Gujarat Titans Owners : All You Need to Know | - OneCricket

Gujarat Titans Owners : All You Need to Know

image-lftjtv3kHardik Pandya applauding the crowd after winning the 2023 IPL final ( Source:Twitter)

Gujarat Titans, led by Hardik Pandya created the history in IPL 2022 by winning their inaugural season at their home ground, Narendra Modi Stadium at Ahmedabad in front of a record crowd. The Gujarat Titans owners bought the team before last IPL at a whooping price tag of INR 5,625 crore.

Since then, or even before that there has been a lot of buzz and excitement regarding the owners of the franchise and how they manage to bought a team in the IPL. 

Who are Gujarat Titans' owners?

CVC Capitals Partners - A Luxembourg-based French Private Equity and Investment Firm is the owner of Gujarat Titans.

What are their estimated assets and the history of the firm?

The CVC Capitals Partners total assets are worth over US$133 billion under management. CVC Capitals have their foundational roots with a popular banking firm, Citicorp. However, it was established as a separate entity in 1981.

Since then, it has become a pretty popular firm in Europe and has a separate wing for Asia too.

What was their bid to buy a team in the IPL?

The famous firm was pretty keen to buy an IPL team and managed to buy the Gujarat team at a whopping amount of 5,625 crore as BCCI decided to add two more teams in the IPL from the 2022 season.

What was the controversy regarding their ownership after they won the bid?

The controversy was regarding a sports betting and gambling organisation - Tipico. It is a CVC Capitals Partners portfolio company and the objection was first raised by Lalit Modi, a former IPL chairman regarding the conflict of interest scenario that can be raised in future due to the betting history of the IPL and nature of the company.

However, after a thorough inspection by BCCI, CVC Capitals Partners were given a go-ahead as it was found that Tipico was part of CVC group's European wing and will remain totally independent from CVC's Asian Wing which had made an investment on Gujarat Titans.

The defending champions, Gujarat Titans are set to kick off IPL 2023 with a clash against Chennai Super Kings on 31st of March at Ahmedabad.