Pablo Neruda Best Quotes - Poem Analysis

Pablo Neruda Best Quotes

Pablo Neruda is remembered as an incredibly important Chilean poet whose poetry is read around the world. His poems often speak on themes of love, intimacy, and human experience.

Pablo Neruda Best Quotes Visual Representation

Neruda’s poetry is well-known for containing some truly beautiful quotes about love, intimacy between partners, and a desire to be consumed by love in all possible ways. The quotes below demonstrate his ability to put complex ideas and feelings into words.

Love can feel pure and powerful

Your hand upon my chest is my hand, so intimate that when I fall asleep your eyes close.

Love Sonnet XVII

This quote is a beautiful example of Neruda’s writing about love. The quote speaks about love that is impossible to describe and categorize. It is pure, without complications, and transcends the boundaries of identity. Th love the two share is incredibly innate, as well. It exists naturally and effortlessly. 

The images in this quote perfectly fit with this depiction of love. For example, “when I fall asleep, your eyes close,” as if the two are perfectly in sync. 

Love is complicated

Love is deep and not always fully understood. 

I love you as certain dark things are to be loved,

in secret, between the shadow and the soul.

Love Sonnet XVII

In these lines, Neruda speaks about love as something that’s felt and sometimes hard to understand. The speaker suggests that they love everything about their beloved. They love their innermost soul and suggest the existence of a love that is deep, personal, and somewhat hidden away from the public eye. 

The protective nature of the heart

Well, now

If little by little you stop loving me

I shall stop loving you

Little by little

If suddenly you forget me

Do not look for me

For I shall already have forgotten you

If You Forget Me

This excerpt speaks about the nature of love and the pain of its loss. The gradual fading of love (little by little) and the suddenness of forgetting are scenarios that the speaker feels he needs to prepare for. 

A desire to inspire growth. 

I want

To do with you what spring does with the cherry trees.

‘Love Poem XIV’

This short quote compares the desire to influence and transform a relationship or person in the same way that spring awakens cherry blossoms on trees. The speaker hopes to be a positive influence on someone else and allow their love to bring out the best in this person. 

The deep sadness that comes with remembering an unrequited love affair 

Tonight I can write the saddest lines

I loved her, and sometimes she loved me too.

Tonight I Can Write

In this quote, Neruda captures the pain of reflecting on an unsuccessful relationship in which one person did not return their feelings. The acknowledgment of the love as uncertain and sporadic adds to the emotion in these lines. The inconsistent affection is worse than none at all. 

The power one person can have over another in a relationship

I crave your mouth, your voice, your hair.

Silent and starving, I prowl through the streets.

Bread does not nourish me, dawn disrupts me, all day

I hunt for the liquid measure of your steps.

Love Sonnet XI

In these emotional lines, the speaker describes an all-consuming love for another person. The image of prowling through the street depicts an incredibly powerful yearning for the other person. The speaker is desperate to capture the other person’s presence. 

Being separated from the one you love is painful

so I wait for you like a lonely house

till you will see me again and live in me.

Till then my windows ache.

‘Love Sonnet LXV’

In these lines, the poet uses the metaphor of a lonely house to express a sense of emptiness. The house is waiting to be filled and brought to life by the speaker’s loved one. The windows are used, specifically, as a representation of the pain of separation and the speaker’s desire to be with the person they love. 

A deep gratitude for life’s journey

But I love your feet

only because they walked

upon the earth and upon

the wind and upon the waters,

until they found me.

‘Your Feet’

In these lines, the speaker discusses how much they love their partner, down to their feet. The latter is focused on the way in which they walked the earth and found their way to the speaker. This indicates a loving appreciation for everything in their lover’s life. 

The importance of emotional preservation in relationships

If suddenly

you forget me

do not look for me,

for I shall already have forgotten you.

If You Forget Me

In this determined quote, the speaker indicates that if “you” forget him, then you can be sure that he’s already “forgotten you.” This suggests that reciprocated love is of the utmost importance and that he isn’t going to yearn for someone who isn’t interested in him. The speaker wants to take care of himself in difficult situations such as the one outlined here. 

Love makes the beloved unique

You are like nobody since I love you.

