the Russian Revolution of 1905 — Google Arts & Culture

the Russian Revolution of 1905


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By: Luisana Alvarez and Juliana Dormond

1905-01-22, From the collection of: LIFE Photo Collection
EVENTS: On February, 1905, workers demanded to have eight hours of work a day, higher wages and better working conditions. Tsar Nicholas II's uncle was murdered in Moscow.
War 1904-1905 Russo Japanese Russian, From the collection of: LIFE Photo Collection
During the months of march and may, the Russian army is defeated by Japan in war. The Russian people start to make demands for a better government.
His Russia 1905, From the collection of: LIFE Photo Collection
In June sailors of the battleship Potemkin mutinied. This was very worrying for the government, and this put the Tsar in a dangerous point.
His Russia 1905 Revolution, From the collection of: LIFE Photo Collection
Also in June, different social groups were demanding changes. -The middle class and the liberals demanded an elected parliament, freedom of speech and the right to form political parties.
His Russia 1905 Revolution, From the collection of: LIFE Photo Collection
The Jews wanted civil rights. The Poles and the Finnish demanded their independence.
His Russia 1905 Revolution, From the collection of: LIFE Photo Collection
In July, peasant riots became wide spread. land was seized, and landowners' houses were looted and burned.
His Russia 1905 Revolution, From the collection of: LIFE Photo Collection
Russia and Japan made a peace treaty in September. Thousands of troops were now free to help control the problems in Russia. The government offered them better conditions and more money.
His Russia 1905 Revolution, From the collection of: LIFE Photo Collection
The strikes started to spread in October. The opposition groups, which had people like workers, teachers, doctors, students and revolutionaries, united and demanded changes.
His Russia 1905 Revolution, From the collection of: LIFE Photo Collection
On October 26, representatives from different factories met to coordinate strike action. Soviets posed a great threat to the Tsar's government, and put the Tsar in a dangerous point.
His Russia 1905 Revolution, From the collection of: LIFE Photo Collection
A manifesto was written by the Russian government the 30th of October. The manifesto promised the Russian people a few things like, a parliament, civil rights and the right to form political parties.
His Russia 1905 Revolution, From the collection of: LIFE Photo Collection
The manifesto made the middle class and the liberals stop protesting. They believed they had won a democratic government and everything else they were fighting for.
His Russia 1905 Revolution, From the collection of: LIFE Photo Collection
However, the Tsar was not going to leave things as they were, and in December he felt strong enough to take control over Russia back.
His Russia 1905 Revolution, From the collection of: LIFE Photo Collection
The Tsar started to use force and closed down St. Petersburg soviet. He also crushed an armed uprising in Moscow. He sent troops to take revenge on peasants and workers who had rioted.
His Russia 1905 Revolution, From the collection of: LIFE Photo Collection
That's the list of events of what happened in Russia during 1905. The Russian people were able to get a little bit of what they wanted, but then the Tsar took back his control.
His Russia 1905 Revolution, From the collection of: LIFE Photo Collection
Some things the Tsar did to survive: -He convinced the army to keep working for him and payed them more money -He made the manifesto, which made the people that were demanding stop -He had total control over the troops
Credits: All media
This user gallery has been created by an independent third party and may not represent the views of the institutions whose collections include the featured works or of Google Arts & Culture.
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