dismay or disbelief.

34. Bloody.

You probably don't need a definition, as this is by far the most popular British slang. Historically, it was seen a cuss word– it's now so commonly used that it is generally acceptable.

35. Get-in.

This means something awesome or terrific has happened. You finally asked out that bird from uni? Get-in!

36. Ledge.

A person who has done something great– this is s truncation of legend.

37. Wicked.

Something that is great or fabulous could be described by this term.

38. Knees up.

Another word for 'party'.

39. Telling porkies.

You probably guessed it– to tell porkies means to tell lies.

40. Off your trolley.

If someone is acting off their trolley, they're throwing a bit of a temper tantrum.

41. All to pot.

This slang is used when the plans fall apart.

42. Banter.

Making jokes– usually at the expense of someone else, but all in good fun. If someone has good banter they're usually popular and well-liked.

43. Dead.

Not to be used in a morbid sense, but rather to mean 'very'. "That bloke is dead canny."

44. Canny.

This is northeastern English slang for something good or nice, meant to be taken as a compliment.

45. Gaff.

Another word for 'home'.

46. Innit.

A shortened version of 'isn't it' that can be added to the end of a sentence for emphasis.