Several Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on Restricting High Consumption and Relevant Consumption of Persons Subject to Enforcement (2015 Amendment)
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Several Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on Restricting High Consumption and Relevant Consumption of Persons Subject to Enforcement (2015 Amendment) [Effective]
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Several Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on Restricting High Consumption and Relevant Consumption of the Persons Subject to Enforcement 


(Interpretation No. 17 [2015] of the Supreme People's Court on July 20, 201, as adopted at the 1487th meeting of the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court on May 17, 2010 and amended in accordance with the Decision of the Supreme People's Court on Restricting High Consumption of Persons Subject to Enforcement as adopted at the 1657th meeting of the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court on July 6, 2015, which shall come into force on July 22, 2015) ��2010��5��17���������Ժ����ίԱ���1487�λ���ͨ��������2015��7��6���������Ժ����ίԱ���1657�λ���ͨ���ġ��������Ժ�����޸ġ��������Ժ�������Ʊ�ִ���˸����ѵ����ɹ涨���ľ�������������������2015��7��22����ʩ�С�2015��7��20�ա�����[2015]17�ţ�

In order to further strengthen law enforcement, facilitate the building of a social credit mechanism and fully protect the lawful rights and interests of the enforcement applicants and persons subject to enforcement, these Provisions are formulated in light of the practical experience of the people's courts in civil enforcement and in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China. Ϊ��һ���Ӵ�ִ�����ȣ��ƶ�������û��ƽ��裬����޶ȱ�������ִ���˺ͱ�ִ���˵ĺϷ�Ȩ�棬���ݡ��л����񹲺͹��������Ϸ������йع涨���������Ժ����ִ�й�����ʵ�����飬�ƶ����涨��
Article 1 Where a person subject to enforcement fails to fulfill the payment obligation determined in an effective legal instrument within the period specified in the notice of enforcement, the people's court may take measures to restrict the high consumption by the person subject to enforcement and the relevant consumption not necessary for life or business operation. ������һ������ִ����δ��ִ��֪ͨ��ָ�����ڼ�������Ч��������ȷ���ĸ�������ģ�����Ժ���Բ�ȡ�������Ѵ�ʩ������������Ѽ���������߾�Ӫ������й����ѡ�
The people's courts shall take measures to restrict the consumption of the persons subject to enforcement who are included in the list of dishonest persons subject to enforcement. ����ʧ�ű�ִ���������ı�ִ���ˣ�����ԺӦ�������ȡ�������Ѵ�ʩ��
Article 2 Before making a decision to take measures to restrict the consumption of a person subject to enforcement, a people's court shall consider factors such as whether the person subject to enforcement has ever negatively performed the obligation, evaded the performance of obligation, or refused to perform the obligation, and the capability of the person subject to enforcement to perform the obligation �����ڶ���������Ժ������ȡ�������Ѵ�ʩʱ��Ӧ�����DZ�ִ�����Ƿ����������С����ִ�л��߿���ִ�е���Ϊ�Լ���ִ���˵��������������ء�
Article 3 Where the person subject to enforcement is a natural person, after measures of consumption restrictions are taken against him or her, he or she may not have the following high consumption or other consumption not necessary for life or work: ��������������ִ����Ϊ��Ȼ�˵ģ�����ȡ�������Ѵ�ʩ�󣬲��������¸����Ѽ�������͹��������������Ϊ��
(1) To take an airplane, take the soft berth of a train, or take the second-class berth or above of a steamship as the means of transportation. ��һ��������ͨ����ʱ��ѡ��ɻ����г����ԡ��ִ��������ϲ�λ��
(2) To have high consumption activities at star hotels, night clubs, golf courses, or other places. ���������Ǽ����ϱ��ݡ��Ƶꡢҹ�ܻᡢ�߶����򳡵ȳ������и����ѣ�
(3) To purchase real estate, or build, expand, or luxuriously furnish houses.

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