13 Best Little River Band Songs of All Time (Greatest Hits)
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13 Best Little River Band Songs of All Time (Greatest Hits)

July 21, 2023
Best Little River Band Songs

Embark on a nostalgic journey through the rich and melodic sounds of one of the most beloved bands in music history: Little River Band.

With their signature harmonies, captivating lyrics, and timeless hits, the Little River Band has left an indelible mark on the world of rock and pop music.

In this article, we will delve into the 13 best songs ever crafted by this iconic Australian group.

Formed in 1975, the Little River Band quickly rose to fame, enchanting audiences worldwide with their unique blend of rock, pop, and soulful ballads.

Led by their distinctive vocalists and an impressive lineup of talented musicians, the band delivered a string of chart-topping singles and albums throughout the ’70s and ’80s.

So, let’s dive in and explore the greatest hits of the best Little River Band songs!

1. “If I Get Lucky”

You’re sure to feel lucky if you listen to “If I Get Lucky”!

This hit song by the Little River Band, released in 1990, is a feel-good anthem about finding strength in yourself and looking forward to a brighter future.

With its catchy guitar riffs, uplifting lyrics, and sweeping vocal harmonies, “If I Get Lucky” is sure to put a smile on your face and a skip in your step.

The song’s message of hope and resilience is a timeless reminder that luck is something we make for ourselves.

2. “Seine City”

“Seine City” has been the source of some of the most beloved music from the Little River Band, from their classic ballads to their upbeat anthems.

The song features a catchy chorus and a memorable guitar solo, while the lyrics tell a story of a man looking for a fresh start in life.

The song is an uplifting and inspiring anthem about taking risks and living life to its fullest.

The song talks about how the city can be a source of hope and inspiration and encourages listeners to keep looking for the light in the darkness.

The song is a beautiful reminder of how even in difficult times, there can be moments of joy and peace.

3. “Love Is A Bridge”

Take a journey with Little River Band’s “Love Is A Bridge” and experience a heartfelt anthem of hope and comfort.

This song, released in 1988, is one of the band’s most beloved songs.

It is praised for its lush instrumentation and uplifting lyrics.

The song opens with a soft, ethereal guitar melody that builds to a catchy chorus with soaring vocals.

The lyrics tell a story of someone who’s been through a difficult time in life but finds hope and solace in the idea of love being a bridge.

The bridge of the song is a beautiful instrumental section.

It lifts the listener’s spirit and brings the song to a powerful close.

Little River Band’s “Love Is A Bridge” is a song that will stay with you long after the last note has been played.

4. “It’s A Long Way There”

Journey with Little River Band’s “It’s A Long Way There” and feel the emotion of the lyrics as they tell a story of hope in the face of adversity.

The song paints a picture of someone setting out on a journey to a better life, but being aware that it will be a long and difficult road.

The lyrics are reflective and thoughtful, and the music builds slowly, giving a sense of anticipation and excitement.

The chorus is powerful and uplifting, reminding the listener that despite the obstacles, it’s worth it in the end.

The song conveys a strong message of resilience and determination, encouraging the listener to persevere even in the face of adversity.

5. “Take It Easy On Me”

You won’t want to miss out on Little River Band’s hit song “Take It Easy On Me”, as it captures the essence of determination and strength.

With its powerful lyrics and soulful guitar riffs, the song is an example of the band’s ability to create an uplifting and memorable melody.

The chorus is catchy and memorable, and it encourages listeners to focus on the positive aspects of their lives.

The song’s uplifting message of taking it easy on oneself is something that many people can relate to.

The song is a great reminder to take life as it comes, and always strive to be the best version of oneself.

6. “Reminiscing”

“Reminiscing” on Little River Band’s music is sure to bring a smile to your face, as their songs capture the essence of life’s highs and lows.

One of their most popular hits is “Reminiscing”, a catchy tune that combines a soft, gentle melody with upbeat lyrics about remembering the past with fondness.

The song starts off with a sweet, mellow verse before transitioning into an infectious chorus that’s sure to put a smile on your face.

It’s an uplifting and joyful song that celebrates the beauty of life and encourages listeners to take time to reflect and appreciate the memories of the past.

Whether you’re remembering the good times or the bad, this song will remind you that it’s all part of life’s journey.

7. “Lonesome Loser”

With its melancholic melody and poignant lyrics, “Lonesome Loser” is a classic Little River Band track that captures the bittersweet feelings of loneliness that can come with life’s struggles.