‘Everyday You Play’

In this short quote, the speaker addresses their lover and tells them that they are special because they are loved by the speaker. Their love elevates them above everyone else and makes them stand out in everything they do. They are unique and incredible from the lover’s perspective

Love drives a fulfilling life

To feel the love of people whom we love is a fire that feeds our life.

This quote compares returned love to a fire that feeds our life. It implies that love when it’s returned, provides a true warmth and energy that makes life worth living. Mutual love can invigorate you in a way that nothing else can. 

Separation will not necessarily end a relationship

my feet will want to walk to where you are sleeping


I shall go on living.

‘The Dead Woman’

In these lines, the poet depicts a longing to move forward and an inability to do so. He expresses a desire to be with his loved ones, even when they’re gone, and a need to walk towards them. He acknowledges the need to continue living his life despite this separation. 

The idea of being completely consumed by a passionate love

In this part of the story I am the one who

dies, the only one, and I will die of love because I love you,

because I love you, Love, in fire and in blood.

‘Love Sonnet LXVI’

In the lines, the speaker reflects on the depths of his passion and commitment. The metaphor of dying love indicates a willingness to give in and be consumed by his feelings. The poet references “fire and blood,” suggesting that this love is deeply passionate and life-altering. 

It is hard to forget love

I am no longer in love with her, that’s certain, but maybe I love her. Love is so short, forgetting is so long.

Tonight I Can Write

This quote reflects on the complicated nature of love and the effects of a true attachment. The poet distinguishes between being “in love” and “loving” in these lines, as well. He transitions from passionate love to a more subdued, lasting affection. He also comments on the way that love does not necessarily last forever and that forgetting can take a very long time. 

The lasting emotional connection between lovers

And one by one the nights between our separated cities are joined to the night that unites us.

‘Ode and Burgeonings’

In these lines, the poet again comments on how long-lasting love can be and how, despite a long distance between two people, the love can remain. The poet uses night as a metaphor here to depict the two coming together as night falls over both cities. 

Love exists without explanation

I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where,

I love you simply, without problems or pride:

I love you in this way because I don’t know any other way of loving.

Love Sonnet XVII

In these lines, the poet uses repetition to depict the nature of their love and how simple yet profound it is. He loves without “knowing how, or when, or from where” the love comes from or how he can categorize it. He loves his beloved in an entirely free and powerful way. 

Poetry arrives in one’s life at a pivotal point

It was at that age

that poetry came in search of me.

Poetry, Poem

In these lines, the poet discusses the influence that poetry had on his life and how it came to him, as if of its own accord, and began to influence his life. The quote speaks of an artistic awakening. It’s a point in his life in which poetry became an integral part of his existence. It implies a shared fate with the art. 

Time is delicate

Green was the silence, wet was the light,

the month of June trembled like a butterfly.

‘Sonnet XL’

In these lines, the poet compares the month of June to a trembling butterfly. It reminds readers of the delicacy of time and how important it is to appreciate every moment. The poet uses metaphors in these lines, as well, to describe “Green” as silence and “wet” as light. 


What is Pablo Neruda known for? 

He is known as one of the greatest poets of the 20th century. His poems are celebrated for their depictions of love and other strong emotions. He is also remembered for winning the Nobel Prize in Literature and as a diplomat and senator for the Chilean Communist Party. 

What did Pablo Neruda write about? 

Neruda wrote about love and romance, passion and intimacy, nature, politics and social issues, and human existence generally. 

What is a famous Pablo Neruda quote? 

A famous quote from Pablo Neruda is, “I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where.” This demonstrates his interest in trying to put passionate feelings into words and his acceptance that sometimes this just isn’t possible. 

What style is Pablo Neruda’s writing? 

His writing is known for its deep emotion, overall simplicity, and use of symbolism and metaphor. He also experimented with various poetic forms and styles throughout his career. 

Emma Baldwin Poetry Expert


Emma graduated from East Carolina University with a B.A. in English, minor in Creative Writing, B.F.A. in Fine Art, and B.A. in Art Histories. Literature is one of her greatest passions which she pursues through analyzing poetry on Poem Analysis.
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