Research - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

We deliver unbiased research to decisionmakers who help set the global policy agenda Our scholars generate strategic ideas and independent analysis to help inform countries, institutions, and leaders as they take on the most difficult global problems.

Recent Articles & Papers
Beyond the Copenhagen Criteria: Rethinking the Political Conditions of EU Accession

As the EU accelerates the process of adding new member states, it also needs to rethink the relationship between enlargement and democracy. The union should develop a “Copenhagen plus” approach to encourage more comprehensive democratic reforms in candidate countries.

Turkey’s Electoral Map Explained: Actors, Dynamics, and Future Prospects

Although President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has a mandate to rule until 2028, the outcome of Turkey’s March 31 local elections was a major setback for the country’s ruling elites.

  • Sinem Adar
Between Russia and the EU: Europe’s Arc of Instability

Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Moldova, and Serbia are caught in between Russia and the EU, building ties with the latter even as the former seeks to maintain influence there and deter the West.


3151 Results
Beyond the Copenhagen Criteria: Rethinking the Political Conditions of EU Accession

As the EU accelerates the process of adding new member states, it also needs to rethink the relationship between enlargement and democracy. The union should develop a “Copenhagen plus” approach to encourage more comprehensive democratic reforms in candidate countries.

· June 5, 2024
Turkey’s Electoral Map Explained: Actors, Dynamics, and Future Prospects

Although President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has a mandate to rule until 2028, the outcome of Turkey’s March 31 local elections was a major setback for the country’s ruling elites.

  • Sinem Adar
· June 4, 2024
Between Russia and the EU: Europe’s Arc of Instability

Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Moldova, and Serbia are caught in between Russia and the EU, building ties with the latter even as the former seeks to maintain influence there and deter the West.

Minister for Development Cooperation and Metropolitan Policy Caroline Gennez (L) visits a solar power project during a visit to the packaging unit
Just Energy Transitions? Lessons From Oman and Morocco

Economically motivated energy transitions must be climate-resilient to generate just transitions that benefit people and the environment.

  • Manal Shehabi
· May 30, 2024
How Is China’s Economic Transition Affecting Its Relations With Africa?

China’s slowing growth will increasingly impact its economic relations with Africa. Policy directions within African countries and third parties such as the United States will greatly shape how these changes in the China-Africa relationship continue to unfold.

· May 30, 2024
Hands holding a tablet device and scrolling on a generic app
The Impact of a Californian Ideology in Africa

How Silicon Valley ideologies about lean startups and nudge theory have shaped Africa’s development sector.

  • Andrea Pollio
· May 30, 2024
A security fence surrounds the NSA's Utah data collection center on March 17, 2017 in Bluffdale, Utah. The 1.5 billion dollar data center, thought to be the worlds largest on the order of exabytes or larger supports the Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative (CNCI) of the United States Government
The Promises and Perils for Sustainability in the U.S. Military’s Adoption of AI

AI threatens to further increase carbon emissions. But the U.S. government, especially the Pentagon, has an opportunity to incentivize energy-efficient computing and even use AI to save fuel.

  • Daniel Nasaw
· May 29, 2024
Person in yellow construction suit works on series of large pipes on a foggy day
NATO’s Path to Securing Undersea Infrastructure in the Baltic Sea

To align and coordinate its response, NATO urgently needs to create a NATO command center that would focus solely on the Baltic Sea region.

  • Helga Kalm
· May 29, 2024
The GCC’s Multipolar Pivot: From Shifting Trade Patterns to New Financial and Diplomatic Alliances

The Gulf Cooperation Council has shifted its energy export focus to Asia, particularly India and China. This is part of a broader shift as GCC members look to expand their geopolitical alliances away from the West.

  • Alexandre Kateb
· May 28, 2024
Agents work at the Criminal Investigation Agency in Mexico City on March 7, 2023
Mexico’s National Cybersecurity Policy: Progress Has Stalled Under AMLO

Mexico’s cyber policy has suffered from a lack of political prioritization during the presidency of Andrés Manuel López Obrador. Without greater interest from his successor, there are few prospects for reform and progress in Mexico’s response to cyber threats.

  • Joe Devanny
  • Russell Buchan
· May 28, 2024