Skyscanner's Whole Month search for the cheapest flights

Unlock the secret to low airfares: a step-by-step guide to Skyscanner’s Whole Month search

Person looking at a row of lit up lanterns with red tassels

Want to find the very best flight prices? If you’re flexible on when you fly, use Skyscanner’s ‘whole month’ search tool to find the cheapest day to travel to your chosen destination. Read on to find out how to browse and bag the best flight for you.

Our ‘Cheapest Month’ feature is back

Historically one of our most popular money-saving tools, Cheapest Month is back and even better than before – making it easier to see the absolute cheapest month of the year to visit a destination when searching for ‘flexible dates’ and the cheapest price per month.

How to view the cheapest flights by month

Whether you have a specific destination in mind or are open to exploring new horizons, this comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge and techniques to navigate the world of air travel like a pro.

Step 1. Select a departure and destination city (or airport)

Step 2. Select ‘Whole month’

Skyscanner’s Whole Month Search on the website

Step 3. Click the green ‘search flights’ button

How to search cheap flights across the whole month with Skyscanner

Step 4. The next screen will show you the prices of flights across the whole month.

A whole month search calendar view on the Skyscanner website

Step 5. You can also view the month prices as a chart view, by selecting the ‘chart’ tab

So basically, Skyscanner offers two different views for exploring flight options for an entire month: the calendar view and the chart view.

The calendar view displays a whole month of flight options in a calendar format. Each day is color-coded to indicate the lowest and highest prices.

The chart view, on the other hand, allows users to weigh up flight fares visually by quickly comparing the height of the charts instead of by their specific prices.

Overall, the choice between the calendar view and the chart view will depend on the individual traveler’s needs and preferences.

A chart view of the flight search on the Skyscanner website

Score the top flight deals on the go with the Skyscanner app

  1. Download the Skyscanner app.
  2. Use ‘Explore everywhere’ search
  3. Choose ’Anytime’ and then select your preferred month
  4. Explore your getaway options 
  5. Book the best flight deals by month

Sign up for the Skyscanner newsletter today and start bagging those bargain flights!

Are you a savvy traveler on the lookout for the best offers on flights? No need to spend hours scouring the internet for the latest travel deals. With the Skyscanner newsletter, you’ll get proven travel tips, latest news, and flight offers delivered straight to your inbox.

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But the benefits of a Skyscanner account don’t stop at the newsletter. You’ll also have access to setting up Price Alerts and receiving the cheapest round-trip flights from your airport. With all these tools at your fingertips, you’ll be able to plan your travel with confidence, knowing you’re getting the best possible deal.

Traveling can be expensive, but with Skyscanner on your side, you’ll always stay informed and save money on your travel plans.

Skyscanner can help you find the best flights, hotels and car hire deal for your next trip.