The Meaning Behind The Song: Free Your Mind And Your Ass Will Follow by Funkadelic - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Free Your Mind And Your Ass Will Follow by Funkadelic

The Meaning Behind The Song: Free Your Mind And Your Ass Will Follow

Funkadelic’s “Free Your Mind And Your Ass Will Follow” is a 1969 song that has become a classic in the funk genre. The song’s catchy title has been referenced in countless works of art and pop culture, from advertising campaigns to talk shows. But what does it really mean? In this article, we’ll dive into the meaning behind the song and explore its impact on music and culture.

The History Of Funkadelic

Before we dive into the song, it’s important to understand the history behind Funkadelic. The band was formed in 1968 by George Clinton, who had previously been a member of the doo-wop group The Parliaments. Funkadelic combined elements of soul, R&B, rock, and psychedelic music to create a unique sound that was ahead of its time.

The Meaning Behind The Song

“Free Your Mind And Your Ass Will Follow” is often interpreted as a call to action – a demand that listeners shed their inhibitions and embrace their inner funk. But the song’s meaning goes deeper than that.

In an interview with Rolling Stone, George Clinton explained that the song was inspired by the Free Speech Movement on college campuses in the late 1960s. “We were trying to promote the concept of people freeing their minds from the old way of thinking and the old way of doing things,” he said.

The song’s lyrics encourage listeners to break free from societal norms and embrace their true identities. “They say if you let them push you around, you’ll never know what you’re gonna be,” the chorus proclaims. It’s a message of empowerment that has resonated with fans for over fifty years.

The Impact Of “Free Your Mind And Your Ass Will Follow”

“Free Your Mind And Your Ass Will Follow” has had a lasting impact on music and culture. The song’s catchy title has been referenced in countless works of art, from Public Enemy’s “Fight the Power” to the film The Matrix.

The song’s message of empowerment has also inspired generations of musicians. “I’d never really heard anything like that before,” Red Hot Chili Peppers bassist Flea said in an interview with Rolling Stone. “It was really an anthem for free thinking and not following the rules.”


What other songs have been inspired by “Free Your Mind And Your Ass Will Follow”?

One of the most well-known songs inspired by “Free Your Mind And Your Ass Will Follow” is Public Enemy’s “Fight the Power.” The song’s chorus – “Fight the power / Fight the power / We’ve got to fight the powers that be” – is a direct reference to Funkadelic’s message of empowerment. Other artists who have been influenced by the song include Prince, Rick James, and Lenny Kravitz.

What impact did Funkadelic have on the music industry?

Funkadelic was one of the most innovative and influential bands of the 1970s. Their unique blend of funk, rock, and psychedelic music paved the way for countless artists in the decades that followed. The band’s impact can be heard in the music of Prince, Public Enemy, Red Hot Chili Peppers, and many others.

What were some of the challenges that Funkadelic faced as a band?

Funkadelic faced many challenges throughout their career, including issues with drugs and management. In the late 1970s, the band was heavily in debt and struggling to stay afloat. Despite these challenges, they continued to produce groundbreaking music that inspired countless fans and artists.

What is George Clinton’s legacy as a musician?

George Clinton is one of the most influential musicians of the 20th century. His innovative approach to music has inspired countless artists in a wide range of genres. Clinton’s music continues to be celebrated today, with the artist performing regularly and receiving numerous awards and honors.

How has “Free Your Mind And Your Ass Will Follow” been used in pop culture?

“Free Your Mind And Your Ass Will Follow” has been referenced in countless works of art, from advertising campaigns to TV shows. Perhaps the most well-known reference comes from the 1999 film The Matrix, in which Morpheus uses the song’s title to encourage Neo to embrace his inner powers.

What was the cultural significance of “Free Your Mind And Your Ass Will Follow”?

“Free Your Mind And Your Ass Will Follow” was released during a turbulent time in American history. The song’s message of empowerment encouraged listeners to challenge the status quo and embrace their true identities. The song’s impact is still felt today, as artists continue to draw inspiration from Funkadelic and their innovative approach to music.

What is the relationship between funk and social justice?

Funk music has long been associated with social justice and activism. Many of the genre’s most successful artists – including James Brown, Sly Stone, and George Clinton – used their music as a platform to call attention to issues of race, poverty, and inequality. Funk music continues to be celebrated today as a powerful force for social change.

What makes “Free Your Mind And Your Ass Will Follow” such a timeless classic?

“Free Your Mind And Your Ass Will Follow” is a timeless classic because of its message of empowerment and its innovative approach to music. The song’s catchy title and infectious groove have made it a fan favorite for over fifty years. Its impact can be felt in a wide range of genres, from hip-hop to rock.

What is the legacy of Funkadelic?

Funkadelic’s legacy is one of innovation and creativity. The band’s unique blend of soul, rock, and psychedelic music paved the way for countless artists in the decades that followed. Funkadelic continues to be celebrated today for their groundbreaking music and their impact on the music industry.

What does “Free Your Mind And Your Ass Will Follow” mean to you?

“Free Your Mind And Your Ass Will Follow” is more than just a catchy song – it’s a message of empowerment that has inspired generations of listeners. What does the song mean to you? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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