10 Horrible Gimmicks That Wrestlers Pitched THEMSELVES – Page 7

10 Horrible Gimmicks That Wrestlers Pitched THEMSELVES

4. Bryan Danielson Is Lloyd Boner

Daniel Bryan Danielson WWE Lloyd Boner

Let that subheading sink in for a while.

Oh wow, that was unintentionally tragic wording considering what's coming next. ARGH! Can people say anything anymore without it sounding like innuendo?! Sorry, let's start again. In 2009, celebrated technician Bryan Danielson inked a deal with WWE and started pitching names to the writing team.

Amongst others, Bryan pitched "Lloyd Boner" and "Buddy Peacock". Both sound right up WWE's street, but it was William Regal who stepped in and warned Danielson he might want to be taken a bit more seriously. Thus, Daniel Bryan was born, and the ex-ROH man's dreams of hearing sold out arenas chanting, "BONER! BONER! BONER!" faded.

This entry was included for one reason and one reason only: WWE would've taken the "Boner" surname and run wild with it. There's no way they could be trusted to book a guy called "Lloyd (f'n) Boner" as a serious, boots-n-tights professional wrestler, put it that way. He would've been a walking penis punchline.

Lloyd is Danielson's real middle name, for the record.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.