The Meaning Behind The Song: Breakaway by BIG P.I.G - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Breakaway by BIG P.I.G


The Meaning Behind The Song: Breakaway by BIG P.I.G

Title Artist Writer/Composer Album Release Date Genre Duration Producer
Breakaway BIG P.I.G BIG P.I.G, Gary Zekley & Mitchell Bottler Bonk (1987) February 17, 1988 Rock N/A Nick Launay

“Breakaway” is a song by Big Pig, a cover of Chuck Jackson’s 1973 hit “I Can’t Break Away”. It gained popularity through its inclusion in the soundtrack of the cult classic film “Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure”. The song captures the longing for freedom and the struggle to break free from one’s limitations, both physically and mentally.

The lyrics of “Breakaway” convey a strong desire to soar above the constraints of life. The opening lines, “All my life I wanted to fly, like the birds that you see way up in the sky”, evoke a sense of yearning for the freedom and liberation associated with flight. The imagery of birds flying freely in the sky creates a vivid comparison to the singer’s own aspirations.

Throughout the song, the theme of breaking away from the ordinary and mundane is explored. The lyrics express frustration at feeling confined and limited, as seen in the line, “But I don’t have the wings and I wonder why”. This line symbolizes the singer’s struggle to understand why they are unable to break free and achieve their desired goals.

The chorus, “I can’t break away”, is repeated several times throughout the song, emphasizing the sense of being trapped and unable to escape. However, there is also a glimmer of hope in the lines that follow, as the singer’s mother advises them to “stand tall” and change their own destiny. This suggests that while they may feel bound by their circumstances, they still have the power to shape their future.

The song’s musical composition, with its energetic and driving rock sound, perfectly complements the lyrics’ yearning for liberation. The catchy melodies and powerful vocal performance further amplify the emotional impact of the song.

Personal Connection

“Breakaway” has always held a special place in my heart. As a teenager, I often found myself feeling trapped by the expectations and limitations that society placed upon me. This song became an anthem of sorts, reminding me that it is possible to break free from those constraints and forge my own path.

The lyrics resonated with my own feelings of wanting to soar high, away from the mundane and ordinary. Like the singer, I questioned why I couldn’t break away and achieve my dreams. However, through this song, I also found solace in the belief that I had the power to change my own destiny.

Whenever I listened to “Breakaway”, I would imagine myself soaring through the sky, free from the burdens and limitations that weighed me down. The song became a source of inspiration and motivation, pushing me to pursue my passions and break free from anything holding me back.

Even now, years later, whenever I hear “Breakaway”, it instantly takes me back to that pivotal time in my life. It serves as a reminder of the strength and determination I possessed to break away and shape my own future.

In conclusion, “Breakaway” by BIG P.I.G beautifully captures the universal desire for freedom and the struggle to break free. Its powerful lyrics and energetic composition make it a timeless anthem of liberation. Whether it’s soaring through the sky or breaking free from societal constraints, this song encourages listeners to embrace their own power and shape their own destiny.

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