Julio Iglesias - Ni te tengo ni te olvido (English translation #2)
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I neither have you nor forget you

I don’t know what to do with you,
I neither have you nor forget you,
nor I want to continue like that,
to be the toy of your whims.
So why I love you so much,
why I desire you so much,
why I love madly,
when I want it and I don’t want it.
Looks like I already got used to it,
to your way of surrendering to me,
to the heat of your skin
and to the pleasure of caressing you.
When you feel that you’re a woman
there’s not enough love to give you,
when you feel that you’re a woman...
What would I give to have
your caresses every day,
and to be able to please you
every time you were mine.
What could I give to be sure
that I would never lose you.
I’m unable to find the path
that would take me away from you,
I’m neither able to follow you,
nor to live without you.
What would I give to have
your caresses every day,
and to be able to please you
every time you were mine.
What could I give to be sure
that I would never lose you.
I’m unable to find the path
that would take me away from you,
I’m neither able to follow you,
nor to live without you.
Original lyrics

Ni te tengo ni te olvido

Click to see the original lyrics (Spanish)

Translations of "Ni te tengo ni te ..."
English #1, #2
Italian #1, #2
Russian #1, #2