29 Best Free Stock Photo Sites for Royalty-Free Images in 2024

When you need eye-catching visuals for your next project, free stock photos can be a lifesaver. But with so many stock image sites out there, it‘s hard to know where to start. You want high-quality, royalty-free photos without the hassle or high price tag.

Never fear! I‘ve scoured the web to bring you the ultimate list of the 29 best free stock photo sites for 2024. From trendy lifestyle shots to stunning landscapes, you‘ll find exactly what you need to elevate your content.

Free Stock Photo Websites for Commercial Use

These days, most free stock photo sites allow you to use their images for commercial purposes, like in ads or on product packaging. However, it‘s always best to double check the licensing terms to be sure. The sites in this first category are ideal for jazzing up your marketing materials:

1. Unsplash

Unsplash is a favorite among marketers, and for good reason. All photos are free to use for commercial projects, with no attribution required. The collection is now over 3 million photos strong, with new high-res images added daily. Unsplash also has an intuitive search and handy collections to help you find the perfect shot faster.

2. Burst by Shopify

Burst is a free stock photo site geared towards entrepreneurs and small businesses. Brought to you by ecommerce giant Shopify, the images are all royalty-free and ready to use for commercial purposes. Categories range from products to people to conceptual images that capture ideas and emotions.

3. Pexels

Pexels provides high-quality, copyright-free stock photos and videos that you can use anywhere. The site adds at least 3,000 new images each month, so there‘s always fresh content to discover. Use the advanced search filters to narrow results by orientation, size, color, and more. Pexels also offers free background removal on a selection of images.

Diverse & Inclusive Stock Image Collections

Representation matters, and that goes for your choice of stock photos too. If you want to reflect the diversity of the real world in your content, check out these sites that celebrate inclusion:


TONL is on a mission to transform the way we see stock photography. The site features beautiful, authentic images of diverse people from all walks of life. Collections explore themes like love, work, parenthood and more, all through an inclusive lens. TONL releases a selection of free images each month, or you can subscribe for full access.

5. Nappy

Nappy provides high-res photos of Black and Brown people for startups, brands, agencies and content creators. The collection spans categories like lifestyle, work, travel and more, all available for free. You can search by keyword or browse curated collections and popular images. Nappy also accepts submissions to help grow representation in stock photography.

6. The Gender Spectrum Collection

This collection aims to help media and content creators represent members of the trans and non-binary community more accurately. It features free stock photos beyond the cliched, limited narratives we so often see. The images depict trans and non-binary people living their daily lives and provide much-needed representation.

Stock Photos for Blogs & Editorial Use

Compelling images can bring your blog posts and articles to life. Look to these free stock photo sites to find the visuals you need for your next story:

7. LibreShot

The photos on LibreShot, all taken by photographer Martin Vorel, have an authentic, editorial feel. From slice-of-life moments to landscapes and textures, the images are perfect for illustrating articles and blog posts. The site is easy to search and the photos are free to use with no attribution required.

8. Stocksnap.io

Stocksnap.io adds hundreds of high-res images each week, all available to use for free under the CC0 license. The curated collections help you find stylish shots for any topic, from food to fashion to travel. You can also search by keyword, orientation, color, and even number of people in the shot.

Unique & Artistic Stock Photo Options

Looking for something a little different for your next creative project? The following free stock photo sites offer images with an artistic edge:

9. Gratisography

As the name suggests, Gratisography is all about photography, for free. The images by Ryan McGuire have a quirky, whimsical style you won‘t find on most stock sites. From humorous poses to unexpected juxtapositions, they‘re sure to make your audience look twice. New photos are added weekly and all are free to use under the CC0 license.

10. JayMantri

Jay Mantri offers free stunning stock photos for creatives. The collection ranges from sweeping aerials to intimate portraits, all with a dreamy, aspirational aesthetic. Perfect for designs that need visual impact, the photos are free to use with no attribution required.

Vintage Stock Photos from the Public Domain

Vintage photos can add a unique touch to your designs. While you likely won‘t find the original files on today‘s stock sites, there are ways to source vintage images from the public domain:

11. New Old Stock

New Old Stock is a collection of vintage photos from the public archives, free of known copyright restrictions. From the late 1800s to the 1970s, the black and white images offer a fascinating glimpse into the past. Keep in mind that while likely safe for editorial use, you‘ll want to do further research before using commercially.

12. Public Domain Images from Museums & Libraries

Many museums and libraries, such as the Met, British Library and NYPL, have digitized their collections and made select images available in the public domain. This means you can use them for free without obtaining additional permissions in most cases. Check institution websites to search and learn more about their usage guidelines.

Tips for Using Free Stock Photos

Now that you know where to find high-quality stock images for free, here are a few tips to get the most out of them:

  1. Understand image licenses. Most of the sites here use Creative Commons CC0, meaning you can use the photos for free, even commercially. But some may have different terms, so always check before downloading.

  2. Use specific keywords. The more targeted your search term, the better the results. Think adjectives that describe the mood or feeling you want to convey.

  3. Customize images. Crop, color correct, and edit stock photos to better fit your brand aesthetic. Adding graphic elements or text can also make generic photos feel more unique to you.

  4. Consider representation. Aim for diverse and inclusive images that reflect your audience. Avoid cliched or stereotypical portrayals.

  5. Organize your photos. Rename files and use folders to keep your stock photo library organized and easy to search in the future.

Free Stock Photos Are Just a Click Away

With this curated list of the best free stock photo sites, you‘re ready to create content that engages and inspires. From marketing campaigns to blog posts to social media and more, great visuals are within reach in 2024.

Remember, trends in stock photography continue to evolve. Strive for authentic, diverse and inclusive images that resonate with your audience. Don‘t be afraid to look beyond the most popular sites and explore niche collections for hidden gems.

Ultimately, the right photo is the one that captures your vision and message. So go forth and create something amazing! I can‘t wait to see the stunning stock photos you choose.

What are your favorite free stock photo sites? Have you discovered any new go-to sources recently? Let me know in the comments!
