Breaking into Hollywood is tough, and it can be even harder to stay there. Some performers ride the wave for years, others completely disappear, and some simply walk away from it all in favor of doing something different. Everyone's path is different, and these journeys keep the public interested.

After Hunt for the Wilderpeople became a surprise hit, Julian Dennison was off and running in the business. Linking up with Marvel for Deadpool 2 was a great career move, and Dennison has had some interesting projects since that film made a fortune.

Let's take a closer look at Julian Dennison and see what he's been up to.

Julian Dennison Was Great In 'Deadpool 2'

2018's Deadpool 2 was a highly-anticipated film that was all but guaranteed to make a splash at the box office. The first film was a hit, and bringing in new characters like Cable only added fuel to the hype.

Julian Dennison was an amazing addition to the cast, and thanks to his performance in Hunt for the Wilderpeople, movie fans were ready to see the young actor in a major blockbuster film.

One of the cool things about seeing Denison in the role is that he doesn't fit the mold of a typical superhero's physical appearance. This was something that he talked about in an interview with GQ.

"That was super cool personally for me, because I remember watching the Avengers movies and the X-Men movies and stuff, and you never really saw a bigger superhero, a chubbier superhero, and I'm a chubby kid. I'm big and it was super cool that they were so open to change the character. Firefist Russell in the comics looks very different. Like he'd been molded out of clay and sent down from the heavens and then brought to life. Like the Amazons in Wonder Woman," the actor said.

After making early $800 million, the movie went down as a hit, and suddenly, Julian Denison had another major credit to his name.

In the years since Deadpool 2 conquered the box office, Denison has remained a busy, and has been pulling down a variety of work.

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On the big screen, Dennison has some unique credits under his belt. At this point, Godzilla vs. Kong is the biggest film that he has been in since starring in Deadpool 2.

When speaking with ScreenRant, Dennison opened up about his character in the film.

"Yeah, I think Josh is kind of this young, nerdy kid or geeky kid. I would say I'm kind of geeky, but he's just some geeky kid and he just gets pulled in and gets dragged in by his friend Madison into this giant situation. They go to hunt down Godzilla; they go to see what's provoking him and what this Apex Corporation is all about. They meet the psycho dude, this crazy conspiracy theorist named Bernie, and they go on this adventure together. They really save the world; save humanity," he said.

The film was a financial success, despite coming out in the midst of many theaters being shut down. It also generated a ton of streaming hours on HBO Max, proving that film fans still love a good monster movie.

Outside of that film, Denison has also been in the Christmas Chronicles 2.

While he is great in film projects, Dennison has also made sure to pull down some television work in the years since starring in Deadpool 2.

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Dennison Voices Pierce On 'The Strange Chores'

Since 2019, Julian Dennison has been voicing the character Pierce on the animated series, The Strange Chores. The series has aired just one season, but thankfully, it has been confirmed that it will be coming back for season 2.

At this time, that animated show is the only series that he has been on since Deadpool 2, meaning that the majority of his work has been in the world of film.

A quick look over at IMDb shows that Dennison is not currently attached to any future projects. It could be that the actor is simply taking a break and enjoying life for a little while. After all, he has been steadily working for years, and a well-earned break could be a great way to simply reset before hitting the acting trail once again.

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Julian Dennison has had a remarkable career since breaking into entertainment, and fans are anxious to see what the actor will do with his next major project.

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