The song’s lead vocalist, Glenn Shorrock, narrates the story of a man who’s lost all his money and been left alone in his misery.

The song’s guitar and drum solos further add to the feeling of loneliness, as well as the sad strings in the chorus.

The song encapsulates the struggles of life in a unique way and is a timeless classic among Little River Band fans.

8. “Lady”

The beloved song “Lady” is the perfect embodiment of Little River Band’s signature romantic style.

Released in 1978, the song was written by Graeham Goble and reached the US Billboard Hot 100.

With its heartfelt, yet dreamy lyrics, the song is a timeless classic that’s still popular today.

The simple instrumentation, which features a piano, guitar, and drums, complements the lyrics and creates an atmosphere of nostalgia and longing.

Although the band has released many other successful singles, “Lady” remains one of their most beloved and iconic songs.

9. “Cool Change”

Immerse yourself in the soothing and nostalgic ambiance of Little River Band’s 1979 hit, “Cool Change”.

This captivating song is a poignant and introspective masterpiece, filled with emotions of heartache and yearning.

It eloquently conveys the yearning for respite from life’s hectic pace, as it expresses the longing for a serene and tranquil sanctuary.

The dreamy and ethereal melody, complemented by enchanting vocals, effortlessly transports listeners to a world of escape and relaxation.

Within the lyrics lies a sincere plea for a break from the monotony of modern existence and the hope for a fresh start.

“Cool Change” remains an everlasting classic, destined to hold a special place in the hearts of Little River Band’s devoted fans for generations to come.

10. “Help Is On Its Way”

Moving on from the dreamy and ethereal vibes of “Cool Change”, “Help Is on Its Way” is a track from the album Diamantina Cocktail, released in 1977.

With its uplifting lyrics and anthemic chorus, this song is a reminder of the power of optimism and faith in times of hardship.

The track’s classic rock sound is driven by a combination of electric guitar riffs and flowing organ solos, creating an inspiring and memorable listening experience.

11. “The Night Owls”

Experience the iconic sound of “The Night Owls” – a song to energize and motivate, packed with anthemic guitar riffs and soaring vocals.

“The Night Owls” was released in 1981 and quickly propelled the Little River Band to international stardom.

It has become one of the band’s most beloved hits, with its catchy chorus and driving rhythm.

The song opens with a strong guitar riff before transitioning to a melodic verse, followed by a powerful anthemic chorus.

The lyrics are full of optimism and hope, delivering a message that resonates with listeners.

The song is a prime example of the Little River Band’s signature sound and its timelessness remains undiminished.

12. “The Other Guy”

Dive into the classic Little River Band song “The Other Guy” and enjoy its contagious beat and uplifting lyrics.

This song, released in 1983, starts off with a bouncy, upbeat rhythm before transitioning into a smooth, mid-tempo groove.

The chorus is catchy and memorable, and the song’s structure builds in intensity as it progresses, ending with a powerful finale.

It’s a great song to dance to, and the message of self-acceptance is one that resonates with many listeners.

13. “The Season of Love”

The Little River Band’s “The Season of Love” is an upbeat, feel-good song, with its lyrical content encouraging listeners to express love for family and friends.

The song starts off with a melodic keyboard intro that leads into a jangly guitar and vocal harmony chorus.

The lyrics are simple and straightforward, with a catchy chorus that quickly gets stuck in one’s head.

The chorus is backed up by a steady and light drum beat which provides a good foundation for the song.

The bridge of the song features a beautiful guitar solo which helps to transition the song from the chorus to the end.

“The Season of Love” is an upbeat song that captures the true spirit of the season and is sure to be a crowd-pleaser at any Little River Band concert.

Best Little River Band Songs – Final Thoughts

You’ve now heard the top 13 songs from Little River Band’s greatest hits.

They’ve been around since the 70s and continue to make music to this day.

Whether you’re a fan of their early work, their more recent releases, or anywhere in between, these 13 songs are sure to bring back some fond memories.

From the upbeat “Take It Easy On Me” to the soulful “The Other Guy”, there’s something here for everyone.

So go ahead and give them a listen, you won’t be disappointed!

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Will Fenton

Will, the founder of MIDDER, is a multifaceted individual with a deep passion for music and personal finance. As a self-proclaimed music and personal finance geek, he has a keen eye for futuristic technologies, especially those that empower creators and the public.

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