The Fabelmans (Autism Friendly Screening) - Film Review and Listings
Home The Fabelmans (Autism Friendly Screening)

The Fabelmans (Autism Friendly Screening) (12A)

Cast: Paul Dano, Gabriel LaBelle, Seth Rogen, Judd Hirsch, Michelle Williams
Genre: Drama
Author(s): Steven Spielberg, Tony Kushner
Director: Steven Spielberg
Release Date: 27/01/2023
Running Time: 151mins
Country: US
Year: 2022

In 1952, six-year-old Sammy Fabelman watches his first film, Cecil B DeMille's The Greatest Show On Earth, and experiences the first flushes of a love affair with cinema. As a teenage Sammy, answers his creative calling with a film camera gifted by his parents and words of wisdom from his granduncle Boris. A home movie of a family vacation exposes deep fissures in grown-up relationships and the fallout serves as a painful first lesson about the profound impact of moving images.

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UK and Irish Cinemas Showing The Fabelmans (Autism Friendly Screening)

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To: Thursday 30th May

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From: Friday 31st May
To: Thursday 6th June

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