Anglia Ruskin University Ranking UK 2024 / 2025 - Complete University Guide
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Anglia Ruskin University

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University League Table 2025: 121st

Frequently asked questions

In Cambridge, there's a variety of halls to choose from on campus. Most of these rooms are en suite and offer a shared kitchen and communal area. There is also third-party accommodation that can be applied for through the Residential Services office. In Chelmsford, students can live in the Student Village. Most rooms are en suite, and each room is equipped with everything a student will need. There are shared spaces including the kitchen and all bills are included in the price. Some rooms in Cambridge and Chelmsford have been adapted for students with disabilities. Students in Peterborough can apply to live in nearby flats and houses with the help of the Residential Services.

ARU offers support and bursaries for both UK and international students undertaking undergraduate or postgraduate studies. As an indication, in 2023 there were seven undergraduate bursaries available which included a Merit Scholarship, ARU Bursary, and International Excellence Scholarship. There were also ten postgraduate bursaries available which included an Alumni Scholarship and GREAT Scholarship. Each bursary has its own set of eligibility criteria and full details can be found on Anglia Ruskin University website.

ARU encourages its students to get the most out of their studies and their experience. From the moment they join, students are part of an inclusive, friendly community who will support and champion their success. During their first week, students will experience Welcome Week; they can meet other students on their course and their lecturers, get involved in activities and overall have a bit of fun to help settle into university life. From that week forward, students can expect a wide range of activities. From SU events and day trips to society-run events and regular dog therapy sessions on campus – even seasonal activities like petting a reindeer at Christmas time!

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