The Meaning Behind The Song: Cien Años by Vicente Fernández - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Cien Años by Vicente Fernández


The Meaning Behind The Song: Cien Años by Vicente Fernández

Title Cien Años
Artist Vicente Fernández
Writer/Composer Alberto Cervantes & Rubén Fuentes
Album Muriendo De Amor (2015)
Genre Pop
Producer Vicente Fernández

The Melancholic Beauty of “Cien Años”

One of the most iconic songs in the Latin American musical landscape, “Cien Años” holds a special place in the hearts of many. Originally composed by Pedro Infante, this poignant ballad has been beautifully reinterpreted by the legendary Vicente Fernández. Its powerful lyrics and emotionally charged melody have captivated audiences for decades, leaving a lasting impact on those who hear it.

Listening to “Cien Años,” one cannot help but be overwhelmed by the raw emotions that flow through every note. It tells the bittersweet tale of unrequited love and the pain of being forgotten. The longing and ache in Fernández’s voice make it resonate deeply with anyone who has experienced heartbreak.

The opening lines, “Pasaste a mi lado, con gran indiferencia” (You passed by my side, with great indifference), paint a vivid picture of yearning and missed opportunities. The protagonist watches their love interest walk by without even acknowledging their existence. They speak to them without being heard, their bitterness growing inside.

“Te vi sin que me vieras, te hablé sin que me oyeras” (I saw you without you seeing me, I spoke to you without you hearing me), further solidifies the narrator’s desperation. They desperately long for the person they love to notice them, to hear their words, and to reciprocate their feelings.

However, the painful reality sinks in with the lines “Y toda mi amargura, se ahogó dentro de mí” (And all my bitterness drowned inside me). It becomes apparent that their love is unrequited and that they must bear the weight of their unfulfilled emotions alone.

Despite the heartache, the narrator admits that their love interest remains intertwined with their existence, stating, “Y sin embargo sigues, unida a mi existencia” (And yet, you continue to be connected to my existence). It is a testament to the enduring power of love, even when it seems lost.

In the chorus, Fernández croons, “Y si vivo cien años, cien años pienso en ti” (And if I live a hundred years, a hundred years I will think of you). These words beautifully encapsulate the everlasting impact of love, even when it is not reciprocated. The narrator acknowledges that their love might never be returned, but their feelings remain constant throughout their lifetime.

As a fan of Vicente Fernández and a lover of Latin American music, “Cien Años” has always held a special place in my heart. Its haunting melody and poignant lyrics have accompanied me through my own experiences of love and heartbreak. This song has the power to transport me back to moments of vulnerability and remind me of the unyielding strength of emotions.

Whether you understand the Spanish lyrics or not, the deep emotions conveyed in “Cien Años” are universally relatable. It speaks to the universal language of love and the pain that often accompanies it. Vicente Fernández’s soulful rendition brings the song to life, evoking a multitude of emotions in anyone who listens.

In conclusion, “Cien Años” by Vicente Fernández is a testament to the lasting impact of love, even when it remains unrequited. Its poignant lyrics and powerful melody have resonated with audiences for years, leaving a memorable imprint on the hearts of all who hear it. This song serves as a poignant reminder of the vulnerability and strength that love can bring, making it an enduring masterpiece in the Latin American music scene.

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