Roy And H.G.'s Planet Norwich - Richard E. Grant - Official Website

Richard E. Grant – Official Website


Roy And H.G.’s Planet Norwich



Rampaging Roy Slaven and H.G. Nelson are two comedians who host their own “variety” show here in Australia. They’re actually very tongue in cheek and take the piss out of everything. This year, they decided to take their show to England and have hosted a series of shows from Norwich…hence the title.

On Sat 3rd of October this year, one of their three guests was REG and I’m pleased to say he handled them beautifully. Most of the English guests don’t “get” their humour and get very defensive and start bagging them and Australia. Thankfully REG took them both in his stride and played along beautifully. The only other “overseas” guest I’ve seen handle Roy and H.G. so well was Canadian actor, Mike Myers.

REG went on the show to promote his new novel “By Design”, but of course they didn’t end up talking much about it, as usually happens on talk shows. They did Harare him about his Barbara Streisand obsession however!

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